Interesting article about iodine on this page.  Speaks of the discovery of 

I bought some iodine at the chemist today.  No big deal, you think.  I'd 
asked on Saturday - assistant couldn't find any.  Asked today - assistant 
could see a bottle listed on the computer, but not find it.  Eventually 
tracked it down in some back room.  (Small isolated town, but even so, I am 
surprised iodine isn't on the shelves or in the supermarket.)

I asked (sure she wouldn't have any or be able to get any) if she could get 
me Lugol's iodine.  The one I got is the only one available, she said, all 
others "discontinued".  Must work too well.

Anyway, the one I got is called Aqueous Iodine Solution APF which I suppose 
means Australian Pharmaceutical something.

 On the above site, it says USP (I guess US Pharma...) tincture of iodine 
contains 2% iodine and 2.4% sodium iodide dissolved in 50% ethyl alcohol
and Lugol's Contains 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide.

My bottle says: Iodine 5% w/v, Potassium Iodide 10% w/v

Do I have Lugol's solution anyway???
Richard?  Anybody?
And can I safely put a few drops in cider vinegar/honey? to drink?

I slapped it all over one foot to test the absorption.
Also mixed it with my (very strong, too strong to spray in  mouth) throat 
spray which also contains DMSO and dabbed that all over the place - well, 
here and there, anyway.

The annoying thing has been that I know very well that somewhere I have some 
Lugol's that I was given, and seem to have misplaced, and couldn't get any 
in the health food store in the nearest town.  But maybe I've got the right 
stuff now?


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