Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

I use a current limiting Diode. It is interesting to connect up a  cheap
voltage meter (harbor freight less than $5 on sale).
You can connect up power source and meter to silver and move silver closer
and further apart.
You will see the voltage change to limit the diode to it's rated setting. 
You can use a lower voltage power source by moving silver closer together,
not sure how low a voltage and still get 1 Mill amp
(rating of current limiting diode I use). I will have to try and see some
time.  You could use lower source still if you seed the batch 
With some CS. I put some distilled water away (in some plastic jugs from
pretzels) I put several ounces of CS in it. 
I checked the water the other day it was still fine after 2 years. This
makes a good Emergency water supply.
I could probably add more CS and extend the water for 2 more years or just
use it to redistill it again and start over.

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE