This is a picture of a "type" vortex
venturi to which I referred in my recent email .
While the cost is does serve to illustrate the
type of interface I suggested for generating
a vortex using two soft-drink bottles.  Anyone can make one of their
own, if they have to means for gluing/plastic
welding.....two bottle caps together.  Even secure taping will work.
          One means ( which I failed to remember during my post) for
MAKING  YOUR OWN vortex generator coupling
is to take two 2 liter bottle caps....bore a 3/8  to 1/2 inch hole
[your choice]  through each of them.....glue them together
in a top-to-top relationship.....and you have your own
coupling------at no additional cost.   Just attach the coupling
to the top and bottom sections of the generator assembly I just
outlined a few moments ago....and you are in business.
                               Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

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