Not sure if this has been posted in the past... stumbled on it in search
of sinus infection remedies ;-(


Cayenne and Colloidal Silver
It is unknown exactly how effective cayenne pepper is in delivering
colloidal silver to the bloodstream or organs of the body. Our
experiments centered around utilizing cayenne pepper orally for use with
stubborn lung infections that were resistant to other treatment.

In addition to stimulating the circulatory system, cayenne loosens the
mucus in the lungs associated with infections. Within only a few minutes
of using cayenne orally, the mucus begins to break up, and the lungs
begin a process of clearing. This treatment is ideal when nebulizing
with colloidal silver. Since any colloidal silver is most effective in
areas it can directly reach, utilizing cayenne in this manner can
greatly increase the infection fighting properties of colloidal silver
as used in the lungs.
<end snip>

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