> From: "leslie1053" <leslie1...@windstream.net>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Subject: Re: CS>Non-nutrative sweetner
> why would it only be toxic for a dog and not humans?

Xylitol can lower the blood sugar sometimes suddenly. 
This is also true with humans.  I liked to chew the
gum.  Once about lunch time I got a phone call &
because it ran long & grabbed a couple pieces of gum. 
Lunch was delayed and by the time I got off the phone
I was shaking due to the sudden drop in my sugar. 
This is usually not a problem as one often uses it for
brushing AFTER eating, etc.

With dogs, the sudden drop in glucose can cause a loss
of coordination and even seizures.  But even worse is
there is a strong link between ingesting the xylitol
and liver failure in the animal.

Not a good thing.


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