Subject: CS> Vit.C, Linus Pauling,Scurvy,limies!

I am re-posting this info as cholesterol is one of the most important substances in the body and should not be messed with carelessly.
"     A weak spot in an artery is likely a symptom of underlying scurvy; a
severe lack of Vitamin C.This lack causes the blood vessels to become very
thin ,weak and porous.The constant pulsing of the heart is much greater
here and stresses the wall of the blood vessel.This creates minute cracks
and the blood seeps out. The bodys' defenses have to stop this leakage and
uses Cholesterol [plaque]as the sealant.Over time this is repeated as the
cholesterol gets stiff and brittle thereby cracking also,so more plaster
is used until the vessel is plugged.
The blood vessels are like the chain which is only as strong as its'
weakest link, and the weakest link is near the heart in the majority of
The lack of Vit. C in the old days of sailing vessels was the cause of
scurvy amongst sailors.This was also known as the bleeding death as the
blood leaked out into the outer parts of the body.It was quite common for
more than half of the crew to perish on long journeys.
Isn't it significant that mainly the vessels near the heart are the ones
to get clogged in the majority of cases?
Picture an old garden hose under pressure and stepping on it up to and
over 72 times a minute,It would not last long without cracking.
My advice is to take mega doses of Vit. C as you may be assured this is
just the tip of the ice-berg.
In this case I would advise to go slowly at first,using small doses of
Vit.C.,building up to mega doses."
The British Empire came into being because the Navy ships would load up with Limes from Portugal when sailing out. The sailors were made to eat a lime each day.This kept them healthier than their enemies ,thus taking control of the seas.
This is how their nick-name came into being ;"Limies"
> Harold

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