Remember how we were told that COLLOIDAL Silver would POLLUTE the river water 
systems of the country and World . . . 

THRU K0v!d we have learned the "News Media" is totally beholden to Big Pharma 
and the Big DEEP STATE Government -- who constantly tell us how dangerous 
silver colloids were for the ENVIRONMENT thru the citizen's use of daily SILVER 

Just more LIES and deception to further CONTROL "we the PEOPLE . . . . those 
who are clever enough to USE Silver Colloids in our daily lives for HEALTH and 
WELL-BEING -- this writer has DAILY for 25 YEARS . . .
F**K BIG Pharma . . . 

The Silver Institute, Feb 2023New Study Confirms
Current Levels of Silver in
European Freshwater Bodies
Pose No Health Concerns

European governments frequently examine substances,
including silver, of potential concern to human or
environmental health. A recent study by ARCHE Consulting
and the European Precious Metal Federation (EPMF),
both based in Belgium, has analyzed data similar to that
used by the European Commission to assess safe levels
of substances in freshwater environments, in addition to
specific country data, which showed that current levels of
silver do not pose a risk to these environments.
The study, published in Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry and Integrated Environmental Assessment and
Management, comes in response to a European Commission
proposal to amend the European Union water legislation to
include silver as a priority substance even though it has an
extremely low Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) of
10 nanograms per liter, France Capon, Secretary General at
EPMF, told Silver News. The study, however, showed that
existing data and additional monitoring data from France,
Germany, Norway, Poland, and the Netherlands, suggested
there is no European-wide risk of silver in freshwater
environments. Therefore, the report authors noted, silver
should not be added as a ‘priority substance’ to the
European Union’s Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
list of substances posing a significant risk to or by way of
the aquatic environment.
The European Union Parliament plans to discuss the
proposal in May 2023, but any timeline for implementation,
if it happens, is unclear, Capon said. She added: “The
EPMF and ARCHE Consulting’s findings on all identified
European freshwater silver monitoring data is most timely.
We conclude that there is currently no reliable monitoring
data indicating a European-wide risk for silver in the aquatic
environment. In absence of any risk indication, silver should
not be selected as a priority substance under the Water
Framework Directive. These key findings have been shared
with the relevant authorities.”
The report added: “Selecting priority substances for which
risk has not been demonstrated means that Member States
will waste valuable time and resources on their routine
measurement while bringing no benefit to the aquatic
The authors noted that because of silver’s chemical
properties it is not unusual to find very low levels of free
silver ions in water, because it strongly binds with organic
and non-organic molecules and precipitates out of the water.