Ed McCabe, an American jounalist, and author and tireless advocate of
alternative therapies such as Oxygen Therapy and - has done years of
good work in  this area - is in jail in NY on trumped-up charges. 

Ed travels the world on a shoestring and talks to who ever will listen
about OT. He was in Australia rcently lecturing.

Apparently the authorities have finally said enough-is-enough and he's
in the slammer. Hey, he might be there for something legit, although the
talk on the street is "they have finally got him".

Search out the OT lists and sites and inform your-selves of his plight.
He of course doesn't have any money for laywers, and I believe a small
group are agitating on his behalf.

Make some noise all you Yanks and let the people know what an injustice
this could be.

Douglas Haack, Sydney

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