Check out and you can see a modern day example of
what Dr. Lane endured, but Dr. Burzynski eventually WON!




Very wise, PT!  The Feds have a long and disreputable history regarding
"trials" of alternative health strategies and materials.  In short, they

A perfect example was Dr. Wm. Lane, who wrote the book "Sharks Don't Get
Cancer" and who sold his specially purified shark cartilage  called Benefin
with the proud claim (and proof, which he had to go to Cuban hospitals to
prove, publicized on the TV show, 60 Minutes) that it stopped cancer by
antiangiogenesis, basically drying up the tumors' blood supply.  He had a
thriving forum like this one, which was read by many and postings were often
sheer gratitude, other times less so, as you would expect.   I was an avid
reader of his forum in the nineties, being a cancer patient at that time.