I saw this thread, and I was reminded of my own struggle, more than 25 years 
Why is it so hard to stop?
Well: little known FACT is that the manufacturers (the smokers' factories) put 
a sauce, a liquid, in the tobacco which is addictive. This is held secret for 
the public; would the governments know?
Now, so many years later, an almost health-freak who does no smoke, does not 
drink, and does not' a few things more, it has become clear to me that there is 
another factor: These toxins are stored, accumulated, in our reserves of body 
fat; one of the seasons drug addicts have quite a job to be unhooked from their 
lousy, incapacitating habit.
One remark I read in the thread is a Bingo: You have to WANT to stop, for 
without that basis you can do whatever you may think of .. you'll get back to 
Anyone interested in how I stopped?
Just for the fun of it: I started doing yoga, and then stopped for quite a 
while and ... started again. And even though 'that first one' was an awful 
-indeed a horrible- attack on my lungs (sounds familiar?) I did stay on it 
again; it was so 'social' .. you are 'one witta gang', yeah!
Then (1979), I ended up on the island where I have spent all the years after. I 
remember how many half-smoked packets I threw away (sounds familiar?)
Then, we started doing demanding sports: running, deep diving (SCUBA) and 
weight-lifting, and that did it.
Threw away another package, and never touched cigarettes, or any tobacco again!
Anecdote, now that we are on it: A few months later I went with my class of 
kids to the beach,and yeahhh! One little girl stepped into a black sea-urchin. 
That hurts bad, I can tell you from my own experience. 
Now one (just ONE) first aid trick helps: putting the hot cone of a cigarette d 
i r e c t l y on the affected skin of the foot, as fast a s possible. So I 
asked one of the accompanying mothers for a cigarette, and I do remember her 
astonished face, after all these years ..teacher smoking?.. Well! I lit that 
thing, and without really wanting to -you won't loose the reflex, my friends- 
pulled the smoke deeply into my lungs. I though I died! 
Anyway, the black thorns did come out at once, and the little girl was taken 
further care of by those loving accompanying Moms.
And I? I never touched cigarettes again.
Love to tell, keen to serve,
Licensed, practising and dedicated Reflexology therapist,
Dianetics Professional Auditor,
Health lover, Free Thinker.

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2010 09:43:54 -1000
From: papad...@gmail.com
To: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
CC: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>quit smoking

I have a friend who wants to quit smokingbut procastinates.Is there a 
supplement or herb that will helpa smoker quit ?I know part of this is 
cleansing the body of toxins.
