Here's link to Unsubscribe I found:
send email to:
in subject type: unsubscribe

Love the list -- so informative. Thanks Mike!!!  If wrong, please add CORRECTed 
link to Unsubscribe here in subject!

I'm headed out of town so will have to unsub later this week or set up another 
account where all this email can go for only this group or come back in digest 
form.  Just can't handle all the great mail when at conference in Dallas!  
Hearing Zig Ziglar and David Ring, etc. coming up this week!



Subject: Re: CS>remove from list is a DIY job

Robert Booth
>>--       The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal       
>>Silver. Rules and Instructions: Unsubscribe:        
>>Off-Topic discussions:            List Owner: Mike Devour 