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Mike D.

P.S. This  information may be of  interest to  others in the  list.
it is OK with you, would  you  mind posting this reply to the group? 

Mike,  thanks for your  answers,Marty


> I  see  your  working on mold  spores. I have been sick   for  over 2
> years  from  mold spores from car  venting  system.  Aspergillus  and
> many others.   I  would like anything I can  read  on  correcting  my
> health or on information  about my health risks or   detoxing Thanks
>  Marty 

Hi Marty,

I  had  to get  rid of my car due to the spore problem. Now I   have to
move  and will need to buy another one.

I'm sure   the   mold  problem will soon come  back.   There  may  be  a
solution that I haven't tried yet, but it  is my only  hope.

Some people  have put an ozone generator in  the car  and  let  it run
all night. This seems like it  might  work if the generator is able to
deliver a reasonable amount  of  ozone.

Unfortunately, the market is full of scammers   selling  products that 
not work.

I am   an  engineer and have studied the problem in detail. I  think  I
can  make  a  machine  that  will work,  and   I'm  in  the  process of
finishing  the   design.  I will build it soon and  let  you   know  the

In the meantime, try eBay or  Craig's List and see  if you can  find a
used one.  If  the seller will guarantee  the performance and  let you
return  it  if  it   doesn't work, you might have  a   solution  to  the

It is   important  to know that the  body's response  to  spores   is a
threshold  phenomenon.  That  means  your  body  can   handle  up  to a
certain  number  of  spores   per minute with  no   symptoms.  Once you
exceed this  threshold, you start  experiencing the symptoms.

So you  need  to do everything  you can to reduce the spore  load your
body  must   handle,  and  improve the  body's   ability   to  fight the

One thing I found  that  may help. Eat lots of raw vegetables.  I  chop
cabbage,  radishes,  green pepper, cucumber   slices,  fresh  broccoli,
carrots, and  anything else into  one large salad  bowl  and  eat that
each  day.

It  takes  a lot of time to prepare and eat, but  this  seems  to  help
improve the body's ability to fight  the spores.