Time for a new release announcement of TCP/IP for RSX-11M-PLUS.


. Added IGMP
. mDNS have been implemented
. Bug fixes and enchanced functionality in UDP
. Performance and stability improvements in TCP
. Improved Multinet driver
. Stability improvements in HTTP with CGI
. Bugfix for FTP/FTPD regarding files with implied CRLF
. Improved SPOOF handling of blocking whole subnets

Detailed information on things that have been done since the last release:

. Added ability to not loopback broadcast or multicast packets.

. Added IGMP protocol handler.

. Added ability to not loopback broadcast or multicast packets.
. Bugfix. The multicast related functions would crash the system if the argument had an odd address.

. Improved fast retransmit logic, which did not work right.
. Improved TCP probe handling.
. Bugfix. If large amounts of data was being sent in PU.TXT mode, and the data consisted of all NULs, the system could crash.

. mDNS have been implemented.

. The Multinet driver have been redesigned to improve compatibility with VMS.

. Added /NOLOOPBACK switch to avoid loopback of broadcast or multicast packets.

. Added the switch IGMP among the other statistics switches, and output.

. Bugfix: The CGI handling could leave the HTTP task hung forever for some badly formed requests.

. Bugfix. If a file was transferred in binary mode, and had attribute implied CR+LF, the CR+LF was lost.

. Improved SPOOF detector to better block whole netblocks.

Some additional notes:

For people who don't know what mDNS is, it is a way of resolving host names to IP addresses on a local network without having to setup any DNS server. It works by using the special domain ".local". So if you have a machine called "foo", and your machines are all mDNS capable, you can reach the machine "foo", by addressing it as "foo.local" on your local network. No additional configuration is needed.
This is all part of the IP zero configuration framework.

As usual, the distribution is available from:

The documentation is also available through ftp on Mim, or also at http://mim.update.uu.se/tcpipdoc

I hope people find this update useful.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: b...@softjar.se             ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
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