And now for a bit of a diversion after an otherwise fairly quiet week on the 
SIMH mailing list ...

Last week I was watching a DVR-ed recording of Arrow on the CW network 
( ). The particular episode was "Beacon of 
Hope".  Just a few minutes in, as the last of the opening credits are 
finishing, one the main characters, Felicity Smoak, is working on a hard 
problem when her tech-geek offsider Curtis makes a reference to Digital 
Equipment Corporation and them spending $700K on the first VAX.  I had to hit 
rewind to make sure I heard that correctly.

Obviously someone who writes for the show is fond of old computer systems from 
the good-old days when DEC rule the minicomputer space, or they did a little 
bit of Googling and perhaps just plucked the $700K figure out of thin air !

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