Hi Herve,

At least one syntactical error that might be playing a role:
Your Timeline view "opening div" is missing its closing angled

Also, it looks to me like your data might be a little muddled.  For
example, you have records that represent "individuals" and other
records that represent "locations".  At a minimum, Exhibit requires
all records to have a label (your "locations" records do not).  I
usually include label, id, type in all my "Exhibit records" for

Finally, I see that you have 3 map views on your page.  Is this
intent?  Do you not want both birthplaces and deathplaces to be
displayed on a single map?  Either way, I would start by minimizing
the complexity by focusing on getting the color coder to work with a
single map view.


On Nov 17, 7:27 pm, Hervé <genealo...@pencalet.com> wrote:
> Mark,
> I put on line my page
> http://www.nicolas-sylvestre.genealogie.pencalet.com/exhibit.html
> You will see that all persons have they birth and death location in
> white (mixed), only one person en green because he has no death
> location. So this is pointing to
> ex:colorkey=".couleur"
> ex:colorCoder="cities-colors"
> to be the culprit, but I do not see how I could solve this issue.
> Thank you, Herve

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