Re: [Simile-Widgets] Properly display embedded Tweets in Exhibit across facet filtering

2015-10-30 Thread Tully Hansen
I'm sure a JS programmer somewhere just lost their wings, but I found a fix that seems to work! Embedded tweets displaying properly across facet filtering. jQuery(document).on("onItemsChanged.exhibit", function(evt) { *setTimeout(function(){twttr.widgets.load()}, 0);* // works!

Re: [Simile-Widgets] Properly display embedded Tweets in Exhibit across facet filtering

2015-10-29 Thread David Karger
Exhibit is not designed for realtime updates. It fetches its data once, and never interacts with a server again. dataload.exhibit is only twittered once, because data is never loaded again. ditto for exhibit.configured.itemsChanged and facetUpdated does get triggered each time you change a

Re: [Simile-Widgets] Properly display embedded Tweets in Exhibit across facet filtering

2015-10-29 Thread Tully Hansen
Thanks David. I can see why calling twttr.widgets.load(); on data load.exhibit won't work after the initial load. Oddly (to my limited understanding), I can put twttr.widgets.load(); inside of onAfterViewPanelSwitch.exhibit: jQuery(document).on("onAfterViewPanelSwitch.exhibit", function(evt) {

[Simile-Widgets] Properly display embedded Tweets in Exhibit across facet filtering

2015-10-29 Thread Tully Hansen
I want embedded tweets to show in my Exhibit 3, see table facet in demo here: – I would like to know where I should call Twitter's twttr.widgets.load(); such that any change in Exhibit data display (including filtering via facet