hi all,

this email provides a more detailed description of major new features
in SEC-2.9.alpha1.

Firstly, one can use 'egptype' and 'egpattern' fields in EventGroup
rule that specify an additional event group matching condition to
conventional threshold conditions. The 'egptype' and 'egpattern'
fields define the *event group pattern* which can be a regular
expression, string pattern, or a Perl function. Event group pattern is
used for matching the *event group string* which reflects all events
the event correlation operation has seen within its event correlation

For example, consider the EventGroup2 operation which has observed
three events, so that the earliest event has matched its 'pattern'
field, and the following two events its 'pattern2' field. In that
case, the event group string is "1 2 2". The event group string is
matched with the event group pattern only after *all* traditional
numeric threshold conditions have evaluated true.

To illustrate how event group patterns work, consider the following
EventGroup2 rule:

desc=Sequence of two or more As and Bs with 'A B' at the end
action=write - %s
egpattern=1 2$

Also, suppose the following events occur, and each event timestamp
reflects the time SEC observes the event:

Mar 10 12:05:31 EVENT_B
Mar 10 12:05:32 EVENT_B
Mar 10 12:05:38 EVENT_A
Mar 10 12:05:39 EVENT_A
Mar 10 12:05:42 EVENT_B

When these events are observed by the above EventGroup2 rule, the rule
starts an event correlation operation at 12:05:31. When the fourth
event appears at 12:05:39, all threshold conditions (thresh=2 and
thresh2=2) become satisfied. Note that without 'egptype' and
'egpattern' rule fields, the operation would execute the 'write'
action. However, since these fields are present, the following event
group string is built from the first four events "2 2 1 1", and this
string is matched with the regular expression 1 2$ (the event group
pattern provided with the 'egpattern' field). Since there is no match,
the operation will *not* execute the 'write' action given with the
'action' field.

When the fifth event appears at 12:05:42, all threshold conditions are
again satisfied, and all observed events produce the following event
group string: "2 2 1 1 2". Since this time the event group string
matches the regular expression given with the 'egpattern' field, the
operation will write the string "Sequence of two or more As and Bs
with 'A B' at the end" to standard output with the 'write' action.

To summarize, the 'egptype' and 'egpattern' fields allow for matching
specific event sequences in a given time window (e.g., one can verify
if events appear in specific order).

The 2.9.alpha1 version is also supporting five new actions: 'cmdexec',
'spawnexec', 'cspawnexec', 'pipeexec', and 'reportexec'. These actions
are similar to 'shellcmd', 'spawn', 'cspawn', 'pipe', and 'report'
actions, but they execute command lines without shell interpretation.
For example, consider the following action definition:

cmdexec rm /tmp/report*

This action will execute the command line 'rm /tmp/report*', but
unlike the 'shellcmd' action, the asterisk is not treated as a file
pattern but just as a file name character. Therefore, the action will
remove the file with the name "/tmp/report*", and not the files
/tmp/report1 and /tmp/report2 if they are present in the /tmp

The new actions you can find in 2.9.alpha1 allow for executing
external programs in a more secure way and avoiding unexpected side
effects if shell metacharacters are injected into command lines. Also,
the SingleWithScript rule has an additional 'shell' rule field in the
new version for running external programs with or without shell

Finally, the new version is no longer using the Perl JSON module and
has switched to JSON::PP, since unlike the JSON module, JSON::PP is a
part of the standard Perl distribution. This means that SEC is only
using standard Perl modules now which come together with Perl, and
does not require any additional modules. Since Sys::Syslog and
JSON::PP modules might be missing from some old Perl distributions
(Perl versions 5.8, 5.10 and 5.12 usually don't have them installed by
default), the presence of these modules is not mandatory. If you have
such an old Perl distribution and don't want to install Sys::Syslog
and JSON::PP manually, SEC will simply run with a couple of
non-essential features disabled, producing a warning message if you
attempt to use these features.

As for other new features and changes in SEC-2.9.alpha1, please see
the changelog of the new version.

kind regards,

Simple-evcorr-users mailing list

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