On 03/01/2012 12:27 AM, Damian Montaldo wrote:
Hi, I'm new to system imager (great work BTW)

I'm stuck in the lack of grub2 support, trying to give a chance before drop it.
I read that there is (or was) some work in progress in

It's true? there is some work in progress? Because I can't find
anything useful in the trunk.
I read about SALI and then start using it but I found that there is no
"native" support to grub2 neither (starting from a fresh SI and SALI
installation, you have to write a post-install script)

So, I start writing some patches to SALI and the si_mkclientnetboot
script to give grub2 support from scratch but I can't find a mailing
list or a way to suggest patches (they have only a trac system).

Any idea or suggestion?
Any light at the end of the tunnel? ;)



 SALI is a trac project. The trac project has also a ticket system. You can 
create a ticket and attach the patch or just email to:
  * s...@sara.nl

Just updated the wiki with the email address for tickets, thanks for reporting

*  Bas van der Vlies                    e-mail: b...@sara.nl       *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services   Amsterdam, The Netherlands *

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