
  The Rag Blog Digest  July 7, 2011 (

 Richard D. Jehn, founder    Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor


VIDEO  / Jeff Zavala and Thorne Dreyer : 'Eco Outlaw' Diane Wilson on Rag  
Radio (
 )Video by Jeff Zavala / Interview by Thorne Dreyer /  The Rag Blog. Watch Jeff 
Zavala's video -- taped during  Dreyer's Rag Radiointerview with environmental 
activistDiane Wilson, "who has  earned the wrath of industrial polluters 
everywhere."The remarkable Wilson,  author of Diary of an Eco-Outlaw, was a 
lively and entertaining guest  and Zavala captured it all, with flair. Rag 
Radio airs every Friday from 2-3  p.m. (CDT) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin and is 
streamed to the world.

Roger  Baker : U.S. Driving Hits the Wall (
 )by Roger Baker / The  Rag Blog. Baker continues his transportation series 
that centers  on the issue of peak oil and its ramifications. Baker says that 
driving in the  U.S. peaked in 2007 and here heexamines the reasons, the 
implications, and the  prospects for the future. The reduction in driving, he 
says, is not only due to  high fuel prices, but is part of a global trend that 
predates rising fuel costs.  Roger, as always,makes an impressive case, with 
substantial  documentation.

Richard  Raznikov : Bradley Manning and the Obama Grand Jury (
 )by  Richard Raznikov / The Rag Blog. Attorney Raznikov contrasts  the 
historical and contemporary uses of the grand jury system, originally  designed 
to protect the rights of the individual, andpoints outhow that system  is now 
being used against military whistleblower Bradley Manning. "Anyone who  might 
expose inconvenient 'secrets' -- truths -- is an enemy of the state,"  Raznikov 
tells us, "and what is being done to Bradley Manning... is meant to  discourage 
and to intimidate."

David  P. Hamilton : Nationalization and French Socialism (
 )by David  P. Hamilton / The Rag Blog. In his latest dispatch from Paris,  
Austin activist and writer Hamilton discusses socialism in France, and 
contrasts  the history of nationalization in France and the U.S. "It is in 
Western Europe,"  David says, "where we see the most successful efforts to 
protect the commons  while simultaneously nurturing a vibrant private sector in 
the context of  political democracy."

In Austin? 

Join us for Thorne Dreyer's Birthday Party 

and Rag Blog Bash

Yep, he's 'another day older and deeper in debt.' 

So let's rub it in!!!

Friday, July 29, 6-9 p.m.

Maria's Taco Xpress
 2529 South Lamar Blvd, Austin, Texas 
 Maria's full bar & menu
 Leeann Atherton performs on the patio at 7

No presents, but
 Contributions to The Rag Blog welcome

(Aug. 1 is really Dreyer's birthday, but who's counting?) 



Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer (
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here (

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

July 8, 2011: Author, Journalism Professor, and Political Activist Robert 
July 15, 2011: Linda Stout, Author of Collective Visioning: How Groups Can Work 
Together for a Just and Sustainable Future.

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's July 1 interview with  (
 )Underground Radio Pioneer Bob Simmons (
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio (


Peak driving: Hitting the wall.

TRAVEL  / Olga Bonfiglio : How the Empire Builder Made Me a Rail  Fan (
 )by Olga Bonfiglio / OpEd News. Olga  has fond memories of her first 
experience, as a girl scout, riding a train from  Detroit to Grand Rapids. Now, 
after spending 31 hours and one night on the  Empire Builder, traveling from 
Chicago to Seattle/Portland, she's become a big  fan of the rails.The trip, 
part ofthe Rails to Trails Program -- a  collaboration between Amtrak and the 
National Park Service -- showed her that,  even if trains take a little longer, 
they provide a "green alternative"  andanenriching experience.

Harry  Targ : Lessons from the Underground Railroad (
 )by Harry Targ  / The Rag Blog. Professor Targ participated in an  
enlighteningtwo-day trip to southern Indiana and Ohio, visiting sites along the 
 Underground Railroad and learning much newabout the history of African 
Americans' active resistance to slavery in the 17th and 18th centuries.  For 
instance, songs like "Follow the Drinking Gourd" and "Go Down Moses" were  
filled with secret directions for escape, as was the quoting of certain  
scripture in Black churches.

Jim  Rigby : Nero's Fire (
 )by Jim Rigby / The Rag  Blog. In a speech on World Refugee Day, Rev. Rigby 
spoke to  mourningfriends and family members of the 1,900 people from Austinwho 
had been  deported or detained over the last year. He pointed to the unfounded 
claim made  by a U.S. senator that the wildfires in Arizona could have been 
started by  immigrants. This represents a classic technique, Rev. Rigby tells 
us, of a  leader redirecting attention away from the "powerful guilty and upon 
the weakest  and most vulnerable" of the population.

Rabbi  Arthur Waskow: A Declaration of Independence from Corporate  Domination 
 )by Rabbi Arthur Waskow / The Rag  Blog. "We hold these truths to be 
self-evident," Rabbi Waskow  saysas he presentsa list of "certain unalienable 
rights,"that  include"honorable jobs with living wages," and "democratic 
elections not  controlled by wealth," adding that "governments, corporations, 
and other  institutions are founded solely to secure these rights and uphold 
these  responsibilities..."

Underground Railroad: "Follow the Drinking Gourd"

The Rag Blog is a non-profit internet newsmagazine produced by activist
journalists committed to progressive social change. The Rag Blog is published 
by the New Journalism Project, inc., a Texas non-profit corporation
has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
Revenue Code. This status is retroactive to Oct. 9,

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