
  The Rag Blog Digest  September 8, 2011 (

 Richard D. Jehn, founder    Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Mike  Davis : The Embers of September (
 )by Mike Davis / The Rag  Blog. Author and noted scholar Davis suggests 
that,10 years ago,  Lower Manhattan became the "Sarajevo of the War on 
Terrorism." As with the  assassination of the Archduke and his wifein 1914, a 
"small network of  peripheral but well-connected conspirators, ennobled in 
their own eyes by the  bitter grievances of their region, attacked a major 
symbol of the responsible  empire." In both cases the outrages were designed to 
detonate "larger,  cataclysmic conflicts," and they were "successful beyond the 
all  imagining."

Jay  D. Jurie : Keystone XL is a Pipeline to Big Profits (
 )by Jay  D. Jurie / The Rag Blog. Former NASA scientist Jim Hansen has  argued 
that if tar sands development continues and the massive Keystone XL tar  sands 
pipeline is built, "it is essentially 'game over' for climate change." Jurie 
tells of the history of the extraction of crude oil from tar sands and  its 
effects on the environment, and he reports on the proposedmassive pipeline  
from Alberta, Canada, who stands to gain from it, the dangers involved, and  
themilitant movement to stop it.

Sarito  Carol Neiman : Healthcare on the Ground II: The Angels (
 )by  Sarito Carol Neiman / The Rag Blog.This is thesecond  installment 
ofSarito's very personal and engagingreport onher father's West  Texas medical 
odyssey. Here she talks about health care at the high  techhospital where 
herfather just had his operation, and the nature of  hands-on care he has 
received. Shetells us aboutthe nurses, and especially the  precious few -- 
labeled "angels" by her brother -- "who are doing more than just  their jobs."

Bob  Feldman : The Alamo and the Republic of Texas (
 )by Bob  Feldman / The Rag Blog. In his continuing series on the hidden  
history of Texas, Bob tells us how Santa Anna's troopsmarched on San Antonio in 
 February 1936, where they met -- and wiped out --the mostly white Anglo men  
under the command of William Travis at an abandoned Franciscan mission called  
The Alamo. Santa Anna's men were soon defeated at San Jacinto, however, and the 
 pro-slavery Republic of Texas was founded.

Nancy  Miller Saunders : Idiots and Blinders (
 )by Nancy Miller  Saunders / The Rag Blog. Saunders, who was involved with the 
 GI anti-war movement in the Vietnam era, asks if those who run our 
intelligence  operations are "idiot savants," brilliant in some areas and 
totally  oblivious in others. She considers a frightening current military 
effort  involving "forging the onscreen cyber-trademarks used by Al Qaeda" 
toconfuse  and incite jihadists -- and compares them to failed  provocateur 
efforts aimed at anti-war demonstrationsscheduled forthe  national political 
conventions in 1972.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer (
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here (


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

Listen to Thorne Dreyer's Sept. 2, 2011 Rag Radio interview with Film Historian 
Chale Nafus (
 ) of the Austin Film Society
Sept. 9, 2011: Noted Writer and Political Activist Carl Davidson on the 
Mondragon Corp. and the Workers' Cooperative Movement.
Sept. 16, 2011: Singer/Songwriter and Storyteller Don Sanders.
Sept. 23, 2011: Suspense Novelist David Lindsey on the booming Private 
Intelligence Industry.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. (

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


Tar sands: A pipeline to profit.


Writer and Political Activist 

Carl Davidson:

"Mondragon and the 

Workers' Cooperative Movement"

A Multi-Media Presentation

Thurs., Sept. 8, 2011, 7-10 p.m., 5604 Manor Austin, TX

Performance by Musician Bill Oliver

Harry  Tarq : 9/11's in U.S. and Chile 28 Years Apart (
 )by Harry  Targ / The Rag Blog. On Sept. 11, 1973, a violent coup in  Chile 
resulted in the death of President Salvador Allende and, for the next 15  
years, a highly repressive regime ruled with an iron fistby Gen. Augusto  
Pinochet. 9/11 in the U.S. was different, of course, as the country was 
attacked  by foreign terrorists. But, "in both countries the 9/11 event was 
followed by  violence, threats to democracy, and economic shifts from the vast 
majority of  the population to the wealthy and political/military elites."

Video  / Larry Piltz : You Asked Us to Believe (
 )by Larry Piltz /  The Rag Blog. Rag Blog contributor Piltz produced and 
performs  on this video. The post includes his lyrics: "'Fear Wins' read the 
headlines /  on the papers in the windows / as the sun rose on the anger / of a 
nation in the  headlines...."

Mike  Lofgren : Why I Left the GOP Cult (
 )by Mike Lofgren /  Truthout. Former GOP operative Lofgren provides a  
comprehensive chronicle of the Republican Party's remarkable and tragic descent 
 into something moreresembling an "apocalyptic cult" than a traditional  
political party. "If you think Paul Ryan and his Ayn Rand-worshipping 
colleagues  aren't after your Social Security and Medicare," he warns, "I am 
here to  disabuse you of your naivet."

David  Van Os : To the Blathering Pols on Labor Day (
 )by David Van  Os / The Rag Blog. In a Labor Day commentary, noted civil  
rights attorney Van Ospredicts that politicians everywhere will be ascending  
the speaker's platforms and loudly swearing their "undying loyalty to the 
issues  of workingfamilies." This time, he hopes, workingpeople will hold the  
politicians to their promises.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Are Bush and Perry Birds of a Feather? (
 )by  Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog. Lamar says that Bush "was a  challenge 
to listen to without talking back to the television," and that even  today he's 
"unapologetic for the whoppers he told." But Rick Perry "engages in  the same 
abandonment of truth -- on steroids." The issue of secession may excite  Tea 
Partiers, "but Perry's Social Security statements seem intended to foment  fear 
in young people and appeal to that ideological bugaboo  socialism..."

Blathering pols: Working the crowd.

The Rag Blog is a non-profit internet newsmagazine produced by activist
journalists committed to progressive social change. The Rag Blog is published 
by the New Journalism Project, inc., a Texas non-profit corporation
has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
Revenue Code. This status is retroactive to Oct. 9,

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