
  The Rag Blog Digest  June 30, 2011 (

 Richard D. Jehn, founder    Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Paul  Krassner : My Lesson in Mindfulness (
 )by Paul Krassner /  The Rag Blog. Famed satirist Krassner reflects on a  
life-changing event when police brutally beat him after the 1979trial of Dan  
White, who was convicted of killing progressive San Francisco Mayor George 
Moscone and  Supervisor (and gay leader) Harvey Milk. The injury resulted in an 
ongoing and  life-threatening physicalcondition and finally -- after Paul 
"limped the gamut of  therapists" and was told he was a "walking time bomb" -- 
he went under the knife. All of which ultimately resulted in a new 
"mindfulness" for the man novelist Ken Kesey once labeled a "Zen Bastard."

Jonah  Raskin : Interviewing Journalist and Gay Activist Allen  Young (
 )by Jonah Raskin / The Rag Blog. Jonah -- who ishimself a veteran of the 
Sixties counterculture--interviews  Young on the occasion of his 70th birthday. 
It is a refreshing and revealing  discussion, as Allen reflects on his historic 
life as a journalist  (Washington Post and Liberation News Service) and an 
activist,  providing anunflinching assessment of the Sixties New Left and the 
historic  struggles of the gay liberation movement.

Glenn  W. Smith : Conservative Lies About Human Nature (
 )by Glenn W.  Smith / The Rag Blog. Since World War II, America's elite  
policy makers haveinterpreted our political and economic relationships around  
an understanding of human behavior thatfeeds a dog-eat-dog individualism and a  
sense of powerless in the face of godlike market forces. But virtually every  
field in the human sciences has found that, in fact, we are hard-wired for  
empathy and aren't the "selfish... and exclusively materialist creature 
invented  by conservative propagandists."

Mary  Tuma : Rick Perry (Selectively) Touts Texas Economy With Glenn  Beck (
 )by Mary Tuma / The Texas  Independent. While schmoozing with Glenn Beck on 
Fox News, Texas  Gov. Perry again hit on his prime talking points, touting the 
Texas economy and  job creation numbers. But he failed to add that Texas leads 
the nation in people  making minimum wage or less and avoided mentioning the 
state's structural budget  deficit and sweeping cuts to health services and 
public education -- as well as  what Time Magazine has called his"job poaching" 
from states like  California and New York.

Dr.  Stephen R. Keister : Poverty and Public Health in  America (
 )by Dr Stephen R. Keister / The Rag  Blog. In his latest commentary on the 
state of health care, the  good doctor reports on an academic study that "found 
that poverty, low levels of  education, poor social support, and other social 
factors contribute about as many  deaths in the U.S." as do heart attacks, 
strokes, lung cancer, and other  familiar health issues. Yet our 
representatives continue their attempts to cut  "an already inadequateMedicaid 
program" and to "revise" Medicare  benefits.


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer (
 ): Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here (

Rag Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures 

July 1, 2011: Media Producer and Counterculture Veteran Bob Simmons.
July 8, 2011: Author, Journalism Professor, and Political Activist Robert 
Listen to Thorne Dreyer's June 24 interview with  (
 )Environmental Activist  (
 )Diane Wilson (
 ), author of Diary of an Eco-Outlaw.
Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio (


Hungry for your love: Dog eat dog world.

Harvey  Wasserman : Countdown to Nuclear Disaster (
 )by Harvey  Wasserman / The Rag Blog. Harvey tells us that "humankind is  now 
threatened by the simultaneous  implosion, explosion, incineration, courtroom  
contempt, and drowning of  its most lethal industry," as "Fukushima spews, Los  
Alamos burns, and  Vermont rages," and in Nebraska, the flooding Missouri River 
 continues  to threaten at least two heartland nuclearreactors.

FILM  / Gregg Barrios : 'Incendies' is Scorching Odyssey of Death,  Rebirth (
 )by Gregg Barrios / The Rag Blog. Gregg says that Denis Villeneuve's 
Incendies, nominated for best  foreign film at last year's Oscars, is rendered 
on an almost epic scale asthe  director"weaves his riveting tale alternating 
past with present to a fever  pitch." It's partly set in a fictional Middle 
East country, modeled after  Lebanon and its long civil war between Muslims and 
Christians, and features a  "pitch perfect" performance by Lubna Azabel.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Michele Bachmann's Revelations (
 )by Lamar W.  Hankins / The Rag Blog. Bachmann, who once called  herself a 
"fool for Christ," has said that Godpersonally directed her to run  for 
Congress --and now for President of the United States. (He also apparently  
told her to oppose "Obamacare.") Bachmann, who is the darling of the current  
news cycle, hasopined that public school teachers should not encourage children 
 to share, because sharing is socialistic.Wedon't know if God advised her on  
that one.

Alice  Walker : Why I'm Joining the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (
 )by  Alice Walker / The Guardian. Pulitzer prize-winning American  poet and 
novelist Alice Walker is participating in an international flotilla  sailing to 
Gaza to challenge the Israeli blockade. She is aboard The Audacity of  Hope, a 
boat that will be carrying letters of solidarityto the people of Gaza.  Walker 
tells us why she's doing it. The post also includes an analysis by  The 
Guardian's Emine Saner.

Robert  Jensen : The Anguish in the American Dream (
 )by Robert Jensen  / The Rag Blog. In this provocative essay, Professor Jensen 
--  who will be Thorne Dreyer's guest on Rag Radio, Friday, July 8 -- suggests 
that,  once weface the "anguish inherent in the American Dream," and recognize 
that  thedream has always been"dependent on domination," we can see more 
clearly  "ouroptions for a just and sustainable  future."

Jordan  Flaherty : Murder Trial Begins for Danziger Bridge Cops (
 )by  Jordan Flaherty / The Rag Blog. Arguments have begun in  whatsome 
considerthe most important trial New Orleans has seen in a  generation. It is a 
shocking case of police brutality that has already redefined  the city's 
relationship to its police department and radically rewritten the  official 
narrative of what happened in the chaotic days after Hurricane  Katrina.

Michele Bachmann: God made me do it.

The Rag Blog is a non-profit internet newsmagazine produced by activist
journalists committed to progressive social change. The Rag Blog is published 
by the New Journalism Project, inc., a Texas non-profit corporation
has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
Revenue Code. This status is retroactive to Oct. 9,

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