
  The Rag Blog Digest  Nov. 30, 2011 (

 Richard D. Jehn, founder    Thorne Webb Dreyer, editor


Bill  Meacham : What is Truth? (In 400 Words) (
 )-- By Bill Meacham  / The Rag Blog. Bill's essay on "Truth" (in 400 words or 
less)  was a winner in Philosophy Now's essay contest and is also a big winner  
in our humble estimation.("Truth is useful. Does that mean that what is useful  
is true? That is not a useful question.") We also post another provocative (and 
 winning)take on the subject by Bill's colleague, Robert Tables.

Allen  Young : Is 'Mic Check' Just 'Political Shouting?' (
 )-- By  Allen Young / The Rag Blog. The Occupy Wall Streetmovement  has 
captured the attention and imagination of the country -- and with it's  advent 
have come some stylistic innovations. One of those, known as "mic check,"  has 
served as a unique means of communication among demonstrators -- and has  more 
recently been usedas a technique tointerrupt speeches, including one by  Karl 
Rove. Our old friend and colleague Allen has serious reservations about  "mic 
check" which he shares with us -- along with an email string reflecting some 
sharply differing opinions on the subject. The post includes a video of the 
Karl Rove disruption.

Paul  Rosenberg : American Deceptionalism (
 )-- By Paul Rosenberg /  Progressive America Rising. In an incisive and  
thought-provoking opinion piece, Rosenbergsays that, "Under the growing  
influence of the 1 per cent, American exceptionalism has become American  
deceptionalism." Paul says that the U.S.' "perverse refusal to learn from 
others  who have been inspired by us in the political realm is strikingly at 
odds with  Americans' grassroots improvisatory traditions." This piece, which 
originated  with Al Jazeera, is a must read.

Robert  Jensen : Occupy Congress (
 )-- By Robert Jensen / The Rag  Blog. Jensen reminds us that left activists 
"typically argue that  political change comes not from electing better 
politicians but building  movements strong enough to force politicians to 
accept progressive change." But  Norman Solomon has concluded that it isn't an 
"either/or" question. The  activist, author, and media critic, who supports a 
"green New Deal,"is running  for Congress and Jensenthinks he -- and his ideas 
-- deserve our  attention.

Marc  Estrin : Who Needs Tear Gas? (
 )-- By Marc Estrin / The  Rag Blog. New England novelist and activist Estrin 
discusses the  evolvingtactics being used by mayors and police chiefs against 
the Occupy  movement.They are turning tonovel approaches which involve a 
"switch from  blameworthy military attack to invisible counterinsurgency." One 
effective  tactic, he tells us, is "don't given them any place to pee." 

Bob  Feldman : Reconstruction in Texas, 1865-1876 (
 )-- By Bob  Feldman / The Rag Blog. In the latest installment of his  "hidden 
history of Texas," Bob tells us about the Reconstruction years which  included 
the time of emancipation of African-Americans, and a period when many  black 
men held office.He also recounts the fraudulent election of 1873 in which  
manyblacks were prevented from voting by "white supremacist Democrats who had  
previously supported the Confederacy."


Rag Radio with Thorne Dreyer (

Every Friday, 2-3 p.m. (CST) on KOOP 91.7-FM in Austin. 
To stream online, go here (


Rag  Radio features hour-long in-depth  interviews and discussion about  issues 
of progressive politics, culture,  and history. Our guests  include newsmakers, 
artists, leading thinkers, and  public figures.

This Friday: Dec. 2, 2011: NewYorkTimes Columnist Robert H. Frank, Author of 
The Darwin Economy.

Dec. 9, 2011: Nonviolent Activist Val Liveoak of Peacebuilding en las Americas.

Dec. 16, 2011: Singer/Songwriter and Activist Eliza Gilkyson.
Dec. 30, 2011: Environmentalist & Climate Change Activist Bruce Melton.

Listen to earlier shows on Rag Radio. (

Rag Radio is rebroadcast every Sunday at 10 a.m. (Eastern) on 

WFTE, 90.3-FM in Mt. Cobb, PA and 105.7-FM in Scranton, PA.


Mic check : Sounding off.

Jack  A. Smith : The U.S. and Irreversible Climate Change (
 )-- By  Jack A. Smith / The Rag Blog. Jack Smith provides a revealing  and 
sobering wrap-up of the status of climate change and the response to it,  
telling us that the Obama Administration "has largely remained passive about 
the  critical imperative to reduce greenhouse gases to limit catastrophic 
global  warming." In fact, he says, the White House is greatly expanding U.S. 
access to  fossil fuel energy sources even as scientific and environmental 
groups are  intensifying their warnings about the worsening situation.

Lamar  W. Hankins : Ayn Rand and the Sophistry of the  Libertarians (
 )-- By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag  Blog. Lamartells us that AynRand glorified 
individualists who,  in her belief,succeed because of their own actions, 
resources, intellects, and  willpower. But, Lamar says, you have to "have 
blinders not to see the importance  of the cooperative spirit that pervades 
America," and not to see how "the  profiteers, using libertarian 
justifications, help corporations dominate  American life."

Danny  Schechter : The Media and Occupy Wall Street (
 )-- By Danny  Schechter / The Rag Blog. Danny discusses how the media have  
traditionally covered social movements: "First they ignore you. Then they  
ridicule you. Then they realize you are a story and fall in love. So they build 
 you up but then... tear you down." He suggests how the Occupy 
demonstratorsneed  to find "more creative forms of outreach and organizing to 
turn a community of  activists into a mass movement" with demands that will 
resonate with the  community.

CARTOON  / Joshua Brown : Life During Wartime: March of History (
 )--  Political cartoon by Joshua Brown / The Rag Blog. Artist/historian Brown 
offers one of his inimitable quick takes on the "March of  History." (The more 
things change, the more they...)

Ted  McLaughlin : Congressional Insider Trading is a Crime! Or Should Be... (
 )-- By Ted McLaughlin / The Rag  Blog. Surprise! Members of Congress regularly 
do something that,  if done by other Americans, would be considered a criminal 
act. "Insider  trading" -- when inside information is used to gain an unfair 
advantage in the  stock market --appears to be a routine occurrence among 
members of Congress and  their aides. Ted suggests some ways this problem could 
be addressed.

Got gas? : Big gulp. 


The Rag Blog is a non-profit internet newsmagazine produced by activist
journalists committed to progressive social change. The Rag Blog is published 
by the New Journalism Project, inc., a Texas non-profit corporation
has been granted tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal 
Revenue Code. This status is retroactive to Oct. 9,

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