In all honesty, Bill Ayers was a hero

by CaliforniaMike
October 11, 2008

Without any hope of winning on the issues, Republicans are now 
attacking Barack Obama for his relationship with a former member of 
the Weather Underground.

There's a sad aspect to the way the candidate's association with Bill 
Ayers has been distorted. Indeed, the way what Ayers himself did has 
been distorted.

I refuse to let the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys rewrite the 
history of the 1960s. Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, were 
heroes who made tremendous sacrifices in the name of stopping an 
illegal, evil war.

Yes, they set bombs. But no one ever seems to mention that they set 
them in places and at times where no people were involved. All they 
were attacking was property, and they were attacking in what they saw 
as the only effective way against an administration that did more 
damage to the Constitution than any other one except maybe the current one.

Yes, Ayers has said he regrets not doing more. But he wasn't talking 
about setting more bombs. He was referring to the fact that he wished 
he could have done more to end the Vietnam War sooner.

Until Ronald Reagan and Rambo came along, America had reached a 
pretty good consensus that the Vietnam War should never have been 
fought. There are plenty of conservative veterans of that war -- 
living in red states -- who would agree with that.

The war was evil. It was all about dominoes, about supporting a 
corrupt regime in South Vietnam and about making money for the 
military-industrial complex.

We knew that in 1969.

Why don't we remember it now?

Maybe because we've been over-entertained and over-medicated, or 
maybe because we've been dumbed down.

I'll say it again.

Bill Ayers was a hero.


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