Perhaps I'm not being clear as to what I mean by old and new highlights.
I've written two scenarios up, and in doing so found a couple of more
palatable workarounds than before.

This should make it usable until Apple comes around with a fix, at least if
you don't mind a slight inconvenience.

*Scenario 1:*

   - Open a document with highlights created in Skim 1.4.29 (103).
   - Notice existing highligts are transparent and look good.
   - Create a new highlight of any color.
   - Notice that while dragging to lay down the highlight, the highlight
   appears transparent, and that when dragging stops, the highlighted area
   becomes opaque.
   - Notice that scrolling a little bit or moving the window fails to cause
   a refresh/redraw correctly.
   - Save the document and close it.
   - Re-open the document.  Notice the highlight is correct.

*Workaround #1: Close, and re-open the document, as in the above scenario.*

*Workaround #2: Scroll very far from the original highlight (manually, or
via a bookmark/highlight), then go back.*

*Scenario 2:*

   - Create a new highlight - notice that it's opaque.
   - Delete the highlight - notice the opaque "residue" remains.
   - The residue can be removed by either workaround #1 or #2 above.

Apologies for any confusion.


On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Christiaan Hofman <>

> This makes no sense. There is no difference between old an newly added
> highlights. They are always newly added to the PDF in the view.
> Christiaan
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