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Dear Kristian

Thank you for your response.

>> Second, with 1.1.3, are ECC signatures lost? Meaning if someone 
>> queries my server running 1.1.3 for a key containing an ECC 
>> signature, will only the one signature be missing or will there
>> be problems syncing any further signatures?
> For signatures the ECC signature will be gone by default, or an
> error will be shown for a primary ECC key. The keys will
> synchronize and the full key can be gotten from a 1.1.3 server
> using &clean=off option that disable the presentation filter.
> You'll find some details on number of ECC (primary) keys at [2]

So all the keys will be in the database on a 1.1.3 server, but
searching for ECC keys will fail with an error, and ECC signatures
will be omitted due to the filter which can be disabled with
clean=off. Did I understand you correctly? In which case, a 1.1.4
server that is only peering with a single 1.1.3 server which peers
with the networ will get all the keys and return correct results. Is
that true? Will a dump on a 1.1.3 contain the ECC key material?

>> I.e. will the whole key be lost, the ECC signatures only, or any 
>> signature after the first ECC signature is added? Another
>> question that occurs to me is, how many ECC signatures are
>> actually in the wild? Are many users affected? If so, I wonder if
>> the logic that selects my server for inclusion in the pool is
>> doing the right thing. Mine isn't the only 1.1.3 server included.
>> So I wonder.
> ECC safe pool is the subset pool c.f. [0]. The 1.1.3 requirement
> is set mainly due to subkey safe searching. This will be bumped to
> 1.1.5 once released.

Which requirement is this? For the ECC-safe pool? Because otherwise
this seems to contradict the next paragraph.

> 1.1.3 should be reasonably safe (in the meaning I don't have any 
> immediate plans to discard it form the pool), however do note that 
> 1.1.4 was released in October 2012[1].

>>> I believe that Kristian is currently trying to coordinate 
>>> getting some final changes in before a 1.1.5 release which
>>> will have enough cleanups and improvements in ECC and web
>>> security areas that it should be considered a "really really
>>> should upgrade" release.
> It would have its set of improvements, indeed. And you're correct
> in that I'm in favor of a new release soon, although I must state
> the disclaimer that we haven't decided on this in the team yet.

Do you have a time frame in mind?

Are the planned improvements documented somewhere? Are they in the
repository in the TODO file?

Is the repository always the latest version?

Is the repository always safe to run? I mean, can the head always be
safely deployed to be part of the public network?

PS, sorry if my questions are tedious, but I'm new to sks so there's a
lot that's not clear to me and I would like to make sure I don't
misunderstand something. I hope it's okay.

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