
I'll need to move my keyserver (keyserver.pki.scientia.net) to a new
host/IP (and perhaps I'll even change the domainname with that) in a few
days and wondered the following:

Since (IIRC) the 1.1.4 changelog mentioned that it added support for the
ECC keys... what does that mean for 1.1.3 servers?
Can't they get/store ECC keys right now? Will they pull all the missing
keys once being upgraded from the other servers? Even when a key had
both RSA and ECC primray/subkeys mixed?


btw: Does anyone know about the status from the sks Debian package (the
official one)? Is it  going to be upgraded anytime soon?

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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