hey folks--

i'm comfortable with git.  i'm even comfortable on github, gitlab, and
other similar platforms.

I'm not as comfortable with mercurial (hg), or with bitbucket's hg
interface, but i think i'm educable.  This is a request for pointers for
simple workflow help.

i find that every time i want to propose a simple change to the sks
project in a convenient way for upstream (e.g. as a pull request), i
spend hours beating my head against the wall.

with git, i would do something like:

    git clone $UPSTREAM_REPO
    cd $REPO_NAME
    git checkout -b $FEATURE_BRANCH_NAME
    $EDITOR example.source
    git add example.source
    git commit -m 'explanation of change'
    git push origin $FEATURE_BRANCH_NAME

Then i would go to whatever goofy webui the project uses and
clicky-clicky through to make a "merge request" or a "pull request".

In situations where i don't have push access to the $UPSTREAM_REPO
(which is fine) i make a "fork" (i.e. my own copy) of the repo on the
upstream hosting platform, and i pull from there and push to there
instead.  (the clicky-clicky bit of making a "merge request" or "pull
request" is then slightly more complicated)

I've even tried to do this on bitbucket for sks, with:


But it's possible that i've screwed that repo up badly enough that i
can't get it to do what i'd want to do.  and i can't convince bitbucket
to let me make a new "fork" of the upstream sks-keyserver either :/

Is there a comparably simple tutorial someone can point me to for
contributing to sks?

or, would sks folks be interested in moving to git for revision control?

    --dkg, frustrated at having spent too much of the day on
      administrivia instead of actual contributions

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