Damien Sandras, lead developer de GnomeMeeting, critica algunes coses d'Skype:

"The main problem is not that the program is not Open Source, the problem is that Skype is locking users into a proprietary protocol. Would you imagine the Internet with a proprietary equivalent to the HTTP protocol that only a given client could browse? That’s what happens with Skype. Skype also has a great marketing force, some people even think that Skype has a superior audio quality. How could Skype have a superior quality when it is using the same codec (iLBC) than software like GnomeMeeting while introducing more latency by making calls go through a 3rd party? The only real advantage of Skype is that it is easily going through any type of NAT, using a 3rd user to proxy the call. But the day when the Linux kernel NAT will natively support H.323 or SIP, Skype will have lost its only advantage... Skype is hype..."

Que en penseu?

De telefonia no en tinc ni idea, algu sap si l'SkypeOut (i l'SkypeIn que esta al caure) es quelcom que s'han hagut de currar els d'Skype o la tecnologia existeix arreu nomes que ells l'han empaquetat en un producte ben acabat? Llevat que legalment hi hagi restriccions, podria una empresa competencia muntar facilment un clon d'SkypeOut/SkypeIn i basar el seu negoci en el cobrament, a la vegada que publicant el necessari per a que terceres parts n'escriguin clients?

-- fxn

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