
This is not directly SlackBuilds.org-related, but I can't think of a better place to ask this. As some of you maybe know, I'm providing a series of online repositories for Slackware packages: http://www.microlinux.fr/slackware. More often than not, I'm building these packages using modified scripts from SlackBuilds.org.

Currently, Slackware 14.0 and 14.1 are supported for 32-bit and 64-bit architecture, and I'm planning to follow Slackware's support cycle for future versions.

There's a bit of redundancy for some of the packages, and I'm thinking about moving them to some sort of common repository. Some packages are essentially repackaged binaries, and I'm thinking about these especially:

* jdk
* flash-plugin
* openoffice
* openoffice-langpack
* libreoffice
* libreoffice-langpack

My idea is to create a separate MLED-common-32bit and MLED-common-64bit repository for these packages, which could be usable for Slackware 14.0, 14.1 and future versions.

As far as I can tell, the packages mentioned above are packaged in exactly the same manner for Slackware 14.0 and 14.1, and will probably be packaged likewise for the coming releases of Slackware. So this seems like a good idea to me. But then, maybe there's a pitfall I don't see.

Any suggestions ?

Microlinux - Solutions informatiques 100% Linux et logiciels libres
7, place de l'église - 30730 Montpezat
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Mail : i...@microlinux.fr
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