re: setting up a show

1995-12-31 Thread Brian Wieser
just my own two cents -- you can check out the massive article/piece on 
setting up shows (spec. all ages) in the august '95 Discorder magazine, 
which is on line (and fully hyper-texted!) at
brian, who's just returned from the completion of another self-promo'd show!

Re: adam PI sloan

1995-12-30 Thread Megan Lea Mallett
i don't know if adam PI sloan is the same one who nardwuar mentions, (but 
it probably is)  adam bootsy sloan used to be the student engineer at citr 
(ubc radio
station) and lived with valeria for a while last year.  that's when they 
came up with their side project called Mishin Imposticle.  They just 
have the one tape.

and yes, valeria used to be with cub

adam used to play bass with perfume tree and now is in a rap group with 
his sister, called Tara T and the Beat Assassinator.  they have recently 
released an independent cd.  adam also runs noizi studios and has 
recorded many vancouver bands over the years.  he said that he's going to 
be releasing a cassette compilation of all the remixes that he's done for 
the bands he's recorded.  it should be cool!

wow, finally something i can comment on!


re: just a one question

1995-12-23 Thread Tara da Costa
hello! :)

hello there and merry christmas. i have been off the list for a while now 
and i'm just wondering about something. what's going on with the les 

the tapes are presently being run-off by tara lee :) we are beginning to
work on cover art/sleeve design/zine stuff etc..
should be done sooon! :) -- famous last words ;) im getting a bad rep
lately on the slacker tip..

amis du sloan thingie? i wrote tara da costa about it a while ago, but i 
haven't gotten anything back from her. is it happening? did it happen? 

oops i think i might have accidentally deleted the msg :(
etc..?? and zine-wise..has anyone on the list offered any new 'issues' 
since this summer? i know, i'm really really off..just clueless.

yah there's been lotsa new stuff! i hope all the zine kids email you w/
details :) if not email me and ill hook ya up w/ some addresses :)
as for us, there is a summer ffiction out w/ lotsa interviews and stuff.
fall ish. coming soon (heehe late as all heck):) email me if yr
interested. :)

merry christmas, everyone! :) :) :) have a ravin' holiday! ;) ;)

tis the season to kill lawlor
fa la la la la la la la la --herbal E
tara :) :)
freakin fish is a elf who loves crack

ps/ new grand joined the sonic unyon klan! treble charger are moving to
new york? whats the deal. and did anyone else read the sloan tidbit in the
stink? ohboyohboyohboyohboy :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

The smile that you send out...
   returns to you. :)
-Indian Wisdom

Re: the republic(maybe)

1995-12-22 Thread Shant Pelley

On Thu, 21 Dec 1995, McHugh,Janet;Med; wrote:

 It's now in it's fourth! Don't forget the moodring line up, and I heard that
 the new line up played it's first gig recently.

yeah...and i guess no one else *did* say anything about it, so i guess i 
will:) i thought it was great! they opened up with venus and mars by 
wings...and it worked well. mike was centered between seb on the left on 
drums facing centre, and alyson playing bass on the right facing centre. it 
was a rather laid back set, but well performed. lots of new songs, and 
only one, capability, old song. the new songs were really good, only 
featuring mike as the vocalist, with seb and alyson on backups.

i sorta miss the old hardship post, but i'm just viewing all these 
changes as a new band now. i know it's not indicative of them now, but i 
*still* think it would be nice to hear colourblind or my only aim 
again someday. 

i'm really anxious to see the next version in february with alyson on vox 
cheers, and happy holidays to all sloannetters:)

Re. Sloan gig on Realtime 23Dec

1995-12-20 Thread cp
for any of you that are on the RT mailing list,
the Sloan gig was mistakingly listed as being
aired at 11pm when in fact it's goin' down at 
9pm local times. 
i thing the Rheos. are being played at 11pm local times.

here's the word from mr. RT himself:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 21:23:31 -0800 (PST)
From: realtime [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: looking FAR ahead to RT dec23


sloan is at 9pm local times
(an hour later atlantic, 1.5 newfoundland)

I'd like to blame it on too much nog, but ain't had




ok, maybe cp dumb but it looks as though both
dem concerts happening at da same time.
check it out.
love, cp

 the Rheostatics
 and you'll hear it at 
 11pm local times
 (midnight Atlantic
 12:30 Newfoundland)

 11pm local times
 (an hour later atlantic
  1.5 later Newfoundland)
 Recorded February 24th
 at Warehouse - Toronto

* *


Re: Logos / Pepsi bilked by Jesus

1995-12-18 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
Pseudonym, Clever [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

}however, jpyanota and i saw a curious subvertee
}for Jesus yesterday in the context of a Pepsi logo.
}eyp, j-e-s-u-s right where you usually see the p-e-p-s-i.
}jp remarked, who does pepsi take on in that case?

I can see the bigwigs at Pepsico screaming:

wait for it...

Jesus Bilked my Pop Logo


Re: rich

1995-12-18 Thread colin mackenzie
jale have infact released three vids for their Closed ep
how did they afford it
one Double Edge was sponsored by VideoFACT and the other two
Jesus Loves Me and Long way Home were hand made at very low cost, shot on 
Super eight by Eve-Jesus Loves Me, and Jennifer-Long Way Home
and they were eddited with the help of Ann Verrall at the Center For rt 
Tapes, an Artist run Center here in Halifax.
You do not need $20 000 to make a video
just a great idea, it is the perfect oportunity for those 
Spike Jonzes who think music is cool but there skills are visual not 


Re: Jale, tour?? New Release??

1995-12-18 Thread Joyce Linehan

On Thu, 14 Dec 1995, Cory J. Boehm wrote:

 Joyce Linehan writes:
  jale is going home from Chicago today, having all but finished their new 
  record with Brad Wood at Idful.  They recorded 16 songs, 12-14 of which 
  we be on the album.  The rest will be used as b-sides and such.  They 
  record comes out in May, and the band will tour extensively after that.  
  I suggest you find something else to satify your jones at the moment.
 I heard that Brad Wood did vocals on some of the songs, they planning to 
 release any of those?  Also by extenswive tour are we to assume that 
 means the usual Canadian dates, ie. Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver are 
 all of Canada.

I'm doing my best to keep them out of Winnipeg.  Other than that, they're 
on their own.

Re: Calgary band crap

1995-12-18 Thread Lisa Wilton

   I logged on figuring on finding a big post from Tara Lee herself
 about the show, but alas, there was none. Who played on Friday, Lisa? 

Apparently, I was wrong about them not filming on Friday since they spent
at least 10-15 minutes talking about the bands who played that night. I
thought the FEDS were quite good, they're sort of this ska/mod hybrid and
they brought out the Mod contingent who have been lurking around Calgary 
for the past few months. Wagbeard are surprisingly good considering 
they're not really my style. They more thrash pop than most of the stuff 
I like, but the songs are pretty catchy none the less. And Pat, the 
guitarist is probably one of the funniest guys I've ever met. If you 
watched it, he's the geek with the glasses :)

 Where were the Primrods, Chixdiggit and Huevos Rancheros?? What other good
 bands are there in Calgary? It seems like there are a lot of new bands,

I think Simeon from RAF wanted to showcase some of the newer pop bands, 
and also he wanted different bands who didn't play last year. It's too 
bad the Primrods didn't play because they great, if you can find there cd 
where you are, pick it up. Chixdiggit and Huevos Rancheros really don't a 
lot of showcasing, at least in Calgary. Huevos are now on One Little 
Indian in the UK and Chixdiggit just got signed to SubPop. Graham Huevos, 
the bassist just left the band though. I don't think they are going to 
break up though, I think they're looking for a new bassist now. So if any 
of you hep cats can play a mean surf punk bass guitar..

I've just noticed all the typos and shit that I've made. Sorry. Anyway,
two bands from Cowtown you should keep an eye out for, TOLEDO SPEEDWAY 
and STRAIGHT. Toledo Speedway is a band Mike Catano might like, kind of 
Swervedriver-ish at times and Straight are like a cross between poppy 
Superchunk and good Pixies. Very nice.

 even since I was there in May. And what the hell is with Difference Engine

Funk rock isn't really my scene either.

   Matt, who thinks MuchWest's Calgary coverage was 8.47 billion 
 times better than its Winnipeg coverage. G. And I was also pleased to 
 discover that Winnipeg's music scene has a buzz about it, or so says Steve 
 from Wagbeard. Curious.

If I'm not mistaken, Crash Test Dummies are from there aren't they? That 
scene's a hoppin'!!

Cheers, Lisa :-)

Re: the republic(maybe)

1995-12-18 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
seek and ye shall find lame ob. sloan net references within...

On Mon, 18 Dec 1995, Jeremy Harris Clarke wrote:
 since i live in shitholeland i don't know where this is and my question 
 is only about the republic and not about the cure ripoff band that sold 
 6 t-shirts. i'd just like to know where it is, who plays there, is it 
 cool, etc.

the republik (note spelling, hip communist-era/80s reference for ya) is 
located in calgary, alberta. it's ok, cool bands that have played there 
include the posies, inbreds, pavement, seam, yo la tengo, sloan, pond, 
six finger satellite (ok, they're sort of cool...), jale, eric's trip, 
super friendz, and the hardship post (both incarnations).

james covey has a republik toque. does that make him cool? damn straight.

 i don't know if anyone else saw it but from the hip is almost 
 vomit-inducing, it's so bad.  now street cents, there's a good canadian 
 show.  if only they would bring back the fat guy who moved up north or 

i've only seen two episodes of from the hip and was so flabbergasted to 
see all the cool hangouts from calgary on national television i can't 
really objectively say whether it completely sucks or only partially sucks.

one of my best pals jason said sloan on the galapagos raygun episode 
just for all you sloannetters. nice huh?


Re: schizoid reissue

1995-12-17 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
OK, this is a hoot. The reissue is just the left over copies of the 
original pressing with new covers on them. It was NOT recorded or 
released in '85 it was recorded in '86 and released in '87. The other 
guitar player was Bob Average (nee Armstrong) he is also the one who 
rereleased it and we all are not quite sure where the 10th anniversary 
thing came from. He now lives in T.O. which explains the record label 
thing, he used to play for Rise as well. Rod Wills plays drums, he used 
to play for W.A.F.U.T., Fish n Rod, the Privateers and some other bands.

The thing to watch for when buying Schizoid singles is to see if you got 
the mispressing which has the same two songs on each side and one of them 
isn't even supposed to be on the record, and isn't on the real pressing. 
There's something like 100 copies of the mispress around.

Everything else Jeremy said was correct. 

Re: Logos / Pepsi bilked by Jesus

1995-12-17 Thread Pseudonym, Clever
i know i missed the ruminations re. Pathos - er, Logos...
however, jpyanota and i saw a curious subvertee
for Jesus yesterday in the context of a Pepsi logo.
eyp, j-e-s-u-s right where you usually see the p-e-p-s-i.
jp remarked, who does pepsi take on in that case?
compliments of the season,

On Thu, 7 Dec 1995, Andrew P. Rodenhiser wrote:
 Don't they get shit on for copyright reasons?  I mean, if you stuffed your 
 ps. Hey Jon, why hasn't anyone asked you about the t-shirts since you got 
 back on?  :)
 I know you got the shirts so we'll see them by Xmas, I'm not asking!

Re: Underwhelmed video!!

1995-12-15 Thread colin mackenzie
now are you talking the spin the bottle video or that car one?

On Thu, 14 Dec 1995, Phreek Boy wrote:

  Don't mean to offend anyone but Underwhelmed wasn't that good 
  of a video on the global scale either.
 Yes it was cheaply done and it doesn't rank up there with 
 ace frehely's video for rock soldiers comebut 
 as we've always agreed on's one of the coolest videos 
 ever!!  Didn't you say that pentland was writing a test that day so 
 he missed like half the video shoot and he's only in it at the end??  
 Can Anybody confirm this??? 

Re: jale's new vid

1995-12-14 Thread Michael Ligon
On Wed, 13 Dec 1995, Chen Wing Lisa L M wrote:

 hey sloannet kids,
 so i saw jale's jesus loves me vid on the wedge yesterday. it 
 consists of shots of an amusement park, and eve in extreme close-up black 
 and white. and so i am wondering: where was the rest of the band?
 is there some allusion that i'm missing? 
 jeez. love, lisa c-w.
Well maybe the close up of Eve has to do with with the fact that she 
wrote the song although I'm not sure why they chose not to have the other 
memebers of the band in the video. (BTW, I haven't seen the video and 
I've only seen their video for `Double-Edge' once. I think all the 
members of SloanNet should organize and each e-mail to Muchmusic 
demanding a video spotlight on Jale (or how about Sloan). So how about it 
people? Let's do it!


Re: Jale, tour?? New Release??

1995-12-14 Thread Joyce Linehan

On Wed, 13 Dec 1995, rod thurber wrote:

 Greetings from Vancouver where the expected high today is 12, that
 is plus 12 degrees celcius ;-  Apparently no one out here has pissed off
 the lady in control.
 Anyways what is up with Jale?  Has anything been released since the Closed
 EP?  and when are they going back on tour??  I saw them this summer, here,
 but now I have a jones to see them again.

jale is going home from Chicago today, having all but finished their new 
record with Brad Wood at Idful.  They recorded 16 songs, 12-14 of which 
we be on the album.  The rest will be used as b-sides and such.  They 
record comes out in May, and the band will tour extensively after that.  
I suggest you find something else to satify your jones at the moment.


Re: Sloan lyrics!!!

1995-12-13 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
The whole file, posted here just last week.
Hope nobody else has sent it yet, these things eat drive space 



She was underwhelmed
If that's a word
I know it's not
'Cause I looked it up
That's one of those skills
That I learned in my school

I was overwhelmed 
And I'm sure of that one
'Cause I learned it
Back in grade school
When I was young

She said, You is funny
I said, You are funny
She said, Thank you
And I said, Never mind
And she rolled her eyes
Her beautiful eyes

The point is not the grammar
It's the feeling
That is certainly in my heart
But not in hers

We were talkin' about people
That eat meat
I felt like an ass
'Cause I was one
She said, It's okay
But I felt like
I just ate my young

She's obviously
A person with a cause
I told her that
I don't smoke or drink
She told me to loosen up
On her way to the L.C.

She skips her classes
And gets good grades
I go to my courses
Rain or shine
She's passing her classes
While I attend mine 

She wrote out a story
About her life
I think it included 
Something about me
I'm not sure of that
But I'm sure of one thing
Her spelling's atrocious

She told me to read 
Between the lines
And tell her exactly
What I got out of it
I told her affection had two F's
Especially when 
You're dealing with me

I usually notice
All the little things
One time I was proud of it
She says it's annoying
She cursed me up and down
And rolled her R's
(Her beautiful R's)

She says I'm caught up
In triviality
All I really wanna know
Is what she thinks of me
I think my love for her
Makes me miss the point
I miss the point 
Hey mister


Look through the music
There's a dancing girl
She can be broken
In your hands
She knows you're looking at her
But that's what scares her
You're in the space
That she commands

If she still likes you 
You might get a call
She'll ask you why 
You stood and stared
You will be hearing from her
But that should scare you
If she still likes you
Be prepared

Pardon me for calling
But I'm just checking in
You don't know who I am
But I know where you've been
You sit and tap your fingers
When you should tap your phone
Tap all your resources 
Until she leaves you alone
She leaves you alone

The girl's got nothing on you
But that's what bugs you
'Cause you still let her get to you


So long, Matthew
I will miss you
There is too much to do
Or I'd go with you
It's a bad time 
I haven't got a dime

So long, Allison
I now know where you've been
But I don't know where you're goin'
There's security in knowing
But I know some morning
Without any warning
You'll be gone

Oh you've kissed me, kissed me
Now you're supposed to miss me

So long, Andrew
I will miss you
I just wrote you a long note
You'd better answer
I am the cancer
Removed from you

Oh you've missed me, missed me
Now you've got to kiss me
Kiss me goodbye

So long, scarecrow
At least with you I know
You're going nowhere
What do you care
There's nothing up your sleeve
So you can never leave
Why would you?

Stay there, scarecrow
Sorry I had to go
But I shall return
It was my turn to get away
Someone had to stay
So I can go

I miss you most of all
You've kissed me, kissed me
I can't wait until you kiss me
Until you kiss me
I can't wait until you kiss me
Kiss me again


I can't tell you what I want to
I can't tell you 
I can smell you a mile away
Measured arms you've flexed before
Next to a battleship
You made me mad, I made you sad
But now I'm glad you're gone
Take me on, take me on

Count to ten, I'll be there
Tone it down, I'll be in the barrel
Point came for you to be
Gettin' close to me
Can't you see I can't be
I assess the situation differently

You should hit the median strip
You should hit the median strip

Take me on, take me on

Three day bender set you straight
Two flights were both on time
To fight was on your mind
Tonight I don't feel fine
Feel free to dwell on what you feel
Free to say I don't feel free
You made me mad and now I've had
To say that I was wrong

You should hit the median strip
You should hit the median strip

Take me on, take me on


I know it's none of my business
What you do
But you don't have a clue
He's just a friend 
But he's got it out for you
I thought I should tell you

Hold this close to your chest
No one can know
He won't let his feelings show
He keeps them under wraps although
They would love to flow

What he never told you
Is that he would love to hold you
Take a look around 
Take it in

Take it in, take it in

I don't think 
That it's appropriate to cry
Here's something to wipe your eye
His only fault
Was that he was much too shy
And he didn't even try

So bein' all by yourself
Is no way to be
There's plenty of fish in his sea
It's not the end of the world
Take it from me
You can take from me

'Cause you have more to offer
Than you 

Re: Sloan lyrics!!!

1995-12-13 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
The whole file, posted here just last week.
Hope nobody else has sent it yet, these things eat drive space 



She was underwhelmed
If that's a word
I know it's not
'Cause I looked it up
That's one of those skills
That I learned in my school

I was overwhelmed 
And I'm sure of that one
'Cause I learned it
Back in grade school
When I was young

She said, You is funny
I said, You are funny
She said, Thank you
And I said, Never mind
And she rolled her eyes
Her beautiful eyes

The point is not the grammar
It's the feeling
That is certainly in my heart
But not in hers

We were talkin' about people
That eat meat
I felt like an ass
'Cause I was one
She said, It's okay
But I felt like
I just ate my young

She's obviously
A person with a cause
I told her that
I don't smoke or drink
She told me to loosen up
On her way to the L.C.

She skips her classes
And gets good grades
I go to my courses
Rain or shine
She's passing her classes
While I attend mine 

She wrote out a story
About her life
I think it included 
Something about me
I'm not sure of that
But I'm sure of one thing
Her spelling's atrocious

She told me to read 
Between the lines
And tell her exactly
What I got out of it
I told her affection had two F's
Especially when 
You're dealing with me

I usually notice
All the little things
One time I was proud of it
She says it's annoying
She cursed me up and down
And rolled her R's
(Her beautiful R's)

She says I'm caught up
In triviality
All I really wanna know
Is what she thinks of me
I think my love for her
Makes me miss the point
I miss the point 
Hey mister


Look through the music
There's a dancing girl
She can be broken
In your hands
She knows you're looking at her
But that's what scares her
You're in the space
That she commands

If she still likes you 
You might get a call
She'll ask you why 
You stood and stared
You will be hearing from her
But that should scare you
If she still likes you
Be prepared

Pardon me for calling
But I'm just checking in
You don't know who I am
But I know where you've been
You sit and tap your fingers
When you should tap your phone
Tap all your resources 
Until she leaves you alone
She leaves you alone

The girl's got nothing on you
But that's what bugs you
'Cause you still let her get to you


So long, Matthew
I will miss you
There is too much to do
Or I'd go with you
It's a bad time 
I haven't got a dime

So long, Allison
I now know where you've been
But I don't know where you're goin'
There's security in knowing
But I know some morning
Without any warning
You'll be gone

Oh you've kissed me, kissed me
Now you're supposed to miss me

So long, Andrew
I will miss you
I just wrote you a long note
You'd better answer
I am the cancer
Removed from you

Oh you've missed me, missed me
Now you've got to kiss me
Kiss me goodbye

So long, scarecrow
At least with you I know
You're going nowhere
What do you care
There's nothing up your sleeve
So you can never leave
Why would you?

Stay there, scarecrow
Sorry I had to go
But I shall return
It was my turn to get away
Someone had to stay
So I can go

I miss you most of all
You've kissed me, kissed me
I can't wait until you kiss me
Until you kiss me
I can't wait until you kiss me
Kiss me again


I can't tell you what I want to
I can't tell you 
I can smell you a mile away
Measured arms you've flexed before
Next to a battleship
You made me mad, I made you sad
But now I'm glad you're gone
Take me on, take me on

Count to ten, I'll be there
Tone it down, I'll be in the barrel
Point came for you to be
Gettin' close to me
Can't you see I can't be
I assess the situation differently

You should hit the median strip
You should hit the median strip

Take me on, take me on

Three day bender set you straight
Two flights were both on time
To fight was on your mind
Tonight I don't feel fine
Feel free to dwell on what you feel
Free to say I don't feel free
You made me mad and now I've had
To say that I was wrong

You should hit the median strip
You should hit the median strip

Take me on, take me on


I know it's none of my business
What you do
But you don't have a clue
He's just a friend 
But he's got it out for you
I thought I should tell you

Hold this close to your chest
No one can know
He won't let his feelings show
He keeps them under wraps although
They would love to flow

What he never told you
Is that he would love to hold you
Take a look around 
Take it in

Take it in, take it in

I don't think 
That it's appropriate to cry
Here's something to wipe your eye
His only fault
Was that he was much too shy
And he didn't even try

So bein' all by yourself
Is no way to be
There's plenty of fish in his sea
It's not the end of the world
Take it from me
You can take from me

'Cause you have more to offer
Than you 

Re: The Jammin' Monkey Again..

1995-12-12 Thread Lee Obrien
Do you have to be under 19 to go to this place? I thought that I read 
that somewhere here. I can't believe that I may have to get some sort of 
I.D saying that I'm under 19 to go see Ched... For those of you of legal 
age in nfld, one of the worlds great mysteries giver will be playing at the 
Spur on friday night and they have someone opening for them this guy will 
be playing indian/egyptian style music. Check it out the show and pool are 

We Take A Norwegian Cruise But We Don't Go To Norway - WEEN

Re: Sloan Lyrics-Medium Rare

1995-12-12 Thread James R. Covey
someone asked about the song american groove and i wrote:

 american groove is an MC5 song.

and then chris trowbridge corrected me...

don't mean to be picky but...american ruse is an MC5 song. New York 
Groove is an Ace Frehely song. Groove is in the Heart is a Deeelite 
song. We're an American Band is a Grand Funk Railroad song.
I don't know any American Groove, though it would be in good company as 
a song title...

hey chris, you're absolutely right.  actually, jay corrected me
after i posted that.

i think where this all stems from is the sloan cover of that song
which you can hear them do live in that concert that is being
rebroadcast on dec 23.  if i remember correctly it sounds like they
are saying american groove.  

anyways.  yeah.  american ruse, mc5.  that's the song.


 _James R. Covey [EMAIL PROTECTED]_sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __  _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
/ __| |/ _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / __| __| [un]subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\__ \ | |_| | |_| | | | |   | | | |  __| |_  to post to the list send mail to
|___/_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|   |_| |_|\___|\__| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zedd recordZ/daydream records po box 29057 hfx shopping centre hfx NS B3L 4T8

Re: who cares if someones on yer bands case?/no ec-content.

1995-12-11 Thread Per L}ngstr|m

On Thu, 7 Dec 1995, Jonathan Dacey wrote a lot about logos getting ripped:

 anyhow personally my 2 cents is that the whole thing is rather lame .. 
 most bands rip off cool logos.. ie youd probably wear a shirt with the 
 original logo on it cause its a cool logo... so whats the point really? 
 the novelty of saying wow thats the snickers logo.. thats funny is 
 pretty minimal and wears off preaty quick... now sure even good bands 
 have ripped off logos.. namely pavement.. and ;like all things this isnt 
 a cut and dry matter... in pavements cse you have to realise the logo 
 they stole (the peavey powered .. amp motto) was so but ugly no one in 
 their right mind would have worn the original shirt and thus they put a 
 suitably pavement slant on the issue... 

um. to all you pavement freaks out here. 

like three years ago (or something) pavement had this really amazingly 
cool tee on which they had ripped off the logo to the danish beer tuborg. 
me, living in scandinavia, i've since birth known what this logo looks like, 
but do any of you northamericans do so? anyway, the shirt was pretty dark 
green with the white logo on front. i've only seen one of these and i 
remember how incredibly bad i wanted one too. it was (and still is) the 


Re: help me

1995-12-11 Thread Bryce Colenbrander
Hi this is Matt.  I am looking for a Sloan song by the name 
of One Professionsl Care.  At least I think that's what it is 
called.  Anyhoo, if anyone out there knows where I may locate it, it 
would be much appreciated.

that was from the chart magazine flexi disc with a demo of coax me.. i
dont have mine yet, so everyone has to wait 5 days before they send their
orders in cause it says that there's limited supplies of back issues, but
here's how:

you want the sept, 1994 issue of chart, for 6$ + 7% GST

PO Box 332
Willowdale Stn. A
North York, ON
M2N 5S9

Bryce Colenbrander|I Told Her Affection Has Two fs
RichmondOntarioCanada |  Especially When You're Dealing 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |With Me...   -sloan 

Re: biased towards Cinnamon Toast/Murderecords bands

1995-12-11 Thread Drew Lidkea
On Oct 16, 11:22am, murderecords wrote:

 Subject: Re: biased towards Cinnamon Toast/Murderecords bands

 hi mike,

 the len crew, who suck balls, are originally from T.O. but they moved down
to Halifax  for awhile (I don't know how long they were here for.hold on
I dojust over a year, and what a fun year it was for me) then moved
home again. No comment on their musical stylin's. I will say, though, that
Mike Catano is a fag. 
 murder HQ 

Way to copout on signing your real name.

Funtrip HQ + gun depot. 
 Murderecords Box 2372 Halifax Central Halifax N.S. 
 B3J 3E4 Canada. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- End of excerpt from murderecords

Re: biased towards Cinnamon Toast/Murderecords bands

1995-12-10 Thread Waye Mason
Mike sez:

i think they actually make money, too.  actually i think waye makes the
money  :)

I can tell you right now that the only record we have ever made money on 
was the Chaz Rules cassette, after 450 copies sold, we made, wait for 
it... $62.00.  Thats right kids, indie rock is not a good career move...


PS No is Coyote, Grace Babies, Madhat, Cool Blue Halo, and is NOT a 
regional label, look for singles from Len of TO and  possible album by 
a band from Edmonton (negotiations underway)... no also has brought you 
in the past, Donner Party Reunion, Essen, Chaz Rules, the first two 
released works by HCG, the first releases by Bunk, Monoxides, Plumtree, 
Burnt Black...  we are part of Original Records of Montreal, a new 
national label including ZooBone Records, and Rightwide Records.

To paraphrase Kat G.:  of course you don't like Sappy Music Waye, your not 

 Waye Mason : The shooting goes well.  I borrow a .357
: Magnum and fire a hot slug into the forhead
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   : of a life sized stuffed Barney.  This brings
  P.O. Box 36082: peace upon me.
  Halifax, Nova Scotia  : 
  B3J 3S9   : Kumbaya, motherfucker.

Re: grace babies

1995-12-10 Thread Roderick Affleck
grace babies are an awful band, featured on mucheast a few too many times.
for inexplicable reasons, they have a debut full-length out on no records.  
It's really awful.  umm.. lemme see.. they're very pop-rotten (or is that
rawtten?), lots of crappy little ditties, and the songs make me puke :)  
kool-aid is every bit as detestable as the beverage from which it takes 
its name (mainly because of the lyrics...oh and the music :) ) 
lots of guitars is not an indication of good music, but sometimes they 
have that whiny guitar sound which I associate with shit..

oops, i'm out of time.  gotta go slag something else now.
umm.. i hope this helps!

...sizzle jerk

 grace babies are an awesome band, featured on mucheast a few times.  they 
 have a debut full-length out on no records entitled _lure_.  it's really 
 awesome.  umm.. lemme see.. i wish i had a copy of my zine here so i 
 could just write out my review... ummm.. ok, they're very pop-rawky, lots 
 of catchy little ditties, and the songs are kinda cute :)  kool-aid is 
 one of the best in the bunch (mainly for its lyrics.. mmm... candy :) )  
 lots of guitars, uptempo (most of the time), but sometimes they have that 
 wailing guitar sound which i associate with treble charger..
 oops, i'm out of time. gotta go write a final now.  umm.. i hope this helps!
   ...sizzled :P sizzle teen


e-mail SUCKS.

Re: Superfriendz in Toronto Star

1995-12-10 Thread Helen Luu

There's also an article in _Watch_ magazine/newspaper thingy whose distro
includes Toronto area high skools and I *think* also sum 241 pizza stores?
If there's interest, I'll post it.. if not, I'll save my fingers.. :)


hey kids!
   to y'all who live in toronto and/or the surrounding area, there's 
an article on the superfriendz in today's What's On section of the 
toronto star.  just to let you know, in case you want to pick it up.  
someone might want to post the article for the non-ontario sloan-netters, 
but it's quite long, and i don't have the time. 



Re: biased towards Cinnamon Toast/Murderecords bands

1995-12-10 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
On Sun, 10 Dec 1995, Michael Ligon wrote:
 I have to agree with sizzle teen that they are pretty awful(well that's 

poor carol, getting misquoted like that. how can anyone mix her up with 
that idiot? :) :)

 excite me). Are there any good non-CT/murder bands that anyone can 

um, everything on sappy??? elevator to hell, broken girl, orange glass, 

the MOTES. on ant records.

piggy!! who put out a cassette but i don't know who released it.
it's called calypso avalanche and they were the best live show at 
birdland at the pop explosion, for sure. james already talked about them 
this weekend.

preppy relatives who were so amazingly good at the pop explosion.

trike who have their own label called campfire.

and despite how much i slag them, i *LOVE* the state champs.

I particularly like LEN whose Superstar release was I think 
 released on their own label. `Candy Pop' is one of my favourite singles of 
 last year?

but they're from ontario. 

Richard is Richard Terfry to his   I am the coolest guy in the
 parents, but to a Haltown Projexwhole world.
 audience, he's DJ Has Slam.  - The Planet Smashers
  - The Coast, Vol. I, No. 6

Re: Snailhouse.. on Sappy? + SFriendz etc.

1995-12-10 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen

sappy records 008 is a two song 7'' by snailhouse. the two songs are 
plan and have a good time and are performed really well. it's pretty 
moody stuff. i bought one for catano after he whined for a whole minute 
and then i traded a state champs 7'' with julie for one. julie took the 
picture on the record sleeve, too. the lyrics are included.

sappy's address is

po box 25097
moncton nb
e1c 5k2

also sappy have put out a thee suddens 7''.

oh and jon b. is too modest - steamin toolie is the band and they're 
amazingly good. i'm still waiting for my dr. atom tape, though...


Richard is Richard Terfry to his   I am the coolest guy in the
 parents, but to a Haltown Projexwhole world.
 audience, he's DJ Has Slam.  - The Planet Smashers
  - The Coast, Vol. I, No. 6

Re: proposed end-of-year poll...

1995-12-08 Thread Dave Stacey

i think you should add catagories such as. best band of 1995, best 
east-coast band of 1995 or something to that extent...

On Thu, 7 Dec 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 ok, i'm officially offering my services in
 tabulating your favorites of 1995.  i will
 take entries until christmas and then tabulate
 the results between christmas and new year's.
 i hope that's acceptable.
 my apologies for shouting.  :-)
 my proposed categories:
 best single or e.p. of 1995
 best l.p. of 1995
 best east coast single or e.p. of 1995
 best east coast l.p. of 1995
 does anyone have suggestions for additional
 categories that they think would be worthwhile?
 my proposed method:
 each member can have up to three votes in
 each category.  you can only vote once
 for a given record.  i'll tabulate the
 results and post a complete list.
 feel free to criticize/modify/suggest, etc.
  _James R. Covey [EMAIL PROTECTED]_sloan net is a discussion of the
  ___| | ___   __ _ _ __  _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
 / __| |/ _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / __| __| [un]subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \__ \ | |_| | |_| | | | |   | | | |  __| |_  to post to the list send mail to
 |___/_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|   |_| |_|\___|\__| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Zedd recordZ/daydream records po box 29057 hfx shopping centre hfx NS B3L 4T8

Re: Review of Superfriendz, Al Tuck and Pluto

1995-12-06 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, rod thurber transcribed the following from the 
Kevin Smith review in the Georgia Strait:

[note: pluto do not suck. only justin sucks. :) ]

 being a sucker for the type of lo-fi, lemon drop pop found on the SFZ's
 Murderedords debut album, Mock Up, Scale Down.  Live the group's

i don't know too much about the technical end of production, but i'd like 
someone to please explain how _mock up, scale down_ can be considered 
lo-fi...i always figured lo-fi meant something along the lines of 
poorly recorded, albeit on purpose a lot of the time. this is not the 
first time i've seen someone refer to this album as lo-fi - perhaps the 
single and their cassette could be called lo-fi as the sound is pretty 
bad in parts, but their cd? i don't know about that.

 and pop sensibilities- but the SFZ have a noisier, more distorted sound that
 leans a bit to the Eric's Trip end of the spectrum.  And while each group

i don't understand why people insist on comparing east coast bands to 
*only* either eric's trip or sloan. in my lame opinion as a record reviewin' 
hack, i fail to see any sort of similarities between eric's trip (noisy, 
distorted, etc) and the super friendz (relatively clean but jangly at 
times guitar sound). put me in my place, though, if i'm wrong.

oh well, what the hecky thump does this guy know anyway, he referred to 
al tuck as pleasant background music. :)

one of *four* sloannet al tuck fans,
tara lee :)

Remember Montreal.
Hard Times Won't Stop Us.
- Women Looking Forward

Re: Pillow Fight

1995-12-06 Thread Joyce Linehan

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, cp wrote:

   on which release is the Sloan song Pillow Fight?
  It's on, Nevermind the mollusks  It's a small compilation with 
  sloan, jale, eric's trip and...someone help me with the last one!!
 that'd be Idee Du Nord.
 just where are they now?

Theyre on hiatus while Benoit Dugas goes to school in Halifax.

Re: Birthday! + That Damned 'Before I Do' Monlogue

1995-12-06 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Bozikovic) wrote

}Well, well... Andrew's (the non-Iron-Maiden-fan ;) - I presume, anyway) b-day
}is December 5th? And that would imply that 
}yours, Andrew, is the 6th; today. Which also happens be mine! 
}Happy birthday.

Hey, I knew there had to be a mathematician out there.  Didn't it happen 
once before that 3 of us had a birthday on the same day and James mr 
probability Covey informed us that the odds were quite good in a crowd of 
Happy birthday Alex!

}sorry for the somewhat limited Sloan relevance.
}although I shouldn't be apologizing, considering some of the crap that's been
}going by lately.

dittus maximus.

}including what I think is a phone number.
}does ANYONE (Mr. Covey, Sir?) have any idea what the hell he's talking about?

Casino taxi?

Sorry, this is getting a bit silly.  I archive all the remotely relevant 
messages from this lists in the philanthropic hope of getting them on a 
web page/ftp site (HELP WANTED!) and last month was the first time I kept 
more than 200 messages (in the early days there were less than 100 a 
month, and idle chatter was a welcome diversion).  Why is it that with the 
band broken up there is more to talk about?  It seems that folks are more 
willing to talk about other bands now that there's little REAL news about 
Sloan (but lots of fake news).  Which reminds me of some of the weird 
experiences Plumtree had when they were just starting out.  They had this 
cool van with a custom paint job and a dog with a speech impediment...

Shooting for 1000 posts a day,
Birthday boy

Re: Birthday! + That Damned 'Before I Do' Monlogue

1995-12-06 Thread Alex Bozikovic
Andrew Rodenhiser, [EMAIL PROTECTED], wrote:

A happy 28th birthday to some other guy named Andrew, who is a year and a 
day older than me and used to play drums in a certain local band which is 
defunct and does not have a new album coming out.

Well, well... Andrew's (the non-Iron-Maiden-fan ;) - I presume, anyway) b-day
is December 5th? And that would imply that 
yours, Andrew, is the 6th; today. Which also happens be mine! 
Happy birthday.

sorry for the somewhat limited Sloan relevance.
although I shouldn't be apologizing, considering some of the crap that's been
going by lately.

now, just to add some actual real Sloan content:

I've been listening to _2R_ lately quite a bit (even more than usual), and
this is really starting to bother me. 
In Before I Do... I've been able to make out the first section of Andrew's
monologue, and I've explained before that it comes from a Change of Heart
song. but after the instruments get loud, he goes on for an extra minute or
so, and you can just make out odd words,
including what I think is a phone number.
does ANYONE (Mr. Covey, Sir?) have any idea what the hell he's talking about?

the other drummer,
a l e x

PS You sneaky bastards did not fool me, even for a second, with the Shaken
By The Speed thing.

Re: Sloan Lyrics-Medium Rare

1995-12-06 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
Adam Kozyra [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked:

}I realize this may be a difficult request to fulfill, but would anybody 
}have the lyrics to Pillow Fight, Rag Doll, and Laying Blame.

Those lyrics were tagged onto the end of Deryl's recent post of Sloan 
lyrics (weakass attempt at appeasing everyone :)

If you didn't keep them write me and I'll send you a copy.

On that note, I heard a snippet of Laying Blame on CKDU this afternoon, 
except it was the Roger Daltrey version:

J-just as l-long as I-I h-have y-you

The DJ promptly shut off the stuttering cd and played a Frank Black song.

At least it shows that this dead band gets enough airplay to wear the disc 

1001 atopical posts,


1995-12-06 Thread Peter Dale King
hi yhis is my first post to sloan net, anyway i just want to comment on
potatobug, these guys are definately headed for somthing good, they have a
sound that appeals to everyone, they're heavy, fast, poppy, and probably
the most talented band in st.john's, i myself am in the john kenneth wilks
blues band and jeremy mentioned and have played with potatobug guitarist 
ritchie perez and drummer brian downton, they are amazing.  i would pick 
these guys over any other band on the east coast to spend my hard earned 
money on, they totally blow away all these crappy weiner indie shit bands 
that a lot of you hold in such high esteem.

yo' pal
percival jones

Re: Sloan Lyrics-Medium Rare

1995-12-06 Thread C. Trowbridge
 american groove is an MC5 song.

don't mean to be picky but...american ruse is an MC5 song. New York 
Groove is an Ace Frehely song. Groove is in the Heart is a Deeelite 
song. We're an American Band is a Grand Funk Railroad song.
I don't know any American Groove, though it would be in good company as 
a song title...

Re: Putative new Sloan album

1995-12-05 Thread Shant Pelley

On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Joe Clark wrote:

I remember a while back there were rumors about a few demos they
 had and that maybe they were going to release a  new album on Murder.
 Any new news of this?
 i would say, don't look for it right away.  i imagine there's various
 legal things that would have to be worked out with geffen before they
 could release such a project.  also, it's going to take some money,
 etc etc etc.  but i think it will happen.
 I sure as forking hell hope that none of youse is pulling our legs, which I
 strongly suspect you are.

*this* on the other hand, is NOT a joke. sloan DO have plenty of 
unreleased/unrecorded material, and have yet to *officially* break up.
i would think other than the fact that andrew is in toronto, the fact 
that murder is an mca distributed label, probably causes more problems in 
there being a new sloan album being released...but i've heard the 
possibility for something in the future from both patrick and 
chris...but who am i to really say.

i want the double-live album! it's gonna be right up there with the best 
of them! alive by kiss, frampton comes alive, the nuge's double live 
gonzos, and sloan rocks birdland!!! ;););)

...and just for the record deryl...the above live album does NOT exist!
(clear enough?)

Re: Putative new Sloan album

1995-12-05 Thread Waye Mason
Actually, SLoan did a set of 16 track preproduction recordings with 
Brendon MacG way back before PopX I and as I recall, tho don't hold me to 
this, it filled an whole 90 minute cassette... that was one of the 
reasons that they had the gear here to do the Smart Bomb EP for TH.  
Anyway, I almost stole the tape to make a duplication one night when Nick 
H was staying in the old Murder/Decent space (now Mokka) during the PopX 
(he was doing sound)...  but for some reason I thought, no there will be 
other more legit opportunities,  which goes to show, never ever listen to 
your angel, always listen to your devil...  also, rumours abound that 
sloan may be doing some new pre-prod this month... :) 


 Waye Mason : The shooting goes well.  I borrow a .357
: Magnum and fire a hot slug into the forhead
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   : of a life sized stuffed Barney.  This brings
  P.O. Box 36082: peace upon me.
  Halifax, Nova Scotia  : 
  B3J 3S9   : Kumbaya, motherfucker.

Re: fuck radioblaster!

1995-12-05 Thread Warren Rodericks
On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93 wrote:

 First of all, I fuckin hope Catano was joking in all of his bitterness, 
 if not he can bite my ass.  Secondly, I'm going to tell you all what 
 Radioblaster is all about.

Hey...there'll be no ass-biting on my time pal! ;)

 1)  I had no idea that Mudhoney had similar Big Muff shirts until 
 somebody told Maritess ( our guitarist) that last week.

I just wanted to point out that those old TH shirts, the John Boomer 
shirts, looked alot like the star wars logo. I don't know if it was 
intentional or not, but it was the impression I was left with. Is this 
included in the 'RIPOFF LOGO CRAZE'?

Other ripped-off logos on t-shirts:
Punchbuggy-PB gas stations
Treble Charger-Dragon Ballz video game
Sloan-Suzuki (this one is a matter of opinion)

Actually, I don't care either way. I am only posting this in an effort to 
avoid studying for finals...


|Warren Rodericks |Mom keeps beefin...BOY GET  |
|3B Actuarial Science | A JOB!'...But I just wanna   |
|University of Waterloo   | jam, Damn I know I'm slam.. |

Re: another rip off

1995-12-05 Thread niloc
  hi all, Hayden's a really good one for rip off shirts, try OhHayden!
 after OhHenry! and his new one is a bayer logo with hayden in there
 instead of bayer.

 I have come up with the soloution to the bars and the underage clubs: coffee
 shops with stages:) Think it would work?:)

that'd be cool. 
now all we'd have to do is get rid of the smoking...
has anyone ever heard of a non-smoking venue?
i understand the town pump in van. tried
it for a spell but it failed miserably.


Re: new sloan album

1995-12-05 Thread colin mackenzie
hey send one our way will ya

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, Jon Bartlett wrote:

 yeah, the new sloan album is great.  i got a copy the other day and
 i've got to say, it's a heck of a lot better than anything they've
 ever done.  i don't think it sounds at all like the champs though.  it
 sounds to me more like zombies oriented.  like a zumpano thing or
 something.  later, jon

Re: bud nipping?

1995-12-04 Thread Shant Pelley

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, Brian Wieser wrote:

 murphy's john entwhistle-esque bass playing.  Further, the string section 
 was most effective.  I wasn't aware that David Foster was still arranging 
 music these days but i guess you can never say never?  

yeah...i thought the production sounded like hall and oates 1978-79 era 
stuff...i guess david foster's still got it...BUT that barry manilow 
cover has got to go:P
..and i *still* wish they'd release guidance councellor...oh well, 
maybe it'll be a bonus track to entice the purchace of thier upcoming 
greatest hits repackaging;);)

shant...thankful to be shaken by the speed ;)

Re: new sloan album.

1995-12-04 Thread Joel Healy

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 you know, what *really* surprised me about the new sloan LP
 wasn't the fact that there's *three* covers on it, or that
 one of them is by the MC5.  what took me totally by surprise

I didn't like this, either... they ripped off the multiple album cover 
idea from Sonic Youth's Experimental Jet Set And No Star.  It's better 
than any Sonic Youth album I've heard, though...

Re: Sanisoft/Preppy Relatives/Jim Cooper show

1995-12-04 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Bob Reeves wrote:

 It should be cool show.  Gordon is promising a Preppy Relatives show unlike
 any anyone has ever seen.  Sanisoft might (but it looks doubtful) actually

the new preppy relatives (at least for this show):
gordon isnor on organ
tyler dewar on guitar
ned ludd on drums
some performance artist on performance art

one song, twenty minutes, two chords.  you be the judge.


Re: CASBY mystery band

1995-12-03 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, Waye Mason wrote:

 then again, should we be talking about State Champs might as well being 
 from Southern California?  :)

actually, we've been honing our socal sound pretty well, mark and jon 
traded their fenders in for ibanezes (ibani?) and i bought some tama 
drums with double bass drums.  we've got MESA/boogie staxxx and cool 
a.r.t. rack efx.  i wrote this song called skater grrrl and we're 
releasing it on cruz records (it's produced by alvarez and stevenson - 
who else?).  it's like a more skateable version of descendants.  we;'re 
filming our new video at the halibowl and we got a proskates 
sponsorship.  things are finally looking up for the state champs (or 
should i say ... skate ramps?)

look for it in the bin next to shaken by the speed, and catch us on 
tour with big drill car. 


p.s. - was at the downtown sam's last week and i saw smeared in the delete 
bin.  the salesman said we've got to sell them somehow...

pps - waye is the devil.

Re: Tragically Hip Club Groove

1995-12-03 Thread Waye Mason

Heh heh heh.  I can say with a great degree of certainty that there will 
not be a second HCG album on Murder anytime soon.  Ask someone else why,  
I've been doing so well so far with the rumour mongering...

You know, the new Sloan album is crappy, but then again, I haven't been 
into metal since it peaked with 1984, though I like the Hammond 
organ sound..  its a good thing they are doing pre-prod on the followup 
EP at Lardo Barbarians studio this month...  hopefully they will return 
to their roots.

As for the other hip hop artists, Stinkin' Rich is doing 30 hours with 
the Sonic Youth guy (he won the PopX contest) and is going to shop that 
album around to other labels, probably looking for a hip hop deal before 
he does a rock label like Murder or indeed No...

Ruffneck and Joe, well, Joe Run is hooked up with Gerald (aka Flexman) 
still and is working out the jazz groove, tho I don't think he has the 
resources to do anything with it and people are still kinda weary to work 
with him since he has been known to let stuff go to his head whenever he 
seemed to get somewhere... but I heard somewere Ruffneck did a wicked set 
at that ROW sponsered hiphop night at the Cafe Ole a month or two ago, 
did anyone see it?  I here he has really grown up and had the crowd in 
the palm of his hand...

 Waye Mason : The shooting goes well.  I borrow a .357
: Magnum and fire a hot slug into the forhead
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   : of a life sized stuffed Barney.  This brings
  P.O. Box 36082: peace upon me.
  Halifax, Nova Scotia  : 
  B3J 3S9   : Kumbaya, motherfucker.

Re: Shaken By Spee

1995-12-03 Thread C. Trowbridge

I just talked to Courtney Love about all this and she said
it looks like you have been
taken in...
There's no new Sloan record (unless you guys are talking about a bootleg).
But Kurdt is alive and well and living in Brampton working at a Coffee Time.

Re: New Sloan Album?

1995-12-03 Thread Helen Luu

Well.. James, I hate to be the fly in your ointment.. but, I just 
finished listening to the new Sloan record, Shaken by the Speed. it  
(and I know this word is tabu) rawks.. ten new songs. 55 minutes. I'd 
say it sounds alot like the State Champs.. but I don't want to start any 
rumors I can't control.. I can't believe I am the first person to notice 
this release!!.. You guys are asleep at the switch. Go check it out!

Ol'Dirty Brendan..

Whut?? U mean they already have sumthing out? Or is it not coming out for
awhile and only certain promo-type ppl get to hear it now?

Okay, I want sum details, details, details.. :)


Re: New sloan

1995-12-03 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
Hey Christian, didn't you read the original post? Brendan said all of 
this in it... :)

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, Christian Rodericks wrote:

 a) How long has this album been out?

five days (but i live across the country so maybe longer)

 b) What is it called?

_Shaken by Speed_

 c) How many tracks?

10 tracks 55 minutes long

 d) How does it sound?

it would be a conflict of interest for me to say...


the same way as you got the other two albums and ep, duh.

tara lee

Re: Coax Me

1995-12-01 Thread Brendan Ryan

It's not the fans I hate, it's consolidated..
Well.. from what I have heard (though I could be lying), is that one time 
in (I belive it was) New York, an unruley mob of people at one of their 
shows (played w/ Lemonheadz) totally ruined the show by insisting that 
sloan play this consolidated song, apparently it was a big hit at the 
time and these subpopjocks:).. no wait they were (set up in) frat boys, 
yeah well anyhow, they insisted on hearing this song. So Patrick, being 
the kind of guitar wyzard he is, started banging off this consolidated song
but Chris was all thumbs and couldn't get with it, Jay was laughing so 
hard, milk came out of his nose (though he wasn't even drinking milk at 
the time?) I guess Andrew started laughing too and milk came out of 
_his_ nose too... he was drinking milk. Well lets just say that the show 
wasn't a hit.. that is, until people started throwing rotten vegetables at 
them. So _this_ is the bone Sloan had to pick with those rotten nasties 
who wrecked their _one_ chance to rock-out infront of Evan Dando..

Cor-Crane Brendan..

On Thu, 30 Nov 1995, Brian Muldoon Lamey wrote:

 On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, Bob Reeves wrote:
  While we're on this subject (and, yes, this has probably been discussed
  before), is there an inside joke/story to
  'can I think Consolidated's ok'
  Just wunderin' ('cause, personally, I like them).
 I had heard that Consolidated *demanded* an apology for being mentionned in 
 that light. Apparently they were very offended.
 is that true? or another rumour?
 brian muldoon lamey.

Re: SFZ elvis

1995-11-30 Thread C. Trowbridge
It was a cool show. Elvis Mondays is kind of like an open mic night at 
the El Mocambo in T.O., so it was cool to see the Superfriendz there. The 
crowd was pretty good for a monday night, at least 150 or so people (I'm 
bad at judging crowd size, though). The set was pretty short, since 6 
bands played. The new songs sound better every time I hear them. The new 
drummer, Lonnie James, has played in a lot of hardcore bands, so they're 
a lot faster and tougher sounding now than ever before. Sometimes it was 
great - the end of Rescue Us from Boredom was a great rave-up - but 
others, like It's Up and Running might've benefitted from a lighter 
touch...The Sinisters, a totally over the top 
leather-pants-with-laces-up-the-side-wearin' stooges wannabe band played 
right after the Superfriendz, and Son of Bronto, a speedmetal-punk 
crossover band circa 1982, played right before 'em. T.O. is so oldschool, 
it's almost cute. 

Re: Mag-wheelin' and dealin'

1995-11-29 Thread Aaron Tuller
At 12:57 PM 11/29/95, James R. Covey wrote:

(a complete list, i trust.)

5) Watchin' You b/w Yr Sunshine (album versions)
 on Sub Pop UK.  Red vinyl.


Re: about shows this saturday.

1995-11-28 Thread colin mackenzie
orange glass will be playing at bout 2:30 on saturday
bob wiseman will be playing at 9:30, well actually Broken girl will be 
playing at 9:30 and bob will be on at 10:15 ish
but this all happens on Friday
Dec 1
Wormwoods is just down Gottigen St, about two blocks from cogswell

see ya
colin m

Re: hardship post geography and those pesky tshirts...

1995-11-25 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
I'd say Seb was aware of the fact that there are 2 Placentia's. He is 
kinda crafty in his songwriting, and usually has stuff pretty well 
thought out from what I know of him. ALthough it's very easy to read far 
more into his songs than he put into them as well. I remember they used 
to do this osng called SO SUE ME. Me and MAtt Clarke used to sit back and 
try and figure out what it was about, we had this whole scenario cooked 
up and then when we asked him it turned out to be a passage from a Book 
he read. 

Re: fuck math-rock!

1995-11-25 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Fri, 24 Nov 1995, Joel Healy wrote:

 *Every* band that DGC promotes sells well.
 Nirvana, Hole, Sonic Youth, Beck, Weezer, Veruca Salt.

with the exception of weezer, all of tose bands had exeptionally well 
recieved albums out on indies (or sort-of-indies) before signing to dgc, 
and, just for the record, sonic youth do not sell well (in dgc terms).  

 Most kids probably didn't even know That Dog existed until they toured 
 with Weezer.


 That Dog had their first album out before Weezer was even finished in the 


 Why is it that Weezer spent gawd knows how much on their Buddy Holly 
 video, but That Dog and Sloan spent very little?

dgc spent basically the same amount on each.  the buddy holly video cost 
next to nothing to make (according to spike jonze who made it), and he 
did that horrible that dog video where they are in the drive-in resaurant 
(i think that's what it is, they're all wearing uniforms...).

weezer are also a much more commercial sounding band than that dog, and 
are, imho, about 3,000,000,000 times better (and I DON'T like weezer at 
all).  that dog are shit.

 Anyway, my point is, that there is a very small group of people at DGC 
who decide the fate of these bands.  DGC could promote the heck out of 
anything and make it sell.  I mean, c'mon... if these kids will buy 
Silverchair and Bush X, they'll buy ANYTHING. 

they still aren't buying sonic youth, after dgc has promoted the hell out 
of them.  every time a new sy album comes out the dgc marketing machine 
rolls into effect - and they never sell particularly well.  

people (kids and adults alike) will buiy hits, and that's about it.  the 
record industry is STILL single dreivwn, and if a band doesn't producw a 
viable hit and a video to go with it, and then get the support of mtv, 
then the record isn't going to sell up to dgc's expectations.

btw - maybe france or joyce can confirm this, but i heard that sunny day 
real estate's diary was te biggest seller that sub-pop has ever had, 
with about 30,000 copies.  is this true?


Re: Name that C/Straps lyric

1995-11-25 Thread Melanie Rusinak
this is sargent mike lewis from the chinstraps, kevin is not with me, but 
the song actually goes :
I saw the creature and I gavehimaballon
and it blue
Righteous, dirty rotten bag of chips

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, Bob Reeves wrote:

  ps - katrina: I think that the chinstraps song about the creature from...
  I saw _The Creature from the Blue Lagoon_  x 3
   And it BLEW!! x 4
 I hate to be anal, but it actually is:
 I saw _The Creature from the Blue Lagoon_  x 3
  It was Blue! x 4
 Sorry, but it's just too cool of a lyric to let slide...

Re: Something to do with SLoan for once.

1995-11-24 Thread colin mackenzie
there is also a Sloan referance in rout 666 near the end, when they talk 
about sub pop, sloan are in the office, playing in town etc...

Re: The Super Friends (fwd)

1995-11-24 Thread Joel Healy

On Thu, 23 Nov 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

 I finally saw Bart's Comet yesterday, and I got a great laugh out of
 Ham and the Super Friends.  (When they were riding on their bikes
 singing Oh, we are the Super Friends, I was ROTFLMAO!)  Back in Junior
 High, there was a gang just like that, called the Tigers, though I 
 don't know if they had a theme song.  As the mobster said in Bart the
 Murderer, It's funny 'cause it's true.
   BTW, was the Super Friends a reference to the old cartoon 
 from the 1970s, with Superman, Batman et al?  My childhood comes flowing
 back, again - all we need now is a Dukes of Hazard reference...

I saw the Super Friends episode a long time ago.. what a great show. :)

In other Simpsons news (no Sloanet content here) I heard a rumour that 
Sonic Youth and Courtney Love are going to be on the show this season.  
Does anyone know for sure?


Re: Something to do with SLoan for once.

1995-11-24 Thread Elizabeth Greenan
As a certified nirvana-ologist (I was a huge fan before I was caught in 
the indie rock stranglehold, besides it sucks to like something the preps
like:( ) I must say that that's a great book and a must read for anyone 
who gives a rat's ass about Nirvana.  And the Sloan reference is pretty 
cool :) the part it quotes is I really can't remember the last time I 
was the center of the target of pop culture... I'm slightly left of centre/
of the bullseye you've created/It's sad to know that if you hit me/It's 
because you were not careful.

And the reason it says nothing about his suicide is because it was written
around the time In Utero was released, it's not like all those other books
written to cash in on his death :(  They have loads of sentimental crap
about his death.  But one that I own Nirvana: A Tribute by Suzie Black 
has a really poignant last paragraph that makes me cry everytime.  
I'd write it out but I'm too lazy.

Anyhow, it's a really super book

phD in Nirvana-ology
Mark Greenan

:)   Mark Greenan :)
:)   -Always ready to trade tapes of Sloan, Nirvana,  :)
:)   Eric's Trip and any other cool bands.:)
:)   E-mail me I'm a loser [EMAIL PROTECTED]:)
:)   I'm amazed you could write so legibly on your own   :)
:)butt   :)

Re: The Super Friends (fwd)

1995-11-24 Thread Andrea Gin

On Thu, 23 Nov 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

   BTW, was the Super Friends a reference to the old cartoon 
 from the 1970s, with Superman, Batman et al?  My childhood comes flowing
 back, again - all we need now is a Dukes of Hazard reference...

i asked them if they were named after the simpson's gang or the comic 
book characters when i interviewed them and they said that it wasn't 
really either; that is was just the cheesiest name they could think of.


Re: sloan in spin (was Re: fuck math-rock! some more)

1995-11-23 Thread Katrina Grentz
 way back when, many moons ago, sloan were in some pull out section of 
 spin that was something like bands of the future or some tripe like 
 that.  i think everyone in that article blew, except for sloan, the 
 swirlies and velocity girl.  but i don't really remeber all that well ... 
 i think it was '92 or something like that.

... don't forget that they were the sassy cute band alert of feb 93
(their little haircuts just kill me. i want to pat their tiny 
heads-actual quote:) about cool:):)...kat new ET: heard part of the lp before the sloan show at pop exp  it 
seemed kind of densely layered compared to what I've heard live (16hrs  
eyes closed esp...most of the new songs seem to have very definite 
structure  aren't as buried in distortion)...not that its not good...just 
not as clear as I'd hoped...

  this is the 1st time our entire audience has followed us backstage
   -a moe berg moment courtesy of vinnie's,msvu

Re: T-shirt rant yet again

1995-11-23 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Thu, 23 Nov 1995, Shawn Stackhouse wrote:

 I tried writing to Jonathan Dacey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to enquire about 
 my unsent SloanNet T, and it bounced back.  It looks like the address 
 doesn't exist.
 Does anyone know if he's still around anywhere?  He still has my 10 

ok, here's the scoop from the frontlines, re: dace-t's.

the shipment of backordered t's came into the distributor last week or 
so, so the shirts should be done soon.  jon's account is overloaded and 
he cen't open it because the disk is full (i guess he only THOUGHT he had 
unsubscribed form all of those lists...).  

btw, $10 will not be enough to get you a t-shirt.  they were $10 PLUS 
shipping - if you were amongst the people that did not include shipping, 
jon will probably get in touch with you.

see ya
mike luv

Re: fuck math-rock! some more

1995-11-22 Thread Warren Rodericks
On Tue, 21 Nov 1995, Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93 wrote:

 But on the other hand i would've liked to see them on Letterman, or in 
 Spin, or on Lollapalooza (however bad that is).  Just for the fact that 

Actually, Sloan did make Spin magazine. If you check out the december 94 
issue (the best of 94), twice removed was included  in the '10 best 
albums of 94 that you haven't heard' article. 


|Warren Rodericks |Mom keeps beefin...BOY GET  |
|3B Actuarial Science | A JOB!'...But I just wanna   |
|University of Waterloo   | jam, Damn I know I'm slam.. |

Re: Wanting Eric's Trip info

1995-11-22 Thread Joyce Linehan
On Wed, 22 Nov 1995, Joel Healy wrote:
 On Tue, 21 Nov 1995, Joyce Linehan wrote:
  Do you guys actually read each other's posts?  This has to be the most 
  asked question in the past couple of weeks.  
  The Eric's Trip album, which was recorded this past fall in Moncton with 
  Bob Weston at the console, will be released January 16, 1995.  It's 
  called Purple Blue.
 Rick White didn't record it?  Is it an 8 track recording?
 Do you know what the reason for this change was?  Perhaps Sub Pop called 
 for a better production on the new album.
 I like Eric's Trip's lo-fi sound, but I have to admit, I'd love to hear 
 an Eric's Trip album that sounds more like their live shows... more 
 'heavy', if you will. :)

Do you guys actually read each other's posts?  Eric's Trip went into CMS 
studios in Moncton with Bob Weston to make Purple Blue.  It is a 24 track 
recording.  The reason for the change was that the band felt that had 
gone as far as they could with their home studio.  It had nothing to do 
with Sub Pop calling for anything.  This recording has more bottom.  In 
other words, it's heavier.

Re: Eric's TRip kick our asses

1995-11-22 Thread Jeremy Gara

 Eric's Trip swung by Ottawa a second time last night, this time all-ages
 at another sub-pop jock bar. (not half as bad as spo-dee's mind you.)

What on earth is a sub-pop jock bar?

I hope you didn't take this in a bad way at all... i really did not mean
it in a negative way... but..
In the past here in Ottawa, most if not all subpop bands have been seen at
venues which cater to and are run by a certain type of person that feels
it necessary to laugh and treat us kidz like the kidz they bullied in school.
most recently, subpop bands seen here have been eric's trip and hardship
post, and i also think the human touch tour came by...
eric's trip last fall/winter was at spo-dee-o-dee's, which is notorious
now for being pretty lame for us kidz cuz we get the brunt of the immense
bouncer's anger on that particular day. That show was good for music but
bad cuz the bouncers kicked some ass, would not get off the stage and were
just generally mean to us all
next up was hardship post a while back (not human touch tour). spo-dee's
again. This time the huge bouncers were drinking before the show and
during and were again rude to us all. They even found it cool to stop the
show super early for no reason but to make us all sad.
last night was eric's trip again, this time in a bar (on tap) which is
always hosting the let's go dance and get drunk and make fun of the kidz
going to the pit as they come out the door type of person. The bouncers
were not as mean but still did not seem happy to be catering to such a
strange crowd. (what??? dyed hair??). anyways...
it wasn't meant to be a mean comment but these venues are never chosen as
places to play except by these bands who all happen to be on subpop. it's
probably just a coincidence and i hope no one was offended. sorry for
that. i'm a bitch anyhow...eric's trip rawked..??? (does that make up
for it?)

Jeremy wasting space

signature files suck...
la la la la la la   ..detroit has a skyline to... :)

Re: Wanting Eric's Trip info

1995-11-22 Thread Joyce Linehan

On Wed, 22 Nov 1995, Joel Healy wrote:

 Well, as Roderick an I have been discussing in e-mail, Bob Weston only 
 helped remix 'Love Tara'... he might have played a big role in recording 
 the new album, but neither of us are sure.

Bob Weston recorded Love Tara.  He set up the studio at Stereo Mountain, 
and taught Rick a lot about recording techniques.  Love Tara was never 

Re: fuck math-rock!

1995-11-22 Thread James R. Covey
Damn, this math-rock thing has gone on too long.  This IS a SLOAN discussion 
group is it not? So let's get down to some discussion!

well, actually, it's a discussion not only of sloan, but also
of the east coast scene in general.  always has been.
just to be nitpicky.:-)

My topic is ...Did the fact that sloan signed so early (after playing 
only 3 gigs outside of Halifax I believe) contribute to the fact that 
they didn't sell more records? and to the fact that they have broken up 
at this point?  If they would have built themselves an indie base would 
they be way bigger now?  Would they have signed to Matador instead of 
Geffen? Would this have been a better way to go?

i don't know how directly anyone can answer these what if type questions,
but i could raise a few points...

- if the question is, were sloan good enough already to put out a
  major label record, well, listen to _smeared_ and you tell me.
  if you ask me it's better than most of the records that dgc has
  put out.
- is build indie base first, get major label deal later the best
  route for every band to travel?  
- as someone else said (sorry, i forget who) the buzz that that
  signing created is largely responsible for all the media attention
  and reputation of the halifax scene as we now know it.  so it's
  a little late to go back and analyze.  
- one ironic thing about this situation is that it seems like the
  sloan signing has helped many many bands while ultimately turning
  into a bad deal for *them*.
- the way DGC US treated _twice removed_ still reeks.  when you
  sign with a label, you're putting your career in their hands.
  for them to arbitrarily decide that the album didn't skronk
  enough, without even putting up the money for *one* video to
  see how it would fly, shows really bad faith.  now that teenage
  fanclub have put out _grand prix_, which is also a stripped-down,
  classic-sounding pop record like 2R, and they've put real promotion
  money behind it (it seems), it's like another twist of the knife.

i want you all to put your fist in the air, and shout with me now,
*FUCK* david geffen!!
thank you, that was very gratifying.  :-)


 _James R. Covey [EMAIL PROTECTED]_sloan net is a discussion of the
 ___| | ___   __ _ _ __  _ __   ___| |_  halifax / east coast music scene
/ __| |/ _ \ / _` | '_ \| '_ \ / __| __| [un]subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\__ \ | |_| | |_| | | | |   | | | |  __| |_  to post to the list send mail to
|___/_|\___/ \__,_|_| |_|   |_| |_|\___|\__| [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zedd recordZ/daydream records po box 29057 hfx shopping centre hfx NS B3L 4T8

Re: white album?

1995-11-18 Thread Warren Rodericks
On Fri, 17 Nov 1995, Neal Maher wrote:

 I was wondering something and hoping that someone could help me out.
 Could someone please tell me what they know about the white album project?
 I was at the super friendz gig in edmonton last week (which was awesome) and
 when I was talking to Matt, he told me something about Chris Murphy and a
 white album project, but the gandharvas were pretty loud and he didn't
 really go into details.

The only white album project I know of is about some crazy guy who used a 
perfectly good white album (the beatles) and got it signed by most of the 
bands at the HPE III. I won't reveal his name, but he's associated with 
the term 'IMA-NUTT' ;) 

See ya..


|Warren Rodericks |Mom keeps beefin...BOY GET  |
|3B Actuarial Science | A JOB!'...But I just wanna   |
|University of Waterloo   | jam, Damn I know I'm slam.. |


1995-11-18 Thread Melissa Buote
Yes indeed the State Champs and Plumtree both played excellently and 
it really was unfortunate that not many people showed up for that was very uncharacteristic for the barn but there have 
been shows like that in the past (i.e.:  the Waltons and 
Hayden.. great show but bad timing with that one too...everyone was 
away)...oh well, there is nothing we could do about bad 
scheduling...I should have checked the high school 
calendars more...anyways, there is no definite Thrush Hermit  
show as of yet but if (and this is a big if) they do come, the 
openers will be Strawberry and a local (free) band called North of 
Oblivion.  That is all...hope everyone is well informed of the PEI 
music scene now...


 Date sent:  Fri, 17 Nov 1995 13:33:18 -0400 (AST)
 Priority:   normal

 A couple weeks ago I had the oppurtunity to open up for State 
 Champs and PlumTree at the Barn in Charlottetown, PE.  The show was 
 great we all played Great but the attendance sucked.  There was 
 probably twenty people who showed up.  it was the worst show at the 
 Barn in history.  I guess it was the wrong night to have a show 
 because there were schools having trips the next day so I guess we 
 can use that excuse.  I loved the state champs, It was a much needed 
 rest from really loud obnoxious skater mosh music.   And of course 
 the same goes for plumtree.  But the drummer from State Champs...Who 
 is that guy, I could watch him play for hours, he's amazing.. Did he 
 used to play for thrush hermit?  Oh and does anyone know when 
 thrush hermit is coming to PEI.  Cause I think we're opening for 
 them, I'd like to know when it is. 

Re: rebecca west tour

1995-11-18 Thread Bob Reeves
hi so i've heard the rebecca west tour has been cancelled/postponed. what
happened? i've heard they had some problems with allison getting a bad
cold and then i've also heard they had really small crowds at some shows.
i was really looking forward to seeing them here because well, duh,
_burners on_ is probably my favorite record of this year. anyway, i was
wondering if someone could tell me why they decided to pack it in.

Apparently, there was no promotion for their shows and even worse booking
arrangements.  They forgot that old indie adage of DIY- or at least keep
tabs on what other people are doing for you.  Anyways, you'll be glad to
know that they are working on Plan B (ie. a new ep).


Re: talk to The Super Friendz / Al Tuck on RT

1995-11-16 Thread Jeremy Gara
aaahhh realtime... cant go wrong.

 hey all,
 The Super Friendz  
 along with
 Al Tuck
 are performing LIVE onRealTime this Saturday night
 they'll be on aroudn 7:30 pacific time
 (8:30 mtn, 9:30 central, 10:30 eastern, 11:30 atl
 midnight in Newfoundland)
 You can call in with questions or just to yak
 or if you want to send in a question via email,
 do it anytime  to:
 Get interactive
 get realtime
 Saturday on CBC STereo
 (get on our mailing list by sending a :-) message

signature files suck...
la la la la la la   ..detroit has a skyline to... :)

Re: Thruster!! @The KLR mem. Ward Room

1995-11-16 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 you know how much i love you but, being

aw, i love you too. =)

 blunt, and when am i not, i have to say
 that in this particular case i think
 you're full of shit.

why, oh why, did i see this coming ;)

 but saying that it is the *same* kind
 of marginalizing move as calling women
 bitches is just ridiculous.

why?  where do we draw the line between what is a *fair* or *acceptable* 
stereotype and what isn't?  

 first of all, frat boy as a term describing
 a person with a certain mentality refers
 to a *voluntarily chosen ideology* rather
 than a biological or racial differentiation
 or a sexual orientation.

first of all, you are not using the term to describe only the members of 
fraternities.  i'm sure a lot of people who you are talking about 
probably have nothing to do with frats, and never would.  also, i'm sure 
the frats wouldn't want them either.

if you expect me to believe that you are purposely making some sort of pointed
 statement against 
patriarchal institutions when you say frat boy you are nuts.  i think 
you are saying it because it's easy.  it's a nice, easy term for you to 
use to discredit a bunch of people you don't like. oh, they're just frat 
boys.  don't pay any attention to them.  it's as patriarchal and as 
demeaning as dismissing feminists as a bunch of crazy lesbos.  the 
context in which the words are used is exactly the same and the sentiment 
behind them is exactly the same, so i am asking why one is socially 
correct and one not?  why is it only ok to pick on established 
institutions (institutions we ALL perpetuate and all participate in)?  
why is it any different for you to dismiss people as frat boys then it 
is for limbaugh to dismiss a group of women as feminazis?  all i want 
to know is what is the distinction?  when is it ok to discriminate?  when 
is it ok to stereotype?  

 so you'll forgive me if i dismiss your 
 remarks out of hand, but it's hardly
 a radical suggestion to point out that
 *voluntarily chosen ideologies*
 and *patriarchal structures* such as
 the frats have in the past and
 continue to *legitimate* and *nurture*
 sexist attitudes like the trash that 
 thruster disseminate.
 (i use that verb advisedly.)

it seems to me that living in our society today constitutes participating 
in a patriarchal structure and is a voluntarily chosen idealogy.  our 
work force is male dominated and patriarchal.  no news to me.  it seems 
pretty damn hard to escape all things patriarchal or idealogical.  
feminism is a chosen idealogy, and the same could be said for religion, 
and a host of other things so is it ok to stereotype these institutions 
because the participants have chosen to be a part of them?  

as easy as your distiction seems on the surface, it really doesn't do 
anything except excuse persecution.   

 complaints against the institutions 
 of patriarchy are not reverse discrimination.
 unless you believe rush limbaugh.

so what are complaints against non-patriarchal or non-mainstream 
institutions?  what are sweeping generalisations about jews and 
feminists?  when does choice stop - how much of our situation are we 
responsible for personally and how much can we dismiss into the realm of 
biology or sociology?

if you can answer that as easily as you dismiss my complaint than you really 
ought to be making more money than you do, james.

 *do* you believe rush limbaugh?

i believe he eats his pizza the wrong way.


ps - it seems that everyone puts their socio-political thinking caps on 
at this time of night... i guess it's more fun than essays on 

Re: Sloan for once.

1995-11-16 Thread Elizabeth Greenan

 On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, Tara da Costa wrote:
  mollusks ( i think its with a k, im too lazy to check so instead i opt to
  provide misinformation :)go figure) :) little creatures from the sea that
  people like to eat. 
I'm pretty sure it's molluscs, because that's what the SubPop catalog 
says.  And am I the only one who thinks that a great title for that comp :) 
  track on 'cod can't hear'. there are also a couple of us-only promo singles
 I think it's a live version of 'rag dolls'

As I proud owner of that Cod Can't Hear comp you're compltetely correct

 Also there's something on a comp. called 'hear and now'...I think it's an 
 ancient version of underwhelmed(?). Oh yeah, and didn't some magazine put 
 out a flexi too?. U, I can't remember, somebody else take it from 

I'd be interested in any of those, if they're still avaliable, I'm also 
wondering how I can get the Sloan (not the ET) versionof Laying Blame?

Boy there's sure been lots of posts lately :)

:)   Mark Greenan :)
:)   -Always ready to trade tapes of Sloan, Nirvana,  :)
:)   Eric's Trip and any other cool bands.:)
:)   E-mail me I'm a loser [EMAIL PROTECTED]:)
:)   I would do something but I'm paralised by rage and  :)
:)intoxicating island rythyms.  Monty Burns  :)

Re: Sloan for once.

1995-11-16 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
the sloan flexi was put out by Chart magazine and contains a different 
version of coax me (slow slow slow but not on purpose `icks nay on the 
evie stay micks) and an otherwise unreleased track called one 
professional care. andrew sings it and it really doesn't sound like any 
other sloan song.


`Well, all my Sloan shirts are in the wash,' Mulder says sarcastically.
 :) :) fuh fiction fuh four :) :)

***CJSW 90.9 fm --***

Re: Chris Murphy Speaks Out

1995-11-15 Thread Gord Dimitrieff
Chris da Costa writes:
Chris Murphy used the program Word For Word on MuchMusic to publicly
 condemn zines. In the interview he said something to the extent of I only
 read biographies, I dont read (f)fiction. Could he be anymore blunt? I mean,
 he much does he hate his greatest fans? Just a thought from...

I missed the first part of the interview, and when Chris said that he
had been reading A Day in the Life, I thought he was talking about
Solzhenitsyn and not the Beatles (Solzhenitsyn actually wrote One Day
in the Life).. I must say I was a little dissapointed that it was the
Beatles.. it would have been so much more exciting if sloan were
closet russian-lit fans.

- Gord -

| Gord DimitrieffCan I go home now???|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]-- Rory Tate, Circle Researcher |
|  |
|  Yellow Label =  |

Re: Beatles Night this Friday

1995-11-15 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
MKM productions wrote:

}Everyone should really go down to Birdland this Friday night to see all 
}these local bands playing Beatles songs, it should be a lot of fun. 
}But it will be worth it for the comedy value. The Champs are doing In My 
}Life, Getting Better (don't ask me how) and maybe if we don't get the 
}gong, She Said She Said. Fab Four, Mark

Excellent!  In My Life is one of my fave beatles songs, and one I always 
envisioned as something Sloan or a like band should cover.  And having 
seen The Herm (aka Tim Robbins) and Stinkin Rich do KISS covers, I'm 
interested to see what choices they'll make for Beatless songs.

Be there!

re: simply.....sloan.

1995-11-15 Thread SHANAN KURTZ
 Today Jeremy wrote:
  i was wondering who was who in the pictures on the inside. (of 
 Okay, let's see... Patrick Pentland is playing the guitar... that's 
sneaky Jay Ferguson hidin' in the bathtub... Chris Murphy's got the 
ring pop (Tara DC's fave candy :) )... and Andrew Scott's on the 
bathtub.  Lovely, no?

Re: Friday Oasisoftstrap

1995-11-14 Thread Katrina Grentz
 chinstraps and they are so great, they remind me of purple knight meet the 
 archers of loaf.  they had all kinds of cool little stage props, a sheet 
 of plexi-glass, a hand holding wire(propped up on a rotating shaft), a 
 drum machine, and cool head gear. 

the hand! the hand was *the* coolest thing (tho the drummer's chewbacca 
wig with pink braided headband was pretty brave too;)...the chinstraps 
remind me a bit of deja voodoo, what with the hilarious inanity of their 
lyrics (the creature from the blue lagoon,it went BOOM! BOOM! 
onomatopoeia!)...heather,shant  I ( later on, anoasis waiter) almost 
lost our lives to a huge piece of sheet metal, 1 of the many props, as it 
capsized on to the dancefloor. It was an evening of destruction  fury! 
Sanisoft Bob even lost pieces of his drumsticks!
 and i was *very* impressed with best f'n chips. ferocious. passionate. 
acoustic bar shows are always very difficult but i think by the end of 
the set there were more people up front paying close attn than sitting at 
the back drinking,  even lou b himself couldn't do that at the pop exp 2 
yrs ago so there!..kat, fan-for-hire:):)

I saw the Chinstraps  Sanisoft at the Oasis..and man, these guys need
  to lighten up.  - sticker given out at oasis show (+variations thereof)

Re: halifax poster problem

1995-11-14 Thread Roderick Affleck

 Well, honestly, i've found that postering is pretty much a huge waste
 of time anyway.  Unless a band has a really large solid following,
 posters really aren't going to do very much.. like how often do you
 see a poster for a band that you've never heard of before and think
 hey i think i'll go to that tonight! ... really.. i think you're
 more likely to go if somebody comes up to you and says hey do you
 have anything to do tonight?  if you're intersted there's this cool
 band playing.. blah blah blah 

That may be true unless you're someone like me that has no friends.
i've found out about a lot of gigs by reading posters.  Just
because you know and like a band doesn't mean that you happen to know
that they're playing a gig, and posters are a good way for a band
to let their fans know about their shows.



e-mail SUCKS.

Re: les adventures avec moi, al tuck et les nerdz du super

1995-11-14 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sat, 11 Nov 1995, Large Hearted Boy wrote:

 oh mon dieu,
 guys from the Nils playing for Al Tuck and SF ???   yikes...that's 
 awesome...I thought I was the only one who knew the Nils...the best band 
 in the world...after the Replacements and GbV ? I didn't really recognize 
 them though...hmmm...what's the guitarrist's name ? it's not one of the 
 brothers, is it ? is it ???

henri sangalang (ex-bass player from kearnry lk. rd.)  told me this story 
about when klr opened for the nils many years ago.  he said that they 
were a bunch of scary coke-heads who locked klr out of the dressing 
room and said that when he met the bass player this is how it went:
you have a nice bass, which is true, henri does have a nice bass.
i stole my bass from the last band that opened up for us.  i 
like yours more.
nice guys, eh?


Re: eric's trip in cornwall, NOT!!! (sorry!)

1995-11-14 Thread France Chevalier
Sorry to rain on anyone's parade
Eric's Trip are playing somewhere in the Ontario on the 21 ... in OTTAWA at
On Tap, Orange Glass will unfortunately not be on that bill, they leave the
tour on the 19th (i think).
Eric's Trip will play this show with local (Ottawa) act Sully...

Hitchiked may still play cornwall that night though?!?!?

At 03:54 AM 11/13/95 -0700, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:
yeah yeah, you all know about it i'm sure. guess who is opening for them? 

not just orange glass, but *hitchiked*. yay! in case you haven't been 
paying attention, that would be the band tara da costa plays in. :)

hooray for you, tara dc!! :)  :)  :)
i hope everyone within 1,000 km goes to this show. i'd like to but it's a 
bit of a drive. :) 

spreading happy news is my job today.

the one not in a band, but on a board
`Well, all my Sloan shirts are in the wash,' Mulder says sarcastically.
 :) :) fuh fiction fuh four :) :)

***CJSW 90.9 fm --***

Re: Thruster!! @The KLR mem. Ward Room

1995-11-14 Thread Tara Lee Wittchen
 Thruster rocked hard, and were up to their usual fallen choirboy 
 shenanigans. Spitting beer is a well-worn standby but playing shoeless and 
 slinging sweaty socks at an audience of frat pledges is a new one. 

so the fratboy mentality of their fans isn't just my own perception.

 Something posessed the bassist to crawl inside an overturned garbage can 
 repeatedly screaming Scotch Whiskey!. The sound was particularly clear, 

wow, i didn't realize the real mackenzies were in town. at least when you 
go to a real mackenzies show you expect to have scotch whiskey spit on 
you and you know the only nudity you're going to be subjected to is 
theirs. you get plenty of warning and at least they're only degrading 

 and it was a treat to actually make out the words to their abusively 
 bitter love songs. For an encore, they pushed over the mic stands and rushed 

*you* said it, not me.

in case anyone tries to turn around what i'm saying, let me spell it out 
for you. thruster CAN play they CAN write about whatever they want to, 
they CAN live up to that fratboy way of thinking as long as they want to. 
but they and their fans should be prepared to accept criticism of their 
actions, because come on, how can you claim to have an ounce of respect 
for the women who go to these shows when you're throwing around pictures 
of naked *objectified* women or (and this is just as bad) showing your 
approval by sticking up for this kind of behaviour because hey they're 
nice guys. whatever. i know a lot of nice guys and none of them approve 
of this sort of juvenile behaviour.

i'm just tired of this silence surrounding sexism in indie rock. it's 
sickening when people are quicker to criticize so called political 
correctness (as the editor of ms. magazine once said, PC should stand for 
plain courtesy) instead of the hateful and offensive actions themselves.


`Well, all my Sloan shirts are in the wash,' Mulder says sarcastically.
 :) :) fuh fiction fuh four :) :)

***CJSW 90.9 fm --***

Re: Thrush Hermit Full Length?

1995-11-10 Thread colin mackenzie
actually that is jale who will be recording with Brad and I do not think 
The Hermit have ecided when they are going back into the studio...

On Thu, 9 Nov 1995, Paul Landry wrote:

 I heard rumours that Thrush Hermit are going to be recording 
 their first full length *woohoo* album with Brad Wood.  What I 
 haven't heard is when it may be coming out.  Can anyone help this 
 poor indie rock starved ragamuffin?
 Patriotily yours,
 Paul Landry

Re: Al Tuck bad choice?

1995-11-09 Thread colin mackenzie
We are working on all ages shows for the Super friendz on their way back 
home in early Dec. cross your fingers and let us know of any places you 
have in mind.

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Tara da Costa wrote:

 hey there :)
 ok listen you pop rock kids, just because you can not mosh to something 
 does not mean it is not cool. Yea the Super Friendz are amazing, but if 
 you want to look a little closer at the music instead of just the cool: 
 [deleted stuff]
 lucky for you all Al will be back through on the way back.
 unluckily (not to mention ironically) for this under-aged 'pop rock kid', the
 tour is all bar shows. 
 :( I missed not seeing Al, but oh I guess its better that the ottawa show on
 saturday wasn't allages. cos ya know, if it were, id have been moshing all
 over the place with all the other kids, making noise and knocking mic
 stands over.
 Can't wait til i'm 19. then i can get drunk and pick up babes *and* listen
 to bands play --all at once!
 til then i guess ill just have to smoke crack and do E and go to raves. 
 uh...yes, i am being facetious. no, im not mad at anyone. im just bitter
 because im sick of missing bands that i really like simply because 
 i was born a couple of years too late. 
 The smile that you send out...
returns to you. :)
 -Indian Wisdom

Re: wardroom show 1989

1995-11-09 Thread Andrew . Rodenhiser
Katrina Grentz [EMAIL PROTECTED] noted:

}i still have the posters for that show under my bed somewhere (this gig 
}is not a toy or something like that). it was kearney lake rd (jay 
}ferguson on guitar,henri sangalang on bass  crazy long-haired chris 
}murphy on drums...ok so we have answered this 1 before many times :) and 100 
}flowers (who had altogether too many guitar players at this point) 
}the ward room is a very strange tiny place to see a band (the pit is 
}so much it still used for gigs?). The thing that I remember 
}most about this show was being thrown into the wall repeatedly during the 
}KLR cover of led zepplin's the immigrant song...those were the days 
}indeed!:):) (it was a lot of fun,klr were amazing). Drew  Charles Austin 
}may have been there as both were King's students at the time.

OK, so Chris had long hair, but what about Drew?  I seem to recall Drew 
having almost as much hair as you, Katrina, when I first saw the 
Superfriends.  So six years ago was he the boyish imp he is today, or was 
he a crazy long-haired rocker

And wasn't music reviewer Ron Foley I hate every band that's more 
successful than mine Macdonald the bassman for 100 Flowers?  There's a 
guy who needs a hairstyle, a makeover, maybe even a bit of psychotherapy.

Having a bad hair day

Re: Chinstraps/Sanisoft/Best FChips

1995-11-09 Thread Melanie Rusinak
Hi, this is Melfar from Trike.I live with Mike from the 
Chinstraps and I gotta tell you that the new props are going to be 
chinstraperific. I haven't seen them but I've seen the blueprints and I 
also stole the minutes from their last meeting..I can't say 
anymore, its too dangerous.
Has anyone got any naked Greenday pictures from 
Fredericton..will Trade for other naked band pictures (i have my 

Re: Where do you get Len?

1995-11-08 Thread Brendan Ryan
That was the same episode that Sloan was on too.. I think, what total 
camera hogs, eh?
Simple tuniversal Brendan.

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

 On Tue, 7 Nov 1995, Bryce Colenbrander wrote:
  i also heard somewhere, that the really old street cents theme was
  done by thrush hermit.. true, or a cruel joke?..
 true. one time thrush hermit played live on street cents too, they did 
 simple universal leader (from the _marya_ 7'' or _john boomer_ 
 cassette). tara da costa has it on video and sent me a copy of it. it's 
 pretty funny, they're all so young and they look so cool with their big 
 wool toques. (to paraphrase grampa simpson, it was the style at the 
 time). there was a short interview. this was all pre-cliff, by the way. 
 they had some smart ass kid drumming for them back then.
 ...when we first started, Ian, Rob and I, our first band was called 
 Nabisco Fonzi.   - Joel Plaskett
 ***CJSW 90.9 fm --***

Re: Al Tuck bad choice?

1995-11-08 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, colin mackenzie wrote:

 ok listen you pop rock kids, just because you can not mosh to something 
 does not mean it is not cool. Yea the Super Friendz are amazing, but if 
 you want to look a little closer at the music instead of just the cool: 
 you will find that Al Tuck has had a great influence on many of the Super 
 Friendz, both Matt and Charles played in his band. Rather than 
 discounting it as boring, perhaps you could sit down and let the music 
 sink in. Al by all counts, Chris Murphy too, is a genius song writer, and 
 if you can sit through a Sebadoh album then surely to God you can take a 
 minute and discover somthing that has not bee spoon fed to you by Much 
 Music, Spin,or Ray Gun.

by the same token, people don't HAVE to like something just because you 
or the suerfriendz do, and implying that they are dumb or uncultured or 
something because they think seeing al tuck opening for the superfriendz 
is a little weird, or disconcerting or whatever is rather rude.  

a lot of places that aren't hfx don't have the long tradition of mixing 
genres at shows - at a lot of places it's like rap show rock show 
folk show or whatever and people have ideas about what to expect, so 
hen they see a show like the al/sf show it's a little strange.  some 
people will react by saying that they like the mix, others will react by 
saying they don't - both are valid.  

and, just becuase you can sit through an entire sebadoh record, doesn't 
mean that you could sit through an entire lou barlow set if he was 
opening for pantera, especially if lou's sets were as long and as 
self-indulgent as al's tend to be (actually, they probably are).  al 
plays for a long long long time, and it can be a little hard to take.  i 
know lots and lots of people who don't think he's at all talented and 
don't like his music.  does this mean they are all dumb and uneducated?  
no, of course not, people are allowed to have different opinions, and 
al's music is really not for everyone.  

if you like it great, buy his records, go to his shows, etc, etc, but 
please don't try and make other (younger) people feel stupid because they 
don't.  people have the right to make up their own minds about music, and 
you telling them that they're wrong about al is no different than mm, 
raygun or spin telling tem what to like, how to dress, etc.


 lucky for you all Al will be back through on the way back.

maybe people still won't like him.  what do you do then?  

Re: mucheast

1995-11-08 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 talk about missing a scoop. what a moron. on saturday and sunday 
 afternoons, he could have interviewed people from what i consider to be 
 some of the most important record labels in canada...he could have gone to 
 some of the all ages shows and picked up on some of the lesser known but 
 just as cool (or cooler but anyway) bands...but no. i didn't see him at 
 the no-cases on friday night. in fact, i only saw him at the BAR shows.
 well, you know, there's a lot of reasons why that might be the case.
 just to play devil's advocate here...

as i said before, mike campbell WAS at the indie symposium and he was 
talking to labels (and making himself seem like a moron).  he was there 
when i got there on saturday morning (which was right when the doors 
opened) but i think he left before tara got there (which would be why she 
didn't see him).

 - label interviews just aren't as visually interesting as live band footage

but, people who run record labes are usually way more interesting than 
the bands on those labels.  picture this: an interview with a label guy 
cut in with appropriate shots of bands on said label.  not really a big 
concept.  bands don't often have much to say.

 - much east is basically a one-man operation and there's only so much
   that mike can cover, so it's no wonder that he sticks to higher-profile
   stuff.  much east *has* been described as content-starved and while
   the inner workings of sappy records may be fascinating to most of us
   on this list, much music is a business, not a charity.  if you compare
   much east to much west, much east is already covering some very low
   profile stuff.

tdm (tedium?)  does, however, go out of his way to interview people 
(although that show is the biggest pile of dreck that e'er was seen on 
muchmusic, except for than horrendous abomination that was mike+mike's 
inane cross cananda adventures) all over bc and the praries, he does 
features on 
every major music event, and is also practically a one-man operation.  

 - further to this one-man operation theme, i'm not really sure what
   kind of process is involved in cataloguing and transferring the 
   video footage to toronto, but i'm sure the work involved in that
   each week is a major reason that mike doesn't shoot more stuff.

probably a lot less than you would think.  if muchwest was taped and 
edited for a 1/2hr show every day last yr, it probably isn't unreasinable 
to expect an hour of quality every week - c'mon, every week!  brave new 
waves does a great show almost every night with a staff of three people 
doing everything, and mike campbell has the full support of the mm/city 
tv/chum-fm family.  

there really is no good excuse for the half-assed job he oes wih that 
show.  if he needs help getting it together, he should just *ask*, there 
are enough film students and starving artists in the region and a strong 
enough film and video community that he could easily find some young 
people to work as *gasp* interns, for little pay just so they can get 
some credentials on their resumes.  he's admitted that he is out of touch 
with the indie scene, and i had heard that mm were going to put two 
vj's on the show, one to cover the trad east coast stuff (campbell) and 
one to cover indie rock (new guy), but i guess that idea didn't jive to 
well with someone's ego or pocketbook, because it never happened.  why 
does campbell have to report everything?  why can't some other people be 
found to keep things a little more current?  couldn't there be a nfld 
correspondant? a nb correspondant?  it doesn't seem to be to unreasonable 
an idea... get some young punk to work on commision or something - ie, 
get paid for every peice they air - and mm will have a better show, and 
someone will have a nice looking resume item.  

on the other hand, the show is about east coast music, and the majority 
of east coast music that gets national attention, or international 
attention (ie, the stuff people outside the maritimes care about) is 
fiddle music like the rankins, barra macneils, etc, so you shouldn't 
complain about it being on mucheast - it has just as much of a right 
(maybe even more of one) to be there.  to expect full hour exposes every 
week on some pretty obscure topic that would be of little interest to 
anyone except fanatics is ridiculous.  most of the year there really 
isn't all that much going on in the indie scene (thrush hermit playing at 
the birdland is hardly cause for a feature), and when here is somehing 
major (like the popx) he covers it, but thigs like the jazz festival, the 
blues festival, and the gospel festival are all equally important as the 
popx and no cases.  so there are doubtlessly going to be weeks where 
there is no rock at all, and that's a valid thing.  also, about the 
limited number of videos that get aired, well, there really aren't many 
good videos that have come out of the region (and why 

Re: Al Tuck bad choice?

1995-11-08 Thread colin mackenzie
ok listen you pop rock kids, just because you can not mosh to something 
does not mean it is not cool. Yea the Super Friendz are amazing, but if 
you want to look a little closer at the music instead of just the cool: 
you will find that Al Tuck has had a great influence on many of the Super 
Friendz, both Matt and Charles played in his band. Rather than 
discounting it as boring, perhaps you could sit down and let the music 
sink in. Al by all counts, Chris Murphy too, is a genius song writer, and 
if you can sit through a Sebadoh album then surely to God you can take a 
minute and discover somthing that has not bee spoon fed to you by Much 
Music, Spin,or Ray Gun.

lucky for you all Al will be back through on the way back.

Re: eric's trip dicography?

1995-11-07 Thread brian muldoon lamey

This is a list of all the Eric's Trip stuff I know of in addition to the 
list you posted.

Eric's Trip:  Float/opening song/trapped in NY.-7 on Summershine(+subpop)
  One song members of compilations: Raw Energy-sickness-cd
Naked in the marsh comp.
10green vinyl
There's a Nardwuar comp., 
too( they do a GUESS WHO 

  Their first demos (out of press): Eric's Trip, Drowning
   (those are with their old 
drummer, Ed Vaughn, who 
plays bass in the moon 
 socket live band)
 Catapillar e.p.
 Warm Girl
 (with Mark Gaudet)

  Warm Girl 7 on Derivative
  Belong 7 on Nim records (out of Print)

Side Projects:
All: Julie and the port hole to dimentia 7-sappy (solo songs)

Rick (with Julie): Notes from Stereo Mountain 7with comic- Sub pop lim. ed.
 (with Mark):  Elevator to Hell: 12-Sub pop
   Elevator to Hell: forward to snow7- sappy
Julie: Broken Girl: dog love ptII-7-sappy
  : Nora-7-sappy
  (and there's a 12 due out soon on sappy. early next year)

Chris: Moon Socket: tape out on sappy
  : socket to me - on derivative
  : Spaced-odd-ditties- 7sappy
  : new sub pop 7
  (and I think there's another one of his)

Mark:  Purple Knight: most recently knights of dark waters7 on NIM 
  records- but there are many, many tapes that I 
  don't know about- mark's been rocking longer than I 
  have been alive.
   No Explanation:  Mark's tape out on venison creek; he does most of 
everything by himself, except for a few back up 

  and Mark does a zine called Venison Creek, as well.

That's all I know of and heard- but i know that there is more. Eric's 
Trip are one of the most prolific bands today. Please: if anyone can make 
additions or corrections-tell me.

thanks- brian muldoon lamey

Re: Harpers's Bazaar Magazine article

1995-11-06 Thread colin mackenzie
Harper's Bazaar Sept. 1993
NME March 1993
or melody Maker
On Sat, 4 Nov 1995, Robert Cormier wrote:

 I red an article about Halifax and the G-7 in the Maclean's magazine.  They
 were referring to Halifax as being tagged the next Seattle, the very
 anatomy of a hip city and a San Francisco North.
 I am trying to locate the articles/magazines the journalist was referring to.
 I know he mentionned the Harpers's Bazaar.
 Any help to locate those articles(s) or any other stuff about the Halifax
 music and arts scene will be welcomed.
 Robert A. Cormier
 Halifax, Nova Scotia

Re: wE LoVe LeNNi! :)

1995-11-06 Thread Jeremy Gara
on sunday, the Pit became a freakin madhouse party! :) 3 local bands and
the mighty LEN! :) yay, len! they drove all the way down from toronto to
play the show and they rawked the house down. :)
   Purifica was the first band up. They are a 5 piece from out here in a
   Next was Son of Flynn. 4 rawk outs who attend my school. :)real
   Next up unfortunately was us. :) hitchiked played the usual pop

Ok...the only bad part of our (hitchiked) set was that Janet and Tara
always set up the song by saying it will suck or that they will screw up
or by slamming themselves. Sorry :) you kick ass. Sorry.

Finally, LEN! :) wh!! :) :) i was so excited to see them! :)

Len did kick ass and everyone I talked to today will agree. Wicked show.
Thanx again for coming down on pretty short notice. Kickin shit y'all.


signature files suck...
la la la la la la   ..detroit has a skyline to... :)

Re: broken girl/moonsocket/super friendz/punchbuggy

1995-11-05 Thread Shant Pelley

On Sun, 5 Nov 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

 broken girl/moonsocket question:
 is julie covering chris or is chris covering julie with somebody else's 

julie covers somebody else's love and does one original, and moon 
socket covers laugh with me and does one original. don't know when it 
comes out:(

 super friendz question:
 so the other chris, murphy, isn't touring with the super friendz. what's 
 the story on their new drummer, lonnie? is he temporary, permanent and 
 where on earth did he come from? 

ummm, according to matt, he's from toronto and just called them up and 
asked if they were still needing another drummer. i guess he'll probably 
be with them for a while. the thursday show was the first he played, and 
he's a little shaky...but good:) he just needs some more time with the 
songs...but he did a wonderful job!


Re: Plum Tree

1995-11-03 Thread Roderick Affleck

 When I interviewed them (mostly Amanda), I was told that their 
 influences were Pop music.  K-records kind of stuff.whatever that 
 is...actually who knows, it could be Kay-records for all I 

yeah, K records, from Olympia Washington.  started by one of the best
no talent bands ever, Beat Happening.  but I'm sure you all knew that

 They have a tape out:  I think it's called Flutter Boy.

Flutterboard actually.  flutter boy sounds better though.  They should have
put more thought into naming their tape.

 A new 7:  ?? don't know much about it.

It's called water had leaked into my suit or some such stupidness
they do a great surf version of steppenwolf's Born to be wild, and call
it Sodium Chloride

 Amanda told me that they were going to record this past summer  
 for a C.D. but I don't know what the current info is on that.

Yeah, they recorded it in Ottawa with Paul gluetones Hogan.  good choice
of producer in my opinion.  he should be able to do a good job of
capturing their sound.

roderick, who knows too much about bands he doesn't even like.


e-mail SUCKS.


1995-11-01 Thread Shant Pelley

On Tue, 31 Oct 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 ok, here's my review of the riverdales:
 the ramones on an off night.  i said as
 much to shelley popexplosion when i ran
 into her  mel, and she told me that patrick
 said the same thing.  so we have a consensus.
 :-)  it was a pretty bad knockoff.

you got my vote on that one marc brown said to me i've already
seen the ramones twice...didn't need to see them again!
i'm glad email is quiet...i can't take anymore noise!

 i guess our resident fanboy shant got to meet
 the band!  i'll let him tell you all about that.

sure, i guess. umm, i got to meet them as they left the prince george 
(posh...) hotel to take the tour bus across the street to the metro 
centre (THAT really boggles me). billie joe came out first and seemed 
really hurried and impatient. i was slightly unimpressed...but didn't 
expect any better from him anyhow. next came tres cool. seemed nice, but 
didn't come back out to sign when he said he would. probably too stoned 
to remember. anyhow, kudos to mike dirnt who really redeemed them for me! 
really nice, quiet guy. graciously agreed to sign and shook my hand and 
told us all to watch out for each other out there (to the four of us that 
were there at the time). i was impressed!

...and yes! the show rocked! can't wait to see the pix. they better come 
out! i had a hell of a time sneaking in my camera! ;)


Re: broken girl lyrics

1995-11-01 Thread Jordan S. Charlestein

Tara wrote:
it kind of goes you did real well, you did real well together, we did
well together, but not forever and in the verses, it sounds like a
little story about the first time she ever went to see elevator to hell
cause it really sounds like she's talking about what it's like to not be
on stage with rick and tara is. anyway, it's very sad and beautiful and i

Here are the lyrics as best as I can remember them (adina knows 
them all by heart, she has a staggering memory, but she's not here, so..)

'I saw you play for the first time
   what a time.
 People looked at me and kind of wondered why
   I was not up there
   I was not up there
   With youooo-ooo-ooo.

 When I first saw you there I was kind of sad
  But then a realized I was kind of glad that
 I was not up there
 It would not be fair 
 To youooo-ooo-ooo.
  'cause you did real well, you did reall well together.
   WE did well togetherbut not forever.

I'd have to second that notion that her wormwood show was 'best o' the fest'


testing signature thing

Re: MuchEast is Fulfiment?

1995-10-31 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Mark Kenneth Mullane wrote:

 I wish someone with some clue to what is happening, would help Mike
 Campbell out on this one. Later, Mark

Ok, here's how YOU can help clue him in.
That's his number, call him and tell what's going down in your scene that 
he should be paying attention to. 
DON'T phone him up and yell your ass off at his machine telling him how 
stunned he is. Phone him and just let him know everytime you rfavourite 
band is doing something and keep him informed. If you leave enough 
information on a consistent basis, hew will probably come and do 
something when the time and band gives him enough reasons to. He's not 
just going to show up and cover all the local bands from the ground up. 
He is broadcasting nationally and therefore has responsibilty to 
represent bands that will have some interest on a national level, whether 
it be because they just released an album nationally, made an independent 
video, organized a festival, came up with a cool PR stunt or because the 
general viewership requests the information a certain band. 
That said, I am not a big fan of Mike or of Much East, but once we got 
him to come to Newfoundland he was quite receptive to our requests for 
interviews slots and gig coverage, and I was quite happy with what went 
to air even though everybody else in my band got named except me (I guess 
that's what happens when you tell them your name is Smug Bastard). But 
the fact is, it took him 2 fucking years to get here. How can you do an 
Eastern Canadian Music show and not go to one of the 4 provinces for 2 
fucking years. Now I fax him every press release I can get my hands on, 
gigs, record launches, updates on the scene, and anything I can get 
around to sending. Come to think of it I think I'll send one tomorrow and 
try and get him here for New Years Eve when Potmaster, Bung and Lizband 
play at the LSPU HALL.


Re: CHED page on the WWW

1995-10-31 Thread WeSErSoNS
Same goes here.. If any of you people out there have the adress for any 
band's home page mail it to me..  Or, for that matter if you have the 
home page adresses for any Canadian band.. ie. furnaceface.  I dont' 
think that they have one, but it was just an example.. =]  I'm going to 
put a page full of links to Canadian band's homepages on _my_ homepage...

- Wes

On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Philip Anthony Vanulden wrote:

 Hello there all,
   For those of you interested, St. John's, Newfoundland band CHED now 
 has a webpage which can be accessed with the following address:
   Can someone post some addresses of other Eastern Canadian band 
 homepages. I know that Afterforever have one and I thought Sloan had one 
 but I'm not sure. Anybody know of some others?

Re: Tim Robbins Experience

1995-10-31 Thread James R. Covey
helen axed:

Does NE one know NE thing about the Tim Robbins Experience? They have a
song on the Bubblegun Records compilation CD (Blow Hard and Pop) and the
band appears to be a Thrush Hermit side project..
it's three members of thrush hermit, on different instruments:
joel plays drums, ian plays guitar, rob plays bass/keyboard.
this is the side project where they live out their fantasy of
being guided by voices.  i think they're the best side project
band there's ever been in halifax.


 _James R. Covey [EMAIL PROTECTED]_sloan net is a discussion of the
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Re: in defense of me

1995-10-31 Thread Jordan S. Charlestein

Tara Wittchen wrote THIS heinous paragraph on All Hallow's Eve:

BUT thanks to dream and adina's when harry met sally restaurant
ordering style :) :) (does the fajitas have onions? can i get this
dressing on the side? do you haveetc etc etc) :) :) we took forever
to eat and i missed len.

  Ok, now, yes I did ask a few questions, but the main delay was after I 
had ordered a dish without sour cream they came back five minutes later 
and said it was all mixed in so I had to REorder, hence the delay.  But 
geez Tara was it really necessary to embarass me publicly like this.  I 
could have posted about how you kept pinching the waitresses ass, but I 


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