
Hope I'm not wasting your time, but I just can't seem to get the WHO command working 
properly. I suspect that it's got to do with PPP. I can only see users who login with 
a unix shell (ie ppp users don't appear). My work around until now has been >> 
last|grep ogg << which is OK, but I really want to get ISP_WATCH working.

While I'm on it (PPP that is) every now and then PPP seems to stop. I can login using 
the Redhat 6.2 generic dialler to my Redhat server, and all appears fine in the log 
(both ends). Ip address and DNS numbers are issues, but no data. Can't ping anything. 
A clensing re-boot seems to correct things, but the current users that are logged on 
and receiving data aren't particularly happy with this solution. I do see the 
occassional mg_init_data error in the logs, but no explaination for why it runs for 
days on end without problems, and then the sky seems to fall. Cyclades support can't 
seem to add any light (other than ugrade to a newer driver). Mgetty seems ok, as I can 
run for days without problem.


Andrew Trenholme
System: Dual 433 with 3 x 20gb IDE, 512 SDRAM RedHat 6.2 ( and drivers at this level)

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