Richard Hayes wrote on Fri Oct 12 14:48:02 2001 
> Dear List,
> I use ps2pdf to create PDFs. Is there any free /open source tools that
> allows me to edit a pdf  file?

I just came across pstoedit accidentlly and remembered you
post Richard.

Description: PostScript and PDF files to editable vector graphics
converter. pstoedit converts Postscript and PDF files to various editable
vector graphic formats including tgif, xfig, PDF graphics, gnuplot
format, idraw, MetaPost, GNU Metafile, PIC, Killustrator and flattened

Google will help with finding da web site for it.
I have a readme.txt describing it at work. Its quite neat.
Michael Lake
Active caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.
Safety Convenor, Australian Speleological Federation
Owner, Speleonics (Australia)  <^~^::^~^>

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