On Fri, Oct 21, 2005 at 10:03:21AM +1000, Peter Rundle wrote:
> Dean Hamstead wrote:
> >ethereal?
> Sure. But how do I distill the worms attacks out of the millions of 
> other packets that are being picked up? There is constant broadcast 
> traffic on the LAN with PC's file sharing between each other. So traffic 
> to port 137 etc is very busy. How can I tell out of that broadcast 
> stream which packets are the worm scanning for ports to attack on?
> I mean if the worm is scanning then I can just ethereal/tcpdump in the 
> Linx box to try and capture the initial port scan for vunerable ports.

I reckon that a bit of time spent with a tcpdump log and the usual suspects
in the toolbox of Unix text manipulation tools would get you your answer. 
Consider, you're looking for a machine which is flinging a lot of SYN
packets around, on port 137, to a lot of different IP addresses.  So, you'd
do something similar to:

tcpdump -i eth0 -n port 137 >/tmp/capt
grep ': S ' /tmp/capt | cut -d ' ' -f 3,5 | sort | uniq

And then look for addresses which happen to have a lot of connections to a
lot of different destination addresses.  With a bit of extra faff you could
do a lot better, by stripping out the source and dest ports, then doing
another sort/uniq, then stripping out the destination address, sort/uniq -c
to get a count of how many times each line appeared, and you would then have
a list of source IP addresses, with the number of distinct machines that
each source IP has contacted over the period of the scan.

- Matt
(Executive Director of the 'Shell Scripts For All!' foundation)
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