Dear all,

how can I bring the backfill scheduler to examine all low-priority jobs
for possible execution?

We have situations with >100000 jobs and times with just a few hundreds.
So a fixed bf_interval does not make sense.

Is there some option to say the bf scheduler runs down to the bottom of
the queue an then starts at the top, just ignoring bf_interval.

As a workaround, I now have a python script checking sdiag (via API). If
"Last depth cycle" is much smaller than "Last queue length" I increase
bf_interval by 50% (+ scontrol reconf) - and the other way round
comparing the bf cycle time with bf_interval.
This works but I would assume something built-in in Slurm - though I
haven't found it, yet.


Dr. Ulf Markwardt

Technische Universität Dresden
Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH)
01062 Dresden, Germany

Phone: (+49) 351/463-33640      WWW:

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