Hello All,

Disclaimer: I have no idea if anyone woud be interested in this. I needed
this tool, wrote some code, and figured I should share it with the

Recently, our group at Pitt moved from PBS to Slurm, but we didn't have an
equivalent for Gold. We wanted to have a Gold-like bank, but also a
proposal system which wasn't tied to PriorityUsageResetPeriod. I didn't
like the idea of accepting a proposal halfway through the year and 6 months
later the usage reset (assuming you chose yearly resets). I found similar
tools on the web, but nothing that really addressed all of my needs.
Therefore I wrote my own. It is sitting at
https://github.com/barrymoo/slurm-bank. It comes with a few scripts:

1. crc-bank.py - The banking script itself. This is meant for admins to
insert/add/modify bank accounts
2. crc-sus.py - A helper python script which is used by crc-usage.pl as
read-only access to bank database
3. crc-usage.pl - Pretty prints the usage of an account (meant for account
managers, we send monthly reports to account managers with a separate tool)
4. checks.sh - Meant to run under a cron job to check usage limits and
proposal end dates

If you are interested feel free to try it out. If you have any questions
submit an issue. It's working nicely for us so far.



Barry E Moore II, PhD
E-mail: bmoor...@pitt.edu

Assistant Research Professor
Center for Simulation and Modeling
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

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