
I was under the impression that environments travelled with slurm when
sbatch was executed - so any node could execute any code as if it was the
env I executed from or built within my sbatch scripts.

We use Environment Modules and this has all worked just great. Very pleased.

Recently I learnt about Environment Modules "set-alias" command, which
seemed pretty nifty, especially for java executables that til now had been
wrapped in shell scripts that looked like:

 BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)

 if [[ -z "$TMPDIR" ]]; then

 java -Xmx8g -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -jar $BASEDIR/SOFTWARE.jar "$@"

I hated having these shell scripts around because they are messy and
cumbersome. Setting the alias seemed to be the perfect, modularised,

set-alias "java -Xmx8g -Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR -jar $BASEDIR/SOFTWARE.jar"

But today I have discovered that the alias - while working on the login
node - doesn't work when sent via

sbatch script.sh

Are we doing something wrong, or was I incorrect in thinking that set-alias
was the balm for our shell script mess?


"The antidote to apocalypticism is *apocalyptic civics*. Apocalyptic civics
is the insistence that we cannot ignore the truth, nor should we panic
about it. It is a shared consciousness that our institutions have failed
and our ecosystem is collapsing, yet we are still here — and we are
creative agents who can shape our destinies. Apocalyptic civics is the
conviction that the only way out is through, and the only way through is
together. "

*Greg Bloom* @greggish

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