Hello all

We are having an issue understanding user association and partition.

Currently we have a partition with 30 GPU cards .

We have defined a qos gpu-rtx that allows user to reserve 2 cards

sacctmgr show qos gpu-rtx format=MaxTRESPU%60



We have defined a user test that is assoc with this qos

sacctmgr show assoc user=test format=user,qos



Now we define another qos  gpu-rtx-reserved  that allows gpu=8

sacctmgr show qos gpu-rtx-reserved format=MaxTRESPU%60



User test is not associated with gpu-rtx-reserved qos. So he should not be
able to use more then gpu=2 .
Both of these qos are now in slurm.conf for the partition

parrtitionName=gpu-rtx6000-2 State=UP Nodes=g[15-29] MaxNodes=9
MaxTime=168:00:00 DefMemPerCPU=3996 AllowQos=gpu-rtx,gpu-rtx-reserved

But we found out that even though user is not assoc with gpu-rtx-reserved
if the user uses gpu-rtx-reserved  in his slurm script , he can reserve 8
gpu cards

So our question is , can the users assoc with one partition qos can use the
other qos in the partition  even if they are not associated with it . or in
other words , we can only define one partition qos and not more then one.?

Hope i was able to explain ?

Any advice if we want partition to use more then one qos with different
limits and users associated with one qos should not use other qos ?


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