Hi all,

I am just wondering if you have seen this same issue. On one of our
servers, the rpcbind daemon used 3.6G memory; on another server, it
reported out of memory error:

 svc_vc_create: makefd_xprt  : out of memory
 do_accept : out of memory
xdrrec_create: out of memory
svc_fd_xprtcopy: strdup failed

It seems lots of 16-byte buffers are allocated but never released. I am
still struggling to find where it is.

Just want to ask around.



# pmap 5840
5840:   /usr/sbin/rpcbind
08045000      12K rw---    [ stack ]
08050000      52K r-x--  /usr/sbin/rpcbind
0806D000       4K rw---  /usr/sbin/rpcbind
0806E000 3828440K rw---    [ heap ]
 total   3831748K

# mdb core.5840
Loading modules: [ libumem.so.1 libc.so.1 libuutil.so.1 ld.so.1 ]
> ::umem_cache
ADDR     NAME                      FLAG    CFLAG  BUFSIZE  BUFTOTL
0809a010 umem_alloc_16             0800 80000000       16 226746054

> ::findleaks

*** mdb: received signal SEGV at:
    [1] libumem.so`leaky_mtabcmp+0xa()
    [2] libumem.so`findleaks+0x177()
    [3] mdb`dcmd_invoke+0x40()
    [4] mdb`mdb_call_idcmd+0x128()
    [5] mdb`mdb_call+0x325()
    [6] mdb`yyparse+0x3f7()
    [7] mdb`mdb_run+0x26d()
    [8] mdb`main+0x154c()
    [9] mdb`_start+0x83()

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