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Safety of helicopter aeromedical transport in Australia: a
retrospective study
Jim Holland and David G Cooksley
MJA 2005; 182 (1): 17-19

To determine the accident rate for Australian helicopter emergency
medical services (HEMS) per 100 000 flying hours and to determine the
patient mortality risk per mission from a HEMS accident.

Retrospective observational study of Australian HEMS flying hours and
accidents from 1992–2002.

The calculated accident rate for Australian HEMS is 4.38 per 100 000
flying hours. One patient died as a direct result of helicopter
accident in 50 164 missions. Overall, one accident occurred every 16
721 missions.

The overall Australian HEMS accident rate is similar to that reported
from other countries, with all accidents occurring in Queensland
community HEMS. Helicopters flown at night under Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) appear to represent a high-risk subgroup. HEMS flights do not
appear to present significant mortality risk to patients being

The first Australian helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS)
began operations in Sydney in 1973. Since then, HEMS operations
within Australia have grown considerably (see Box 1). HEMS programs
now operate in all Australian states and territories except the
Northern Territory.

Benefits in morbidity and mortality have been reported with
physician-staffed HEMS stabilisation and primary transport of trauma
patients;1-3 however, the benefits for trauma patients4,5 as well as
medical patients6-10 have been challenged. It is generally accepted
in medicine that the risk of an intervention should not be greater
than its demonstrated benefit. Unless the risk is known, it is
impossible to realistically assess the risk–benefit of HEMS.

To date, there has been no attempt to quantify the risks associated
with HEMS operations in Australia. This article attempts to define
the accident rate for HEMS operations and the patient mortality risk
from a HEMS accident within Australia.

Australian HEMS operators listed in the “SAR, EMS and Police
Directory”11 were contacted by mail, email and telephone, and asked
to provide the following data for the period 1 January 1992 to 31
December 2002:
the number of medical missions (primary and interhospital)
the number of patients transported, and
the total number of flying hours engaged in (primary and
interhospital) patient transport.

Discussions with the listed HEMS operators and state ambulance
services identified other users of helicopters for medical transport,
such as the Northern Territory Aerial Service, and government
agencies such as Queensland Emergency Services, who were then
contacted and asked to provide the same data. Ad-hoc patient
transports by commercial (non-HEMS) helicopter operators, as occurred
in the Australian Capital Territory, Western Australia and the
Northern Territory during the study period, were excluded.
When the number of patient transports and the number of missions were
not both reported, we assumed one patient transport per mission and
vice versa.

The number of accidents involving EMS helicopters during the same
period was determined from Air Safety Occurrence Reports published by
the aviation branch of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau. HEMS
air-safety occurrences not associated with usual primary or
interhospital patient transports, such as winch (hoist) operations
and “search and rescue” missions, were excluded.

Aviation accident rates are reported as fatal and total accidents per
100 000 flying hours.12-15 Data were collated and entered onto a
standard spreadsheet format. The accident rate (per 100 000 flying
hours) and patient mortality rate per mission were then calculated.
The study was approved by the chairman of the Townsville Hospital and
District Ethics Committee.

We received data for all HEMS operations in Australia during the
study period, with the exception of one Victorian community service
provider who commenced operations in mid-1999.

The numbers of missions, patients transported, flying hours and
accidents for each year of the study period are shown in Box 1. A
summary of HEMS activity by state is shown in Box 2. Calculated
accident rates per 100 000 flying hours for Australia, Queensland
government HEMS, and Queensland community HEMS are shown in Box 3.
Published rates for the United States and the Federal Republic of
Germany are included in Box 3 for comparison. The number of patients
transported is generally less than the total number of missions. This
is most likely because of missions being aborted or patients dying
before transport.

In Australia during the study period, only one patient, a 5-year-old
boy, died as a direct result of a HEMS accident in 50 164 missions.
He was accompanied by his mother, who also suffered fatal injuries in
the crash, as did the pilot and two paramedics.18 Overall, one
accident occurred every 16 721 missions. A summary of Australian HEMS
accidents that occurred during the study period is provided in Box

Following the study period, another Queensland Community Rescue
Service helicopter crashed into the sea north of Mackay, killing all
three crew members. This occurred during a night flight to collect an
injured patient on Hamilton Island.21 Details of this accident are
also included in Box 4.

The accident rate for HEMS in Australia is 4.38 per 100 000 flying
hours for the period 1992–2002, which is similar to the reported
international experience. All accidents within the study period
involved Queensland community HEMS flying under Visual Flight Rules.
Their accident rate was 25.03 per 100 000 flying hours, based on
three accidents in 11 987 flying hours. During the same period, other
HEMS operations in Australia accumulated a total of 56 448
accident-free flying hours. It is important to note that our data do
not allow comparison of accident rates between Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) HEMS flying hours (see Box 4
for definitions). It should also be noted that VFR HEMS operations
are conducted in other parts of Australia — they are not limited to
Queensland community HEMS.

It has been stated that helicopter transport is expensive and risky,
and that the benefits of helicopter transport must always be weighed
against the risk of death for patients.22 The overall risk of
accident-related patient death in Australia is about 1 in 50 000 HEMS
missions. It is not known how this risk compares to other modes of
patient transport, such as road ambulance or aeroplane, and further
research is required in this area. Clinicians requesting patient
transport should always consider whether any potential benefit to the
patient is greater than the risk of the transport itself.
Our data underestimate the number of HEMS missions, patients
transported and hours flown, because one Australian HEMS operator did
not provide data for the study period, and we did not include ad hoc
patient transports by general aviation helicopter operators. Thus,
our calculated accident rate will be higher than the actual rate. We
believe this is unlikely to significantly affect our results. For
example, correcting for an underestimation of flying hours by 5%
would change the Australian HEMS accident rate from 4.38 to 4.19 per
100 000 flying hours.

Another potential confounding variable is the assumption that one
patient was transported per mission and vice versa when either of the
variables was unknown. Several HEMS operators stated informally that
it is unusual to transport more than one patient per mission. The
effect of this potential error on the calculated “patient mortality
per mission flown” is unknown.

All air safety occurrences require mandatory reporting to the Air
Transport Safety Bureau. We are therefore confident that all
HEMS-related accidents occurring during the study period have been
identified. Our study attempts to define risk associated with
standard primary and interhospital patient transfers. We specifically
excluded HEMS flying hours and air-safety occurrences not associated
with standard transports, such as aerial winch (hoist) and “search
and rescue” operations. We believe that such operations do not
reflect the procedure and risk encountered with standard HEMS
transport, and require separate risk assessment.

Investigation of reasons for the high accident rate experienced by
Queensland community HEMS is beyond the scope of this article and
warrants further review. However, we note that three of the four HEMS
accidents since 1992 (including one accident after our study period)
occurred during night VFR flight in single-engine helicopters flown
by a single pilot. Spatial disorientation at night or inadvertent
flight into non-VFR weather conditions is thought to have been a
major contributor in these accidents.18,19,21 A 2002 review of HEMS
safety in the US by the Air Medical Physician Association17 reported
that a disproportionate number of accidents occur at night, and
during “on scene” transports (primary retrievals). They also noted
that more than 85% of weather-related HEMS accidents occurred at
night. Our observations appear to be consistent with international
experience, and we believe that patient transport by VFR helicopters
in inclement weather or at night cannot be supported.

One of the major difficulties encountered in this study was that
Australia does not have a centralised compulsory reporting system for
HEMS flying hours and for the number of patients transported. This
makes accurate assessment of HEMS accident rates and patient risk
difficult. We recommend establishment of a centralised national
database as a means of monitoring HEMS activity and safety.
1 Australian helicopter emergency medical services, 1992–2002

Year    Missions Patients Flying hours  Accidents
1992    1 278   1 278   1 707   0
1993    1 755   1 755   2 423   1
1994    1 809   1 769   2 882   0
1995    2 213   2 199   3 233   0
1996    3 637   3 609   4 784   0
1997    4 364   4 343   5 567   1
1998    5 838   5 838   7 962   0
1999    6 817   6 526   9 057   0
2000    7 582   7 257   10 347  1
2001    7 303   6 907   10 170  0
2002    7 568   6 982   10 303  0
Total   50 164  48 463  68 435  3
2 Australian helicopter emergency medical services activity, by
state, 1992–2002
Missions Patients Flying hours Accidents
NSW     21 336  21 336  32 421  0
QLD     16 899  16 795  23 199  3
VIC     9 524   7 829   8 720   0
SA      1 982   2 080   3 164   0
TAS     423     423     931     0
Total   50 164  48 463  68 435  3

3 Comparison of accident rates for different helicopter emergency
medical services
Helicopter emergency medical service        Period      Missions        Patients
transported     Flying hours    Accident rate per 100 000 flying hours 
                                        Fatal   Total
Australia (total)       1992–2002       50 164  48 463  68 435  1.46    4.38
Australia (excluding QLD)       1992–2002       33 265  31 668  45 236  0.00    
QLD government  1992–2002       8 532   8 532   11 212  0.00    0.00
QLD community   1992–2002       8 367   8 263   11 987  8.34    25.03
United States16 1982–1987       Not available   4.7     11.7
Germany16       1982–1987       Not available   4.1     10.9
United States17 1992–2001       Not available   1.69    4.83

4 Summary of HEMS accidents in Australia, 1992–200318-21
VFR = Visual Flight Rules: the helicopter is principally flown and
navigated by visual reference to ground features. The pilot must be
able to see at least 5 km and maintain 1.5 km horizontal and 1000
feet vertical separation from cloud. This may be reduced in some
circumstances for helicopters so that the pilot only has to be able
to see 800 m and remain clear of cloud. When flight cannot be
conducted under VFR, then Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) apply, with
the aircraft principally flown and navigated by reference to the
aircraft instruments and avionics. Not all aircraft are equipped for

We wish to thank the following for their support and for providing
data: Mr Rob Johnson, Director of Aviation Services, Queensland
Department of Emergency Services; Mr Jim Campbell, Chief Pilot,
Sunshine Coast Helicopter Rescue Service; Dr Ron Manning, Director
Medical Retrieval Unit, Ambulance Service of New South Wales; NT
Aerial Service; Mr Keith Young, Operations Manager, Air Ambulance
Victoria; Ms Jean Henley, Manager, The Tasmanian Air Rescue Trust; Ms
Roslyn Clermont, Corporate Information Officer, South Australian
Ambulance Service; Mr George Nadal, Australian Transport Safety
Bureau; Mr John Streeter, Bureau of Transport and Regional Economics,
Department of Transport and Regional Services. Special thanks to Ms
Alycia Snell for her assistance with collation and formatting.
1.      Bartolacci RA, Munford BJ, Lee A, McDougall PA. Air medical scene
response to blunt trauma: effect on early survival. Med J Aust 1998;
169: 612-616. <eMJA full text> <PubMed> 
2.      Jacobs LM, Gabram SG, Szrajnkrycer MD, et al. Helicopter air
medical transport: ten-year outcomes for trauma patients in a New
England program. Connecticut Med 1999; 63: 677-682. 
3.      Baxt WG, Moody P. The impact of a Rotorcraft aeromedical emergency
care service on trauma mortality. JAMA 1983; 249: 3047-3051. <PubMed>

4.      Lerner EB, Billittier AJ, Dorn JM, Wu YWB. Is total
out-of-hospital time a significant predictor of trauma patient
mortality? Acad Emerg Med 2003; 10: 949-954. <PubMed> 
5.      Thomas SH, Cheema F, Wedel SK, Thomson D. Trauma helicopter
emergency medical services transport: annotated review of selected
outcomes-related literature. Prehosp Emerg Care 2002; 6: 359-371.
6.      Hotvedt R, Kristiansen IS, Forde OH, et al. Which groups of
patients benefit from helicopter evacuations? Lancet 1996; 347:
1362-1366. <PubMed> 
7.      Arfken CL, Shapiro MJ, Bessey PQ, Littenberg B. Effectiveness of
helicopter versus ground ambulance services for interfacility
transport. J Trauma 1998; 45: 785-790. <PubMed> 
8.      Kurola J, Wangel M, Uusaro A, Ruokonen E. Paramedic helicopter
emergency service in rural Finland — do benefits justify the cost?
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2002; 46: 779-784. <PubMed> 
9.      Snooks HA, Nicholl JP, Brazier JE, Lees-Mlanga S. The costs and
benefits of helicopter emergency ambulance services in England and
Wales. J Public Health Med 1996; 18: 67-77. <PubMed> 
10.     Arfken CL, Shapiro MJ, Bessey PQ, Littenberg B. Effectiveness of
helicopter versus ground ambulance services for interfacility
transport. J Trauma 1998; 45: 785-790. <PubMed> 
11.     SAR, EMS and police directory. Heli-News Australasia 2001;
December: 40-41. 
12.     National Transportation Safety Board. Safety study: commercial
emergency medical service helicopter operations. NTSB/SS-88/01.
Washington, DC: NTSB, 1988. 
13.     Harris JS. US Hospital-based EMS helicopter accident rate
declines over the most recent seven year period. Helicopter Safety
1994; 20(4): 1-7. 
14.     Collett HM. Accident trends for air medical helicopters. Hospital
Aviation 1989; 8(2): 6-11. <PubMed> 
15.     De Lorenzo RA, Freid RL, Villarin AR. Army aeromedical crash
rates. Mil Med 1999; 164: 116-118. <PubMed> 
16.     Rhee KJ, Holmes EM, Moecke HP, Thomas FO. A comparison of
emergency medical helicopter accident rates in the United States and
the Federal Republic of Germany. Aviat Space Environ Med 1990; 61:
750-752. <PubMed> 
17.     Blumen IJ, UCAN Safety Committee, editors. Air medical physician
handbook, November 2002 supplement. Salt Lake City, Utah: Air Medical
Physician Association, 2002. 
18.     Air Safety Occurrence Report 200003130. Australian Transport
Safety Bureau, 16 May 2002. Available at: (accessed Oct 2004). 
19.     Air Safety Occurrence Report 199301330. Australian Transport
Safety Bureau, 9 Mar 1994. 
20.     Air Safety Occurrence Report 199701421. Australian Transport
Safety Bureau, 8 Sep 1998. Available at: (accessed Oct 2004). 
21.     Air Safety Occurrence Report 200304282. Australian Transport
Safety Bureau, 10 Jun 2004. Available at: (accessed Oct 2004). 
22.     Cunningham P, Rutledge R, Baker CC, Clancy TV. A comparison of
the association of helicopter and ground ambulance transport with the
outcome of injury in trauma patients. J Trauma 1997; 43: 940-946.
(Received 7 Jun 2004, accepted 11 Oct 2004)
Department of Emergency Medicine, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide,
Jim Holland, MB BS, Emergency Medicine Registrar. 
Department of Emergency Medicine, Townsville Hospital, Townsville,
David G Cooksley, MB ChB, FACEM, Emergency Physician. 
Correspondence: Dr D G Cooksley, Department of Emergency Medicine,
Townsville Hospital, PO Box 670, Townsville, QLD 4810.
AntiSpam note: To avoid spam, authors' email addresses are written
with AT in place of the usual symbol, and we have removed "mail to"
links. Replace AT with the correct symbol to get a valid address. 
©The Medical Journal of Australia 2005 Print ISSN:
0025-729X Online ISSN: 1326-5377


Editorial :

Safety of emergency medical service helicopters
Alan A Garner, Deanne M Keetelaar and Jeff Konemann 
MJA 2005; 182 (1): 12-13
Robust safety specifications and funding arrangements are needed
A recent review of the safety of helicopter emergency medical
services (HEMS) in the United States found that the risk of death for
a HEMS crewmember (per hour engaged in the activity) was similar to
that of rock climbers and skydivers.1 The study on the accident and
fatality rate of HEMS by Holland and Cooksley (page 17) in this issue
of the Journal2 is a timely reminder of the risks faced by HEMS crew
in Australia.

. . . at least one Australian state government is yet to conduct any
independent audits of its contracted HEMS operators . . .
Aviation safety, like patient safety, is a complex interaction of
systems, human factors and technology. Many of the lessons learned in
aviation in improving safety and management of risk, such as incident
reporting, crew resource management and simulator training, have
crossed over into medical practice. The underlying issues affecting
safety are similar, and are frequently unrelated to operator error.
Investigation of major incidents and accidents worldwide, in
industries such as transport, mining, and indeed health, has revealed
many common contributing factors identified as “latent conditions”,
or failures of the system.3 These include the lack of a positive
safety culture through poor governance, limited resources or
misallocation of resources. Blame for accidents often lies with
operator error, or active failures (slips, lapses and mistakes —
errors at the level of the frontline operator), but it is the
mitigation of latent failures that is likely to have the biggest
impact on safety.

HEMS in Australia operate in a risky environment for flight crew,
medical crew and patients alike, for several reasons. First, HEMS in
Australia are generally required to fulfill multiple roles,
performing critical care interhospital transfer, land-on-scene
response, hoist operations and search and rescue (SAR). In North
America and Europe, there is generally a distinction between hoist
and SAR operators and those who undertake interhospital transfers and
land-on-scene response. Second, Australian HEMS operations are
further complicated by the vast distances and the predominantly hot
conditions, which challenge both aircraft and crew performance.
All incidents with injuries or fatalities reported by Holland and
Cooksley2 were flights conducted in helicopters without sufficient
instrumentation for flight in cloud. Under the current regulatory
requirements, flight in such aircraft over water or in rural areas at
night is acceptable but is not viewed as best practice. Aircraft not
equipped to fly in cloud have much lower acquisition costs than
aircraft that are so equipped. Crew training and experience levels
are also substantially less. Such aircraft continue to be used for
HEMS in Australia, operating with minimal safety margins, as a result
of inadequate funding arrangements.

In Australia, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) certifies
aircraft operators to provide specified levels of service. However,
CASA certification does not necessarily mean a safe operator, any
more than accreditation by the Australian Council on Health Care
Standards means a safe hospital. Furthermore, the supervision
provided by CASA varies with the category of operation. HEMS is
situated at the lower end of the oversight spectrum by virtue of the
category of operations in which CASA has placed it, resulting in a
level of scrutiny that, given the complexity and risk involved, is
lower than perhaps required. Recategorisation of HEMS into a higher
category requiring higher standards of compliance, and hence scrutiny
by CASA, is probably appropriate.

However, effecting regulatory change is a slow process. Given the low
level of regulator scrutiny in some categories of aviation
operations, the industry has recognized a need to enforce its own
standards by commissioning aviation safety experts to conduct
independent safety audits. For example, in high-risk areas, such as
the off-shore oil industry, oil companies conduct independent safety
audits of contracted helicopter operators as frequently as every
couple of months. Although HEMS carry greater risk than off-shore oil
work, at least one Australian state government is yet to conduct any
independent audits of its contracted HEMS operators, despite this
being a requirement of contract.

Recent accidents in Australia2 have highlighted latent factors, such
as equipment and crewing issues. However, to operate the equipment
specified by either regulations or contracts, operators will only put
in place systems they can afford. Maintaining the high standards
mandated by this complex operating environment requires that health
systems work in partnership with HEMS providers to ensure robust
contract and auditing processes. This does not come without cost, and
adequate funding of HEMS needs to be accepted and achieved. Cost
cutting to ensure financial survival compromises the safety systems
that HEMS operators endeavor to put in place. These are designed to
mitigate error, and include hazard and incident reporting, training
and education, audit programs, and safety officer appointment.
Against this background, a group of community HEMS providers in NSW
and Queensland have commissioned, at their own expense, the
development of a safety and integrated risk-management framework for
HEMS. This is being facilitated by a specialized aviation
risk-management company, which has been responsible for the
development of similar programs for the Royal Australian Air Force,
commercial airlines, airports and other aviation organizations. This
program is a collaborative effort by HEMS operators to exceed
regulatory compliance and lead the way for best practice. The program
has subsequently expanded to a trans-Tasman initiative, with a number
of New Zealand operators joining the consortium. The framework will
be formally launched in February 2005.
Robust safety specifications and funding arrangements are essential
to ensure that HEMS operations in Australia are performed at a more
appropriate level.

1.      Blumen I, and the UCAN Safety Committee. A safety review of risk
assessment in air medical transport. Supplement to the Air Medical
Physician Handbook, November 2002. Salt Lake City, Utah: Air Medical
Physician Association, 2002. 
2.      Holland J, Cooksley DG. Safety of helicopter aeromedical transport
in Australia: a retrospective study. Med J Aust 2005; 182: 17-19. 
3.      Reason J. Human error: models and management. BMJ 2000; 320:
768-770. <PubMed> 
(Received 11 Oct 2004, accepted 4 Nov 2004) 
NRMA CareFlight/NSW Medical Retrieval Service, Sydney, NSW.
Alan A Garner, FACEM, MSc, Medical Chairman; Jeff Konemann, CFS,
Training and Safety Manager. 
Aerosafe Risk Management, Sydney, NSW.
Deanne M Keetelaar, Risk Adviser. 
Correspondence: Dr Alan A Garner, NRMA CareFlight/NSW Medical
Retrieval Service, PO Box 159, Westmead, NSW 2145.
AntiSpam note: To avoid spam, authors' email addresses are written
with AT in place of the usual symbol, and we have removed "mail to"
links. Replace AT with the correct symbol to get a valid address. 

--- SMU-L
Bonne annee a tous!

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