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Updated: 01-28-2005 09:58:24 AM

Customers of Widely Used AED Notified to Check Energy Setting 



Lifepak 12 Defibrillator.
Russell J. Dinnage
Firehouse.Com News

An urgent notification issued January 14 for the Lifepak 12
defibrillator/monitors series with Adaptiv biphasic technology by the
maker Medtronic Emergency Response Systems has alerted numerous first
responder units and hospitals nationwide of the risk of a potentially
fatal equipment malfunction. 

If the Lifepak 12 with Adaptiv biphasic technology has recently
undergone an operating software reinstallation or upgrade then the
factory default level of joules when the unit is turned on may be
lowered. The factory default level of joules for the Lifepak 12 with
Adaptiv biphasic technology is 200. However, due to the operating
software reinstallation or upgrade, the level of joules may be set at
a default of 125 at start-up resulting in inappropriate energy
delivery and failure of the device to escalate energy when configured
to do so. 

Two reports of malfunctioning Lifepak 12 with Adaptiv biphasic
technology defibrillators have been received by Medtronic, one
involving a death. The lowered amount of energy may not be readily
apparent to the user until the time of use unless the user is
directly observing the displayed energy being delivered, according to
the notification. 

The most common areas of placement and use for the Lifepak 12 with
Adaptiv biphasic technology is with paramedics, ambulance crews,
EMTs, fire trucks, and in hospital emergency rooms and fire stations.

In particular, large metropolitan area fire departments may be at
high risk since the Lifepak 12 with Adaptiv biphasic technology is
widely distributed in cities, according to a Medtronic technical

"Every fire department or emergency responder has a different
protocol for their usage of the device," said Joyce Szymanski, a
public relations manager with Medtronic. "Some customers set their
device at 200, some set it at 125 or 100. The purpose of the
notification was to alert users to go back and check to make sure the
correct amount of joules was being used." 

Szymanski also reiterated that the malfunction only occurs with the
Lifepak 12 with Adaptiv biphasic technology which was first
manufactured in 1999. 

"We know that the malfunction affects 7,000 customers and 40,000
devices worldwide," Szymanski said. "Owners of Lifepak automated
external defibrillators used in any public or private settings, as
well as users of any other Lifepak defibrillator used in hospitals,
are not required to take action as a result of this issue." 

See the links below for a copy of the Medtronic Device Notification
and for contact information for Medtronic.

--- SMU-L
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