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C'est vrai que selon les études on a tous tendance a hyperventiler
les Pts intuber.
Encore plus en situation de réanimation initiales
Et encore plus en milieu préhosp

... la prémisse étant qu'ils sont acidotique de toute façon et cela
ne peut pas nuire ! ?

Ça l'air qu'on s'est encore gouré ! ?

Charles Brault

Apr 5, 2004

Hyperventilation during CPR may be deadly

Dallas, TX - A new study has identified a tendency by emergency
services (EMS) personnel to hyperventilate patients during
resuscitation (CPR) of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. A follow-up
study showed ventilation rates similar to those used in the field
in increased intrathoracic pressures, decreased coronary perfusion 
pressures, and reduced survival.

The report appears online as a rapid access publication, and will be 
published in the April 27, 2004 issue of 

"Oxygenating the patient has always been a fundamental mainstay of 
resuscitative efforts, and until now, there has been no known
effect," of hyperventilation, lead author Dr Tom P Aufderheide
College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee) told heartwire. The overall survival
from cardiac arrest in the United States is only about 5%, he said. 
"Excessive ventilation may be contributing to that poor outcome."

Coauthor of the study was Dr Keith G Lurie (University of Minnesota, 

The threat of positive pressure

The new observation was an incidental finding during the process of a

completely different study, Aufederheide said. Researchers were 
accompanying rescuers on calls, measuring the number and duration of 
ventilations given. After seven patients, they noticed that the mean 
ventilation rate was about 37 breaths per minute, much higher than
the 12 
to 15 breaths per minute recommended by current American Heart
guidelines for patients with a secured airway during CPR.

Training was then offered to the EMS personnel stressing the need for
lower ventilation rate, the authors note. In the subsequent six
ventilations fell to about 22 breaths per minute. However,
were also a slightly longer duration after training, about 1.18
seconds per 
breath compared with 0.85 seconds prior to training, meaning that the

percentage of time that a positive pressure was recorded in the lungs
still about 47%. No patient in this small sample survived.

During the decompression phase in CPR, the researchers explain, a
vacuum is 
created within the chest, drawing venous blood back to the heart.
ventilations mean that less blood returns to the right heart between 
compressions, potentially reducing the effectiveness of CPR.

To look at the consequences of excessive ventilation on outcomes,
they went 
on to study a cardiac arrest model in pigs, attempting to replicate
effects of the same rates of hyperventilation seen in the patients.
ventilated at higher rates had lower survival, as well as
increased mean intrathoracic and decreased coronary perfusion

Survival in an animal model of CPR by ventilation rate (breaths per

"Additional education of CPR providers is urgently needed to reduce
newly identified and deadly consequences of hyperventilation during
the researchers conclude. "Any individual who performs CPR as a part
their professional practice should monitor ventilation rates during
arrest, and limit them to 12 breaths per minute," Aufderheide said.

"This is the first paper of its kind documenting the potentially 
detrimental effects of hyperventilation, and will really be valuable
targeting further research," Dr Mary Fran Hazinski (PhD, Vanderbilt 
University Medical Center, Nashville, American Heart Association
Cardiac Care Program) told heartwire.


1. Aufderheide TP, Sigurdsson G, Pirrallo RG, et al. 
Hyperventilation-induced hypotension during cardiopulmonary
Circulation 2004; 109:DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000126594.79136.61.


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