Hello dear snapcraft,

I have been working with the syncthing main dev, Jakob Borg, to make a
syncthing snap. If you want to join the early adopters, $ sudo snap install
syncthing --edge

He has been really nice, digging into snaps and providing valuable
feedback. We have something that works, but there are some rough edges.

One small detail that will cause pain to the syncthing users is that $HOME
is assigned to $SNAP_USER_DATA. In a service to sync files, you are usually
synchronizing things from your user home. Wouldn't it make sense to keep
the real user $HOME if the command has the home plug?
There is a section on the syncthing interface where you can type ~, and
that's expanded to your home. It's both unexpected and uncomfortable to get
that expanded to /home/elopio/snap/syncthing/common.

One big detail that I don't know how to solve is that syncthing is usually
autostarted as a user service, not a system wide service running as root.
How are we going to support this use case?

And finally, more like a general roadmap request/question: The home
interfaces is not enough for this application. You might want to
synchronize something in /media, a different partition, or any other file
that's accessible by the user. After talking with Jacob I realized that the
synchronization story is similar to the one for editors, because you might
want to touch any file in your system, including dotfiles. It would be nice
to get an explanation of how we plan to support these stories with snaps.

pura vida.
Let me know if the syncthing snap works for you.
¡paz y baile!
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