Re: Relationship between snaps and containers, if any

2017-01-26 Thread Gustavo Niemeyer
It seems that the most common way to deploy Docker is by mapping ports out of the private IP addresses into the local host's public IP, which means it's completely analogous to multiple processes in the same host. Even when assigning the docker container to an external IP, a commonly recommended

Re: Relationship between snaps and containers, if any

2017-01-25 Thread Luther Goh Lu Feng
Thanks Mark, your explanation is clear. But I am also thinking along similar lines to Gustavo's suggestion of running a snap multiple times, and wondering if that is the same as having multiple docker processes. -- Luther On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 10:13 PM, Gustavo Niemeyer

Re: Relationship between snaps and containers, if any

2017-01-25 Thread Gustavo Niemeyer
Interesting.. I actually don't see that line between snaps and Docker. Just like you can run "docker run mysql" several times, one may run "mysnap.mysql" several times. In both cases the daemon will be visible to the external world via a separate port of the local host's public IP address. In both

Re: Relationship between snaps and containers, if any

2017-01-25 Thread Mark Shuttleworth
The best way to think of this is to know that snaps are GREAT when you have a precise 1:1 relationship between "machines" and "running instances". And Docker is GREAT when you want an elastic relationship. So for example, if you want a MySQL "appliance" on a device, there will only ever be 1

Re: Relationship between snaps and containers, if any

2017-01-25 Thread Loïc Minier
Hi Luther! Docker containers and snaps are different but sometimes overlap in solving certain classes of technical problems. For instance, "software distribution" as a broad problem is addressed by both snaps and Docker containers, but with very different implementations. First of all, yes you

Relationship between snaps and containers, if any

2017-01-24 Thread Luther Goh Lu Feng
I seek clarity in understanding how docker containers are different from snaps. The question originated as I pondered if docker containers are the equivalent of snaps. Is there a blog post or FAQ somewhere that already addresses this? I also read this article[1], though dated, mentions docker