On Saturday, October 15, 2005, 12:33:47 PM, Rick wrote:

RH> My only concern is that all of this was being caught by Sniffer before and
RH> all of a sudden very little of it is being caught. We are told that they are
RH> working on it to get it fixed but we are getting slammed by customers
RH> telling us we are not catching any spam.

RH> Any help in a solution other than greylisting would be really appreciated.


I checked your license by your domain and found that it has expired.

We will have sent you a renewal notice in the first week of Semptember
and we did not get a response.

Pleaes send a note to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will send you an
invoice you can pay online to renew.

Updates for your account have been off since 20051005.

Hope this helps,


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