Hello folks,

I'm posting the final beta for version 2-3.
You can get it at the following location:


This version still spits out some monitoring data - the final production version will have this removed - but there will be no other changes (hopefully). This beta has all of the V2-3 features implemented.

Some of the nicest (I think) are:

- Stable Persistent Server Instance w/ Command Line controls.
- Command line log rotation.
- A shorter logging format is available.
- RulePanic feature for handling critical FP problems.

This version has been running and stable for the past few hours in testing and on our NT test server and appears solid as a rock. Please let me know how it does for you. Here is the major feature list from an excerpt in the main source file...

// 20040406 _M - Finished feature set for V2-3b2. This is the production candidate for
// verison 2-3. Features now compete:
// * Persistent Server Instance Capability
// * Implemented configuration file for extended features.
// * Three logging modes - Full, NoDups, SingleLine.
// * Command line rotate feature - active log renamed & timestamped: sniffer rotate
// * Command line reload feature for persistent server instances: sniffer reload
// * Command line stop feature for persistent server instances: sniffer stop
// * Tunable persistent server lifetime - program exit after ### secs.
// * Tunable instance persistence - program reload after ### secs.
// * Tunable max job polling time - dynamic from 0ms to ### msecs.
// * Implemented RulePanic table - temporarily block chronic FP rules.

The distribution contains a win32 executable (P2 or better) as well as the source which _should_ compile on any linux or bsd system (I didn't test it - but I don't expect any trouble.)

It would be a good idea for all users to take a look at the testbed in this distribution. There is a full configuration file with a good deal of documentation and some .CMD files the show how to use the new reload, rotate, and stop command line options for persistent servers.

We will create documentation on our web site once this moves from beta to production.

This version installs just like the usual sniffer executable and will act just like it (except for log format features if you wish). The real benefits happen when you launch an additional instance of the program as a persistent server. See the previous thread on this. There are a lot of ways to do this including running it as a service using the win2k toolkit, or one of many third party utilities.


http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00165.html

Everyone please report back. If there are no errors or problems for a few days then I will strip out the monitoring code and create the final 2-3 distribution.

Good Luck!

This E-Mail came from the Message Sniffer mailing list. For information and (un)subscription instructions go to http://www.sortmonster.com/MessageSniffer/Help/Help.html

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