Quick update. I found a few false positives (about 1 in 50,000 messages) and as a result I modified things a little and added a few more checks for supposedly rather unique patterns. The new version is attached. Unless there is a problem I probably won't update it any more, but I felt that it was a good idea to share the update to prevent the possibility of problems. The new version is attached.


Matt wrote:

Attached is something that I coded up last night for this guy. It's designed to be not totally dependant on one pattern so that it might have some longevity. His forging of a Microsoft format is quite good, but he does make mistakes and does leave patterns, some of which can be tagged with a standard Declude filter, but VBScript could do it even better and even less specifically. Nevertheless, this filter hits 100% of the time right now, levies very heavy points despite being variable, and I haven't seen a false positive yet due to the way that it was designed to operate. Note, the scores are based on a system that holds at a score of 10.


--- Global.cfg ---
FORGEDPILLSPAMMER filter C:\IMail\Declude\Filters\ForgedPillSpammer.txt x 5 0


MailPure custom filters for Declude JunkMail Pro.



# Disable when it comes from an IP that is in the MX record just for safety 
since this targets zombies.

# Prerequisites for spam pattern.  Note that the spammer is near perfect for 
the headers.
HEADERS         END     NOTCONTAINS     X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft 
HEADERS         END     NOTCONTAINS     To: "
HEADERS         END     NOTCONTAINS     From: "
BODY            END     NOTCONTAINS     This is a multi-part message in MIME 

# X-Unsent header is not something that you see in E-mail after it leaves 
HEADERS         1       CONTAINS        X-Unsent: 1

# Microsoft should insert a double line break before the end of the text and 
the start of the boundary.
BODY            1       CONTAINS        . ------=_NextPart_
BODY            2       CONTAINS        day. ------=_NextPart_

# Start of boundary is always the same recently.
BODY            3       CONTAINS        NextPart_000_0008_01C53DE2.
BODY            3       CONTAINS        NextPart_000_0008_01C54072

# Original Message within a tag.
BODY            1       CONTAINS        >   <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt 
arial">----- Original Message -----

# Dead giveaway for Pharmacy spam (non-obfuscated part).
BODY            3       CONTAINS        yByMail
BODY            3       CONTAINS        By-Mail
BODY            3       CONTAINS        ByMAlL
BODY            1       CONTAINS        By MAIL S

# This line is too long for Outlook in quoted-printable format.
BODY            3       CONTAINS        <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type 
content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"> <META content

# Uses tables for obfuscation.
BODY            3       CONTAINS        <TD><FONT face=3DArial 
size=3D4></FONT></TD>     <TD rowSpan=3D2><FONT face=3DArial size=3D4>

# Subject is always Re:.
HEADERS         1       CONTAINS        Subject: Re: 

# Body does text/html as us-ascii.
BODY            1       CONTAINS        Content-Type: text/html;        

# Quoted-printable line ended too early in body
BODY            3       CONTAINS        > <DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Hello, = Would

# Text or code patterns uncommon in Outlook generated E-mails
BODY            1       CONTAINS        save up to
BODY            1       CONTAINS        on the Net!
BODY            1       CONTAINS        size=3D4>&nbsp;C</FONT></TD>
BODY            1       CONTAINS        &nbsp;and&nbsp;many&nbsp;
BODY            1       CONTAINS        <BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20 

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