[sniffer] Re: Announcing ClamAID - Clam AV installer for windows.

2009-02-02 Thread K. Mitchell
At 12:49 2/2/2009 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello Sniffer Folks,
>We've noticed that folks often have trouble getting Clam AV (the free
>open source anti-virus scanner) working correctly on their mail
>servers, so we've created a free product to help solve that. ClamAID
>(Clam AV Assisted Install Device).
>What ClamIAD does is collect all of the bits and pieces that make
>ClamAV work, configure them, install them, and get them running with
>your email / filtering platform.
>So far ClamAID supports IceWarp, Declude/IMail, and
>We will add support for additional platforms as requested (time

Is an mxGuard/IMail version in the works?

Kirk Mitchell-General Managermi...@keyconn.net
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[sniffer] Re: SPAM Storm?

2007-03-19 Thread K Mitchell
At 06:19 PM 3/19/2007 -0400, Computer House Support wrote:
>Is it me, or is there an unbelievable spam storm going on this 

  We got a fairly heavy burst this afternoon originating from an APNIC
210.x.x.x block.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[sniffer] Sniffer as passthrough filter

2007-03-08 Thread K Mitchell
  I've been running Message Sniffer here with IMail and mxGuard for a
number of the domains we service. I have another customer that runs their
own Exchange server, and wishes to continue doing so, but inquired as to
the possibility of us doing pass-through filtering for them. Is this
possible with the setup I have?


Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[sniffer] Re: DNSBL

2007-02-28 Thread K Mitchell
At 03:19 PM 2/28/2007 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c c:\imail\isplcln -n 5 -l 10
>Above is the command I use in scheduled tasks.  Make sure you have 
>ispcln.exe on your system.  I can't remember whether it came with 
>Imail or I had to download it somewhere.

  Looking through IPSwitch's support knowledgebase, it appears that
isplcln.exe has been part of IMail since 5.x, but I was never aware of it.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[sniffer] Re: DNSBL

2007-02-28 Thread K Mitchell
At 01:16 PM 2/28/2007 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>You definitely want to be running in persistent mode.
>I automated that whole process a while back after upgrading to 
>Win2003.  It deletes the .tmp & .gse files a couple times per 
>day.  It flushes out the spool and spam folder for anything older 
>than 5 days.  In the good ol' days,  I used to manually do all that 
>at least once a day.  The old 2000 install had some corrupt files and 
>I couldn't automate anything, yuck!

  I'm still on Win2k. I've been able to automate emptying the mx-pid folder
periodically, downloading sniffer updates, and uploading/dating sniffer
logs nightly. I could also automate dumping the .tmp and .gse files
periodically(may give that shot), not sure how I could do the clean out
files after 5 days thing though. I'm assuming you're talking about the
scattered extra .smd files.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Altoona, PA  814-941-5000   http://www.keyconn.net

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[sniffer] Re: DNSBL

2007-02-28 Thread K Mitchell
At 07:19 PM 2/28/2007 +0100, Alberto Santoni wrote:
>does someone have heavy problems with the DNSBLs? 
>I have Imail server 2006.1 + mxguard + messagesniffer and it is since
>about a week that my server has almost always the CPU at 100%.
>I have stopped the check for all DNSBL but nothing has changed!

- What makes you suspect DSNBL?
- Have you seen an increase in the overall number of messages going through?
- Are you using the sniffer persistant instance?

- Check to see that the imail\spool\mx-pid folder isn't filling up. I'm
running IMail 7.06/mxGuard/Message Sniffer and at times when I've had
problems the solution has been to empty that mx-pid folder.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Altoona, PA  814-941-5000   http://www.keyconn.net

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[sniffer] Re: Transition to new deliver server completed. Watch Out For The Minor Changes!

2007-01-05 Thread K Mitchell
At 05:07 PM 1/4/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>Hello Message,
>  So far the upgrade seems to have gone off with only one minor hitch.

My rulebase updates are going fine, but my log uploads are now hanging at;
Connecting to... failed!

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
Altoona, PA  814-941-5000   http://www.keyconn.net

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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-08 Thread K Mitchell
At 12:37 AM 12/9/2006 -0500, K Mitchell wrote:
>wput -nd licenseID_*.log ftp://snifferlog:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Sorry, this line now becomes:

wput -nd licenseID.log ftp://snifferlog:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
Altoona, PA  814-941-5000   http://www.keyconn.net

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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-08 Thread K Mitchell
At 09:35 PM 12/8/2006 -0500, K Mitchell wrote:
>  I've just finished putting mine all together. Each of the components have
>been tested individually, tonight shortly after midnight will be the first
>test of it in it's entirety. In the way of explanation, here's what I'm
>doing each night shortly after midnight:
>- moving the current logfile to a subfolder, thus rotating the logfiles
>- renaming the file to add the date -this uses the Namedate utility I found
>at http://www.informatics-consulting.de/software/namedate.htm
>- uploading the file
>- moving the file to yet another subfolder -this is because the upload
>script uses * to cover the date variable, so it wouldn't be good to have 2
>or more dated files in the same folder
>- sending myself an email confirming that the process has completed

  This didn't quite work as planned. Apparently wput doesn't recognize
variables in the filename, so I had to swap some lines and do the upload
before the renaming to add the date. I had been hoping to date it before
sending so that, in the odd chance that my prior log hadn't been processed
yet, the new file would have a different name and upload with no problems.
I'll just have to hope that my logs get processed within 24 hours.

Here's the new .cmd file:

@echo off

cd c:\imail\sniffer
move c:\imail\sniffer\licenseID.log logs

cd c:\imail\sniffer\logs

wput -nd licenseID_*.log ftp://snifferlog:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

echo Log upload completed! >> sniffupld.txt

namedate /UYO-1Z:"ymd" "licenseID.log"

echo Log dated! >> sniffupld.txt

move c:\imail\sniffer\logs\licenseID_*.log sent

echo Log moved to Sent folder! >> sniffupld.txt

c:\imail\imail1 -f c:\imail\sniffer\logs\sniffupld.txt -s "Sniffer log
upload on %COMPUTERNAME%" -t [EMAIL PROTECTED] -u sniffer -h yourdomain.net

echo Confirmation emailed!

del c:\imail\sniffer\logs\sniffupld.txt


Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
Altoona, PA  814-941-5000   http://www.keyconn.net

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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-08 Thread K Mitchell
At 09:35 PM 12/8/2006 -0500, K Mitchell wrote:
>At 02:11 AM 12/9/2006 -, Serge wrote:
>>Hi Pete & all
>>after >> 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
>>I am getting
>>425 connection failed
>>Is this another FW issue ?
>>would you please share the batch & script you use with wput to upload logs 
>>on pasv mode

Forgot to add in my previous post; I used the wputrc file included with
wput to make a wput.ini file in which I specified PASV

;connection_mode = pasv

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
Altoona, PA  814-941-5000   http://www.keyconn.net

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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-08 Thread K Mitchell
At 02:11 AM 12/9/2006 -, Serge wrote:
>Hi Pete & all
>after >> 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
>I am getting
>425 connection failed
>Is this another FW issue ?
>would you please share the batch & script you use with wput to upload logs 
>on pasv mode

  I've just finished putting mine all together. Each of the components have
been tested individually, tonight shortly after midnight will be the first
test of it in it's entirety. In the way of explanation, here's what I'm
doing each night shortly after midnight:

- moving the current logfile to a subfolder, thus rotating the logfiles
- renaming the file to add the date -this uses the Namedate utility I found
at http://www.informatics-consulting.de/software/namedate.htm
- uploading the file
- moving the file to yet another subfolder -this is because the upload
script uses * to cover the date variable, so it wouldn't be good to have 2
or more dated files in the same folder
- sending myself an email confirming that the process has completed

** I'd be happy to hear comments or tips if anyone has any.

THE CMD FILE(located in c:\imail\sniffer\logs):

@echo off

cd c:\imail\sniffer
move c:\imail\sniffer\licenseID.log logs

cd c:\imail\sniffer\logs

namedate /UYO-1Z:"ymd" "licenseID.log"

echo Log dated! >> sniffupld.txt

wput -nd licenseID_*.log ftp://snifferlog:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

echo Log upload completed! >> sniffupld.txt

move c:\imail\sniffer\logs\licenseID_*.log sent

echo Log moved to Sent folder! >> sniffupld.txt

c:\imail\imail1 -f c:\imail\sniffer\logs\sniffupld.txt -s "Sniffer log
upload on %COMPUTERNAME%" -t [EMAIL PROTECTED] -u sniffer -h yourdomain.net

echo Confirmation emailed!

del c:\imail\sniffer\logs\sniffupld.txt


  This is all in a upload.cmd file I'l set to run shortly after midnight
via Task Scheduler.
*NOTE: The Namedate command includes the variable O-1 which makes the name
1 day before the current date. I did this so the logfile name reflects the
actual day the log covers.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
Altoona, PA  814-941-5000   http://www.keyconn.net

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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-08 Thread K Mitchell
At 01:51 AM 12/8/2006 -0500, Matt wrote:

Got that working, thanks.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-07 Thread K Mitchell
At 11:16 PM 12/7/2006 -0700, Jay Sudowski - Handy Networks LLC wrote:
>Give this a try: http://www.ncftp.com/download/

  Just did about 5 minutes ago. It won't run without specifying a
destination directory, and sortmonster ftp won't allow any directory settings.

Thanks though  :o)

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-07 Thread K Mitchell
At 09:36 PM 12/7/2006 -0700, Jay Sudowski - Handy Networks LLC wrote:
>You will very likely need to use passive mode then, as TCP Port
>filtering works very much the same way as a firewall, at least as it
>applies to FTP.

Any recommendations on a command line PASV-capable FTP client?

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-07 Thread K Mitchell
At 10:22 PM 12/7/2006 -0500, Pete McNeil wrote:
>Hello K,
>>   At this point it just hangs, no transfer occurring. In the event that it
>> might be transferring but not displaying the hash marks, I left it sit for
>> over 30 minutes(10mb logfile)...nothing. I'm not sure what else to try.
>What you've described usually goes along with a firewall problem.
>Firewalls and FTP are always a challenge. What seems to be happening
>is that the command channel is working fine, but when it's time to set
>up the data channel that fails- and so you don't get any data.

  There is no firewall. I have TCP port filtering set up on the machine,
but both 20 and 21 are open.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[sniffer] Re: Uploading problems

2006-12-07 Thread K Mitchell
At 06:53 PM 12/3/2006 -0500, Pete McNeil wrote:
>Hello K,
>FTP access for log files is restricted for security reasons. The
>information your provide below shows you attempting to do a number of
>things that are not allowed - for example, directory listings. It is
>possible that the system disconnected you for security reasons
>(thought I doubt it).
>Uploading log files should be very simple.

  That's what I thought, but for some reason it no longer works as well as
it used to. Up until a couple of months ago, I never had any issues
uploading logfiles. Then I started getting periodic transfer failures that
increased in frequency until I'm at the point now where nothing seems to work.

>Connect, login, put your file.

  Since my FTP program hasn't seemed to be able to get log files uploaded,
I tried uploading via the command prompt on my mail server...

ftp> open ftp.sortmonster.net
Connected to www.sortmonster.net.
220 Hello.
User (www.sortmonster.net:(none)):
331 Please specify the password.

230 Login successful.
ftp> bin
200 Switching to Binary mode.
ftp> hash
Hash mark printing On  ftp: (2048 bytes/hash mark) .
ftp> send mylogfile061203.log
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Ok to send data.

  At this point it just hangs, no transfer occurring. In the event that it
might be transferring but not displaying the hash marks, I left it sit for
over 30 minutes(10mb logfile)...nothing. I'm not sure what else to try.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Keystone Connect Unlock Your World
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[sniffer] Uploading problems

2006-12-03 Thread K Mitchell
  Still having issues uploading my log files. Sometimes the uploads go
smoothly, other times it starts the transfer, then errors out partway
through. Here's a log of yet another failed transfer;

connecting to
Connected to port 21
220 Hello.
USER snifferlog
331 Please specify the password.
PASS (hidden)
230 Login successful.
550 Permission denied.
215 UNIX Type: L8
Host type (S): UNIX (standard)
200 Switching to ASCII mode.
PORT 63,175,74,17,12,152
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
550 Permission denied.
! Retrieve of folder listing failed (0)
sending logfile01.log as logfile01.log (1 of 2)
200 Switching to Binary mode.
PORT 63,175,74,17,12,154
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
STOR logfile01.log
150 Ok to send data.
! Send error: connection reset
Transmitted 27779584 bytes in 930.4 secs, (292.72 Kbps), transfer failed
! Receive error: Blocking call cancelled

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[sniffer] Increase in spam

2006-10-18 Thread K Mitchell
  I've been seeing a massive increase in spam over the last 2 days getting
through with minimal scores. Could this be due to the drawback of the
filter involved with false positives, or something else?

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[sniffer] Log uploading issues

2006-10-11 Thread K Mitchell
  In order to keep my log files more orderly, I rotate them at 12:01 each
morning with the previous day's log named for that day. Every few days I
manually upload them to ftp.sortmonster.net  File sizes run 8-11mb on average.
  Until recently, I've never had any noticible issues doing it this way.
Recently, however, I've been getting a large number of stuck uploads and
transfer failures. Nothing's changed at my end of the transfer; same FTP
client, same settings. Has something changed at your end that I need to
take into account.

Kirk Mitchell-General Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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