Hi Jim,

not terribly complicated. Chances are, you have most of it in place.  Here
I'll dissect the script  that I use.  It incorporates conditional and
compressed downloads, detection of corrupted/incomplete rule-base downloads,
regular uploading of log files to Sniffer server and weekly deleting of log

A) if you're using CURL to download, make sure you use the -R -z -H options.
Here the sample (must be all in one line):

curl http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/[MyLicenseCode].snf 
   -o [MyLicenseCode].snf.gz 
   -s -S 
   -R -z [MyLicenseCode].snf 
   -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" 
   -u sniffer:ki11sp8m

B) if you're using WGET to download, make sure you use the -N and -header
options.  Here the sample (must be all in one line):

wget -N http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/[MyLicenseCode].snf 
   -O [MyLicenseCode].snf.gz 
   --http-user=sniffer --http-passwd=ki11sp8m 

C) Use conditional statements to see if any new updates were downloaded,
then use GZIP to uncompress the file and then validate the file:

if exist [MyLicenseCode].snf.gz goto :Check
goto :EOF
REM Unpack and validate new Sniffer rulebase
move /Y "C:\[MySnifferFolder]\Win32\[MyLicenseCode].snf.gz"
gzip.exe -d -f -N C:\[MySnifferFolder]\[MyLicenseCode].snf.gz"
snf2check.exe C:\[MySnifferFolder]\[MyLicenseCode].snf [MyLicensePassword]
if errorlevel 1 goto :EOF

This will move the .gz file to a temporary folder, uncompress and validate
the .snf rule base.
If no file was downloaded or if it is not a valid rule base, it will abort
the script.

D) I like to keep a backup of my rule base, and then I replace and activate
the new rule base:

if exist [MyLicenseCode].snf.bak erase [MyLicenseCode].snf.bak
rename [MyLicenseCode].snf [MyLicenseCode].snf.bak
move /Y "C:\[MySnifferFolder]\[MyLicenseCode].snf"
[MyLicenseCode].exe reload

E) Finally - I upload my logs to the good Sniffer folks, as requested and
delete old log files after a week.

ftp -n -s:C:\[MySnifferFolder]\SnifferUpload.txt ftp.sortmonster.net
[MyLicenseCode].exe rotate
forfiles -m*.log.* -d-7 -v -c"cmd /c erase @FILE"

F) Add this script to a program alias, e.g.:


and register that alias with Sniffer for automatic updates.  If you don't
want to trust/rely on just one mechanism, also schedule 


every two hours based on the staggered times listed here:


Other than a quick HTTP "header" check to see if a new file exists every two
hours, you would not cause any loss of bandwidth for the Sniffer folks.  If
your bi-hourly update DOES download something, then their nofitications
either didn't reach you or were late.

Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

H&M Systems Software, Inc.
600 East Crescent Avenue, Suite 203
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458-1846

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Jim Matuska
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 01:51 PM
To: sniffer@SortMonster.com
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [sniffer] Sniffer Updates

Does anyone have any good instructions on how to modify your update scripts
to use gzip?  

Jim Matuska Jr.
Computer Tech2, CCNA
Nez Perce Tribe
Information Systems

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