

Didn't realize I had been uninstalled for a few months. 


I saw that V3 was released, so I gave it a shot. I unzipped the installation
files to a new "/SNF" folder. All files were expanded into the same folder
(your zip file had not subfolders!).


Following the instructions I customized the XML files. 


I noticed THESE parameters:


    <node identity='D:/IMail/declude/SNF/identity.xml'>



            <log path='D:/IMail/declude/SNF/Log/'/>

            <rulebase path='D:/IMail/declude/SNF/Rulebase/'/>

            <workspace path='D:/IMail/declude/SNF/Workspace/'/>



I'm a believer in keeping different data in their distinct subfolders, so I
set up the /Log, /Rulebase and /Workspace subfolders by hand and updated the
XML file.


The I took a wild guess that SOME files would have to be moved into those
subfolders - but there are NO instructions WHAT files go WHERE for things to
actually work!


I found it annoying that further down in the same XML File was yet another
"path" that was NOT included in the "paths" node in the top of the XML file:


                           <update-script on-off='on'
call='D:/IMail/declude/SNF/getRulebase.cmd' guard-time='180'/>


Next I had to customize the "getRuleBase.cmd" - because it too does NOT
support the use of the rulebase/workspace paths. Here was yet ANOTHER place
where I had to manually configure the same path information again, as well
as the license key. Needless to say, I'm not a friend of having redundant
path information in several locations as this is an unnecessary source of


Through testing I determined that some more files had to be moved to certain
sub folders for things to work:


                UpdateReady.txt -> /Workspace

                GBUdbIgnoreList.text -> /Workspace

                Your .SNF -> /Rulebase


Then I had to further adapt the "getRuleBase.cmd" because throughout this
procedure, you need to prefix references to the rulebase and the
UpdateReady.* files with the appropriate paths for things to actually work.


At this point, I'm still no clear where the mingwm10.dll, exchndl.dll and
AuthenticationProtocol.swf need to reside! I didn't move them, but I'm not
sure if that creates a problem down the road.


Here are my suggestions:


a)      Snf_engine.xml should have one "ApplPath" parameter where I can just
define 'D:/IMail/declude/SNF'. Unless I OVERRIDE any of the other paths, it
should know the that by default the other "paths" are all assumed to be
below the ApplPath and no extra parameters are necessary:







b)      There should be a simple command line utility (e.g., "SNFClient.exe
-Paths")  to automatically create Environment Variables for the paths. This
way, this command can just be included at the beginning of the getRuleBase
script and one doesn't have to manually hardcode those same paths into yet
another location. 


PS: Here is my corrected version of the getRuleBase CMD file that looks for
the files in the correct subfolders:






REM ----- Edit This Section --------





SET AUTHENTICATION=authenticationxx

SET LICENSE_ID=licenseid


REM --------------------------------




if not exist %WORKSPACE_PATH%\UpdateReady.txt GOTO DONE


REM The next line may cause trouble if your system stops while this

REM script is running. It is not needed when this script is run

REM from SNF's <update-script/> feature since only one copy will run

REM at a time. However, if you are going to run a version of this

REM script as a scheduled task you will want to uncomment the next

REM line to make sure only one copy runs at a time-- just be sure to

REM clean out any stale .lck files after a restart.


REM if exist %WORKSPACE_PATH%\UpdateReady.lck GOTO DONE




COPY %WORKSPACE_PATH%\UpdateReady.txt %WORKSPACE_PATH%\UpdateReady.lck

wget http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/%LICENSE_ID%.snf -O
%RULEBASE_PATH%\%LICENSE_ID%.new.gz --header=Accept-Encoding:gzip
--http-user=sniffer --http-passwd=ki11sp8m


if exist %RULEBASE_PATH%\%LICENSE_ID%.new.gz gzip -d -f




if errorlevel 1 goto CLEANUP


if exist %RULEBASE_PATH%\%LICENSE_ID%.old del





if exist %WORKSPACE_PATH%\UpdateReady.txt del

if exist %WORKSPACE_PATH%\UpdateReady.lck del




if exist %RULEBASE_PATH%\%LICENSE_ID%.new del

if exist %WORKSPACE_PATH%\UpdateReady.lck del










Best Regards
Andy Schmidt

Phone:  +1 201 934-3414 x20 (Business)
Fax:    +1 201 934-9206 



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