[SNMP4J] [Question]about the TimeCheck:

2009-07-08 Thread wei tong
hi all,hi Frank, I read the following code and RFC,i knew the code implements the TimeWindow.but i cant understand clearly, why a Request with different EngineID can jump the time Check? that means if we using a snmptool to sent trap to local TrapReceiver, it will be refused

[SNMP4J] about the private mib

2009-07-08 Thread 宋学孟
hi all,hi Frank, public void initComm() throws IOException { targetAddress = GenericAddress.parse(udp:; // 设置接收trap的IP和端口 transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping(new UdpAddress()); CommunityTarget target = new CommunityTarget(); target.setCommunity(new